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Liu Yang laughed as she heard Yu Mei beside her burped loudly, forgetting her status as a proper lady.

"Young Miss Yu is really not lady-like at all." Wan Li commented and looked at Yu Mei with disgust.

"Fuck being a lady. At least I'm not like Barbie," Yu Mei retorted that made the others laugh.

After eating, Li Jun volunteered to wash the dishes while the three settled on the couch, listening to some music.

"Hey, have you seen my phone?" Yu Mei, whose head is lying on Liu Yang's lap, suddenly asked.

Li Jun heard it and he almost dropped the glass he's washing.

"I don't know. Maybe Jun has it, I saw him making a call last night using your phone." Liu Yang purposely said, clearly she's trying to hint at something.

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"Was I really drunk last night? The last thing I remembered was sitting on the couch while drinking beer and watching the two of you sing." Yu Mei peered up at Liu Yang while saying this.

The latter turned her face at the other end of the couch, looking at Wan Li with a meaningful smile.

In the kitchen, Li Jun heaved a sigh of relief as he heard Yu Mei divert the topic of conversation. He forgot to delete the photo on Yu Mei's phone. What an idiot he is!

Then, he suddenly heard Wan Li said, "That was the last thing you remembered? Oh my god! You didn't remember how you suddenly pounced on James last night and kissed him?"

"What?! I did that?!" Yu Mei's body jolted upward and almost fell on the couch.

On the side, Liu Yang is stifling her laughter from bursting.

Adding fuel to the fire, she said, "Yeah, I saw that. Hahaha. And she even asked James to carry her in his arms on the way back to the car."

The story-making contest continued as Li Jun make his way to the couch. The shock Yu Mei is still in disbelief, her face as white as paper.

"Oh, and your boyfriend came, right Jun?" The newly arrived Li Jun froze in his seat and glared at Wan Li who is smiling wickedly.

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"Are you the one who called him using her phone? Mei, he even grabbed James by his collar. We were so terrified last night, even Uncle Li."

The look on Li Jun's face is pitiful. "You know what? I hate you. I hate the both of you. You always use your talent and profession against us. What's so good about being an editor and author at the same time, anyway?" Li Jun accusingly throw a pillow at the both of them.

The accused bursts into a bubble of laughter. The baffled Yu Mei shifted her eyes at the two, her forehead forming into a tight knot.

"So, it was all a lie?"

"Partly, yes," Wan Li answered her question while blocking Li Jun's assault.

Liu Yang rose from her seat and went to the bedroom. She came back with Yu Mei's phone in her hand.

"Here. See it for yourself."

Li Jun once again turned stiff. He stopped attacking Wan Li and instead hugged his waist in fear.

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As Yu Mei unlocked her phone, it directly went to her WeChat messages. Noticing something odd, she clicked the strand of messages from Su Bin and her eyes widened at the sight.

"Who captured and sent this?" She blurted in horror.

"I did." Li Jun's voice is barely audible as he propped his chin on Wan Li's shoulder.

Yu Mei opened her mouth but didn't know what to say or how to react. She's used to their pranks and jokes, but this one is a different case. Silence engulfed around the house.

It was only disturbed when her phone rang. It was Su Bin. Yu Mei hesitatingly answered the call.


"You're coming?! You knew where?"

"You've arrived?!"

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Then they heard the bell rang. Their heads turned in unison towards the door. Yu Mei stood up and opened the door only to find Su Bin with take-outs in his both hands.

"Babe! Good morning!" He greeted Yu Mei with a kiss.

Still in a state of shock, Yu Mei stood by the door with the phone still on her ear while Su Bin made his way inside the house and greeted the people in the living room.

She strode back to the living room and eyed the people with a face asking, 'What the hell is happening?' But the three ignored her and followed Su Bin into the kitchen.

"Young Master, thank you for bringing these." Wan Li politely said.

Su Bin smiled back. "Just Su Bin and you're welcome."

"Thank you," Liu Yang just coldly said.

Yu Mei saw this. Except for Liu Yang's hostility which she understand, but the other two, she didn't know where their enthusiasm towards her boyfriend came from?

"Can I talk to Yu Mei for a moment, please?" Yu Mei step out of her own reverie as she heard his voice.

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