Sweeter than Fiction

Chapter 118

Was she?

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Guan felt incredulous and ridiculous. Disgusted, really?! How dare she? No one has ever been disgusted by his kiss in her his entire life except for her. Maybe he's just overthinking?

This won't do. He better voice this out and clarify things.

"Were you, perhaps, felt disgusted when I kissed you?"

Liu Yang finally responded and turned her blank face to him. "What? What do you mean? And what happened to your lips?"

He raised his brows. "This?" he said while pointing at his lip. "Now you're asking. That was a nice punch by the way," he grinned.

"Oh," she frowned. "Serves you right."

Liu Yang just realized that she punched him a while ago but she did not feel any remorse about it. He deserved that punch.

Guan laughed. Bemused by her statement, he could only shake his head.

"So, tell me the truth, were you disgusted by my kiss?"

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"Aren't you going to be at peace unless I tell you?"

He grinned and nodded. "Hmm."

Liu Yang sighed and felt helpless. This pervert! All he thinks about was that…kiss!

"No. Happy?"

Feeling doubtful, Guan probed, "Really? Then why did you vomited? Does my breath smell?" he secretly smelled his breath. It's fragrant. So why?

She felt a headache coming. This guy…

"Your breath does not smell. It was not… Let's not talk about it. It's in the past now, okay?"

What?! She wants to forget about it that just like as if nothing had happened? "Past? How could you say that so casually? It make sense!"

"Why are you making it a big deal as if it was your first kiss?" Liu Yang retorted. In fact, she was the one who had been taken advantage of and this guy reacts like the opposite.

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Stumped for words, Guan slumped on his seat and pinch the gap on his brows. "I won't forget about it."

"Then don't. No one is stopping you."

He frowned at her reaction. Why was she avoiding the topic? Guan wanted to ask her but is afraid to aggravate her feelings more. So, he decided to change the topic.

"Wanna go for a drink?"

Liu Yang's face darkened.

"Relax, I won't do anything reckless anymore. I promise. Please?" he begged with puppy eyes.

She bit he lip and felt guilty as she saw the clot on the corner of his mouth.

"Fine. But let's stop by a pharmacy to buy some ointment."

"Why? Are you hurt?"

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"Are you an idiot or something? It's for you."

"Oh." Guan started the car and could not help but smile and felt a tingling sensation inside his heart.


Su Bin left the Niu mansion and went straight to Yu Mei's apartment after Niu Yizhang ordered him to keep an eye Liu Yang.

As he entered her room, he saw a small figure curled up in a blanket and is sound asleep. Su Bin laid beside her and hugged her waist. Yu Mei felt his presence so she turned to face him and hugged him back.

"You're back," she whispered with a raspy voice. "How's the lunch?"

"Disaster," Su Bin answered with a sigh. "Have you read the text I sent you?" he stroked her silky smooth hair lovingly.

With her eyes close, Yu Mei shook her head. "What was it about?"

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"It's about Guan and Liu Yang."

"What about them?"

Su Bin hesitated. He knew Yu Mei would overreact about this especially if it's about Liu Yang.

"Say it." Yu Mei is now fully awake when she felt how he hesitated to speak.

"Uhm, when did they become so close?"

Raising her brow, she probed. "What do you mean?"

Seeing her like this, the hair on Su Bin's back raised and felt terrified. He took his phone out and showed her the photo of them.

Looking at it, Yu Mei narrowed her eyes. "What did your jerk cousin do to my sister?"

Right now, her mother instincts jumped out and wanted to protect her at all costs.
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