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As she was changing, she's thinking about what could be her dinner tonight. She went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She noticed that it's barely empty, except for some water. It's a Monday and she forgot to buy groceries. She only sighed at the sight. She glanced at her wrist, it's 7 in the evening. It'll take a few hours to go to the store and she got some work to do. Delivery? "Yes, delivery it is," she said and closed the fridge.

Liu Yang fish out her phone from her bag to order some food. She just ordered some light meal for tonight. The customer service said that it'll take thirty minutes for the delivery to arrive.

She lay on the sofa and play with Muse while waiting for the food. While patting the cat, her mind lingered to the face of the man on the bookstore this afternoon. Why is he so handsome? She really is drawn to him.

Even though he's only wearing some simple white shirt, it did not hide the fact how good looking he is. His face is perfect he should be an actor. In fact, he's much more handsome than any actor in Xinjiang. He's glistening eyes, it feels like magnet, you can get attracted to it. His pointed nose, his supple lips – what would be the feeling of being kissed all over with those? And those arms, they are so toned. What if he take off his shirt? Liu Yang can't help but bit her bottom lips subconsciously at her thoughts.

Ding dong!

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Liu Yang got startled at the sound of the door. What the fuck!? Am I having erotic thoughts about that guy!? She shook her head and grimaced. This can't be.

She fanned herself using her hand. Why is it so hot all of a sudden? Is the air conditioning broken or something?

Ding dong!

Shit! The door! That must be the food, she thought.

As Liu Yang paid the deliveryman, she sat at the dining table and started eating. After eating, she cleaned the table and go straight to her bedroom and brought Muse with her. She really have to at least write something about her novel tonight. Two months is a little too short for her. How she wished that it can extended.

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Once she opened her laptop, she started working, busying herself and erasing the dirty thoughts she was having awhile ago.


11:54 PM

Niu Guan Ning dumped his cigarette into the ash tray and rose from his seat. "Let's go." He told Su Bin.

Su Bin is glad. "Are we bar hopping now?"

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Guan Ning furrowed his brows and shook his head, "No. Why are we doing that? I'm tired."

"So, where are we going then?"

"Home of course. Here." He gave his black card to Su Bin indicating him to pay and turned for the door.

Su Bin grunted and is disappointed with his friend. "When did you become so boring?" he grimaced but he still accepted the card and looked at Guan Ning curiously. "Bro, did you forget that your father froze all your cards?"

Guan Ning stopped in his tracks and fished another card in his wallet. "Here use this. An alternative."

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Su Bin reached out for the card and arched his brow, "Where did you get this?"

"From my brother. He loved me that much," Guan Ning said playfully.

Su Bin chuckled, "As expected of Second Young Master Guan!"

Guan Ning smirked sheepishly, "You know I never lost my cool." He opened the door and exited the private room of the club.

As they headed for the parking lot, Su Bin mockingly said, "You better cherish your numbered days with your beloved Audi. She's gonna be mine, soon," he clicked his tongue and winked.

"You better do your job right or else I'll fire you before you we're able to start working at Yinyang," Guan Ning said with a stern face. He entered the car and drove away, leaving Su Bin pouting.

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