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Su Bin gulped. "Guan, I…I...I can explain," he said while stammering.

Exasperated, Guan Ning walked towards his car with Su Bin behind him. Before entering the driver's seat, he looked at Su Bin sternly. "After this, you have some explaining to do and it better be good. And find me the files about that collaboration. I want it tomorrow." Su Bin hurriedly nodded at him.

He grimaced, thinking about what Yu Jei had said. He never thought he'd find out about their relationship. They kept it a secret.

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Yinyang Enterprises and Yu International are considered not only as business rivals but also, their families to have gone at war ever since their forefathers. It is known to the public. The reason behind is still a mystery. Maybe that is the reason why Niu Guan Qing rejected the collaboration offered by Yu Jei. But why did he offer that collaboration in the first place? Su Bin is in deep thought.

The race is about to start. Guan Ning and Yu Jei are already at the starting line revving their engines up. A man stood in the middle of the starting line facing the two racers.

"Yo! People listen up!" he told the crowd in front of him. The crowd tone their voices down. "Tonight is an epic night. You're going to witness the battle of royalties! Are you ready!!"

The crowd gave a deafening cheer. The man continued, "Are you ready?" he pointed at Guan Ning who nodded. "Are you ready?" and pointed at Yu Jei, who only smirked and blew a kiss to the girls outside.

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The man raised his hands in the air. He shouted, "3, 2, 1…Go!!"

The two stepped on the gas pedal, gaining full speed, leaving dust behind them. A drone can be seen hovering above. The race is being streamed live through their phones.

Guan Ning looked to his left. He saw Yu Jei smirking his way, his jaw clenched. He can't let this asshole win tonight. There will be no collaboration. He must not let his brother down. As Guan Ning thought of his brother, his brother's words that morning rang through his ears.

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"I need to do this. For your sister-in-law. And for your future nephew or niece."

For your sister-in-law. Guan Ning felt pain in his left chest. He suddenly remembered the phone call. He suddenly remembered that night 11 years ago.

Guan Ning lost his focus on the road. He didn't notice the barricade ahead and run into it. His car abruptly turns into a stop. In his peripheral view, a blue Buick passes his way. He clearly saw Yu Jei smiling at him mockingly. Guan Ning angrily slammed his steering wheel.

Guan Ning immediately navigates his Audi back into the track. He steps on to the gas pedal and put on full speed.

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Yu Jei glanced at his rearview mirror. He shook his head and muttered to himself, "Not tonight, Guan Ning. Not tonight." He steps on the gas. He's nearing the finish line. He can make it. He smirked. Victory is going to be his!

Guan Ning tried to keep up. He can't lose tonight. He looked at his speedometer, 200km/h. He can do better, he thought. He switches the gear and stepped on to the gas pedal.

The race ended. The two racers arrived at the finish line one at a time.

Guan Ning arrived and steps out of his car. He walked towards Yu Jei who is waiting for him inside his Buick. The woman earlier is already at his side. Guan Ning stood beside the window, his jaw and hands clenching.

Yu Jei lowered his window. "Happy collaboration, CEO Niu," he said and extended his hand. He's smirking evilly at Guan Ning.

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