Systematic Director’s Tender Love 道路总裁轻点爱- Bai Qiu Lian 白秋练「Chapter 13」

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Actually, if at the beginning Zhao Fan directly introduced her to everyone that she is the foster daughter of the family, then there wouldn’t be any rumors.

But Zhao Fan doesn’t explain it out, he also doesn’t give her any chance to meet the client.

As a result, the whole company don’t know about her real identity. All people thinks that Zhao family only has one daughter.

In the family, except Zhao Xia Nuan and the maid, Auntie Lan, there is no one take and treat her as the second misses of the Zhao family.

She never complains about this because it’s a fact that she is not Zhao Fan’s biological father.

Since birth, Zhao Dong Chan just lived with her mother. That time her name was not Zhao Dong Han.

Her mother is a pretty woman, the kind of everyone ideal type of rich beautiful lady.

When she was little, she frequently asked her mother that all of her friends had a Papa, what about her Papa?

Every time she asked about this question, her mother would be silent so she didn’t ask about it anymore.

Until the son of our neighbor pointed at her and said: “You are a daughter of a shrewd, a daughter of shrewd will have no father that loves her!”

She fought with that kid then ran home to ask her mother.

Mother didn’t say anything, she just hugged her and cried.

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After she was a bit bigger, she finally understood that she is illegitimate daughter.

The words of “illegitimate daughter” was learnt by her from the TV.

She was afraid that her mother would be so sad so she never asked more about her father. Whether her father is a married man or a single man that have a changed heart. She even doesn’t know whether her father is alive or not.

She thought that time she would always can live with her mother, but she didn’t expect that her mother would have another boyfriend.

The boyfriend’s mother doesn’t like her, and she also doesn’t like the man.

She frequently asked her mother, wouldn’t it be good to just spend their live with just both of them? Why should she have a boyfriend?

Mother said that she couldn’t do anything, she couldn’t find job, she didn’t have a way to raise her up.

That time Zhao Dong Han silently promised that she would do her best in study. When she grows up, she will earn a lot of money to let her mother to live happily and wouldn’t need anyone to lean on again.

But it’s pity, her thought was useless.

One day, in a hot weather, her mother said to her that she and her boyfriend would go out from the city to do business. They would leave for several days and she asked the neighbor to take care of her.

After that her mother never returned.

The neighbor was also helpless, she just sent her to the orphanage.

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She lived in suffer in the orphanage, a lot of kids like to bully her. It was until she met Zhao Xia Nuan.

Zhao Xia Nuan is a year older than her, she looked like as cute as a Barbie doll.

That time Zhao Xia Nuan was a fragile kid, she frequently got ill so her parents brought seven-years old Zhao Xia Nuan to the orphanage and brought some presents to kids there.

Zhao Dong Han wouldn’t forget it in the life time, the day of their encounter with each other. Zhao Xia Nuan wore a pink dress and a butterfly ribbon on her hair. Zhao Dong Han thought that she was a little fairy.

That afternoon, Zhao Dong Han was sitting down and daydreaming on the garden. Zhao Xia Nuan suddenly pointed at her and used her best voice: “Papa, that girl is too cute! I want her as my sister, okay?”

As a result, she gave up her own name and be Zhao Xia Nuan’s younger sister.

Zhao Xia Nuan said that since she is the summer that her younger sister would be the cold winter! They both are the beautiful season.

Being abandoned by her mother, living in a cruel environment, let her a bit disappointed about life. If it’s not because her encounter with Zhao Xia Nuan, she would be dead, there would be no the present Zhao Dong Han.

So she knows it clearly that she lives happily in Zhao family and works in company are really good things.

She understands deeply that Zhao Fan doesn’t announce her identity for protecting Zhao Xia Nuan’s position.

Zhao Fan is afraid that she would be threat for the company.

Foster daughter snatched out the foster parent’s wealth is not really a new thing.

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In the surface, Zhao Dong Han is not really care it, but she is not stupid, she understands it all.

Her foster father’s consideration, her sister’s kindness has brought her a new life, in this life time she wouldn’t fight anything with her. As long as her sister doesn’t dislike it, she is willing to give everything that she has for her sister.

On the way home, she keeps on thinking how should she discuss with her father, to let her father cancel the plan of the marriage.

She couldn’t think of a good way, it’s too complicated.

If there’s a good way, then at the first time she wouldn’t take such big risk to provoke Mu Yi Chen.

Thinking about Mu Yi Chen, she remembers his cold face and his words on the elevator. Her head started to ache.

At home, she feels something wrong.

Her sister doesn’t go out to welcome her. Zhao Fan is sitting down and smoking on the living room and his wife is urging him: “Don’t be angry.”

“Pa, ma, have you had your dinner?”

“Hmm, what kind of dinner, I am full of anger right now! I want to calm down and stay alone! Don’t you guys disturb me!”

Zhao Fan stood up suddenly and went to his study room.

“Ma, what happened?”

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“Ay, don’t mention it.”

Mrs Zhao sighed: “At first it was a good and smooth progression. After you went away Mr Mu said that next month of the fifteenth is a good day, he decide to have an engagement with Xia Nuan on that day.”

“It’s good! Then why father is angry?”

No, it’s not good. Sister doesn’t want to get marry, but she doesn’t dare to say it outloud.

If she says it out, she is afraid her foster father would look for Wu Yan and it also would hurt Zhao Xia Nuan.

It’s strange. Didn’t Mu Yi Chen say before that he is not in hurry? Why is he changing his thought?

This man is too strange?

He should be the same as other people. He should fall in love with a first sight. He was just playing a hard to get when he really wants to marry sister?

She has expected it from the start, sister is a really beautiful woman, which man wouldn’t want to be with her!

“At first it’s good, but who knows that Xia Nuan suddenly said that she would consider it again.”

“A, then what happened after that? They agree?”

Zhao Dong Han is surprised that her weak and fragile sister would publicly oppose her father’s arrangement. The engagement with Mu Yi Chen is really let sister feel very stressful, if not she wouldn’t be that emotional.

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