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Liu Yang woke up at the sound of the alarm, indicating that it's already 7 in the evening. She glanced at the person beside her who's still sound asleep.

"Li. Wake up." She shook him up but to no avail. "Li! Time to get up. We're going to be late."

"Hmmm. Just a little bit." Wan Li answered with a raspy voice.


A resounding slap landed at his bare back. "Ouch! What the hell is wrong with you?!" The slap caused him to be wide awake. A red handprint is visible behind his left shoulder.

Instead of hearing an explanation from her, Liu Yang shoved her phone in front of his face blinding his eyes. "What the hell?! What are you doing?"

"Look! I've missed a bunch of calls from Jun and Yu Mei."

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Wan Li rolled his eyes and got out of the bed. "And what about it?" he asked in exasperation. His voice a pitch higher than expected.

"Nothing. I'm just worried that they might be worried." Liu Yang answered casually, ignoring Wan Li's tone of voice.

Gritting his teeth, Wan Li head straight to the bathroom while muttering, "The fuck is wrong with her? She woke me up for nothing I wanted to choke her to death."

"You saying something?"

Wan Li froze for a second. Without facing Liu Yang, he said, "Nothing. I'm taking a shower now."

She just shrugged her shoulders and rummaged through her closet for her outfit tonight. Wan Li secretly glanced at Liu Yang and saw how busy she is. He heaved a sigh of relief and completely went inside the bathroom.

After an hour of prepping, the two are almost ready to go. Then they heard Wan Li's phone ringing. Answering the call, he puts the speaker on. "Yo, girl? What's up?"

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On the other line, Li Jun's angry voice flared up with a faint sound of some sort of music. "Where the hell are you two? It's 8 already! We're parched here waiting for you."

"We're on the way now. Don't worry we're almost there." Without hearing Li Jun's answer, he immediately hang up the call. "We better go now." He said in a hurried voice.


Galaxy Bar.

Since it's a Friday, the bar is already loaded with patrons. Galaxy Bar is known for its tight security in town. Though it's only an average bar where no social status is required, everyone must still go through security check.

At 8:35, Liu Yang and Wan Li arrived at the bar. After going through security, they march through the aisle passing and checking each table, looking for their best friends. Because of the dimmed lighting inside and their eyes are still adjusting to the darkness, they are having a hard time finding them.

"Why don't we call them instead of looking through each table? You know we look like a bunch of idiots here." Liu Yang suggested.

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As the bar is a bit crowded tonight, it is far too difficult for them. Wan Li is about to get his phone out of his pocket when it started to ring.

"Jun, we can't find you it's too crowded."

"Where you at?"

Wan Li furrowed his brows at the question. "Uh, inside the bar?"

On the other side of the line, Wan Li heard Li Jun grunt in frustration. "Where exactly, idiot?"

He laughed at him. "Okay, chill. We're near the counter."

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"I'm on my way."

Liu Yang is standing behind Wan Li. She saw the call ended and is about to stand beside when a male voice resonated behind her.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

She turns her head towards the voice and saw a man in his thirties sitting in the counter with a glass of wine in his hand looking at her. She could not see his face clearly because she's not wearing any glasses. Liu Yang noticed that there are no other girls around.

"Are you referring to me?" she asked with doubt.

The man gave a salacious grin and it gave a creepy vibe that made all of her hair rise. The man rose from his sit and is walking towards her. "Are you alone tonight? Care to join me? You'll enjoy it, promise."

Danger! Liu Yang thought. She subconsciously clutched her hands to her chest and took a step back. She heard the man chuckle.

"Don't be afraid. You're going to have fun with me."

Liu Yang's heart is about to get out of her chest. She's quivering from fear. This scene looks familiar. She took another step back and bumped into Wan Li's back.

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