Teihen Ryoushu

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – Let’s Violate the Economic Zone!

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---one afternoon after filling my stomach with dragon steak.

「Yeah, I wonder what’s wrong….」

I was sitting in my office while pondering.

Just the other day, I went to catch a legendary squid monster called kraken to make it a specialty of Beibalon but a problem occurred.

Everything was easy until I killed the kraken.

It is said that it eats anything and it eats a lot so I had a cow with a bomb attached to it ride a small boat as a bait. When the kraken swallowed it, it exploded. Then, I threw bombs at it with Alicia and the others and it died in about a minute. It was fun. I feel like I was feeding a carp back then.

After that, we all swam in the ocean together. I had to cast healing magic on Alicia’s head when she came to me wearing a string swimsuit(almost useless), Belle hyperventilated when I touched Claus’ manly abs thinking how cool it looked, and well, it was a lot of fun.

---however, that doesn’t matter now. What matters is what happened to the kraken afterward.

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After that, I made a baby from a piece of meat and released it to a pond in Beibalon but it quickly weakened and died.

I asked Irina, who knows a lot about monsters, what could have gone wrong. She told me “They can only live in seawater. Its meat tastes salty and delicious!” while eating a corpse. No, I didn’t ask you what it tastes like.

So, our plan to breed the kraken came to an abrupt halt.


「I can’t give up here, can I….? ---No no! As a competent lord, I, Rize-sama, must develop Beibalon at all cost!」

With strong determination, I rose from my chair!

Yes. No matter how rice we become in terms of food, the bad reputation of Beibalon will never disappear unless some tourists visit. However, as long as our reputation is bad, we will never get any tourists!

To break that vicious cycle, we need to create impactful things like “Beibalon Specialty! Play with and eat dragons!”!!!

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Ah, the only way out of the cycle is to make the ocean closer to Beibalon!

If there’s an ocean here, it would be “Beibalon Specialty! Play with and eat krakens!” and maybe we can get some tourists to come for a swim!

Let’s start…..”digging the ground up to the neighboring territory where there is sea to share seawater tactics”!!

It’s just a little tunnel so it should be a territorial invasion….maybe!


---Scene Change—


---the “digging the ground up to the neighboring territory where there is sea to share seawater tactics” which was devised by my genius mind proved to be extremely difficult.

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The distance from the Beibalon territory to the sea is just several hours by horse. Digging several kilometers across and several tens of meters deep to make it livable for krakens was a really tough job.

Still, everyone engaged in the work with a smile on their face. They didn’t whine at all and just seemed to enjoy working and following me to the end!

Ah, thank you……everyone, thank you very muccchhhhh!!!

And so---after a week of casting healing magic on a little more than 30000 men, who were fatigued and tense, we finally arrived---

「Uwoooooo…..it’s the seeeaaaaaaa!」

「It’s the sea! We finally have a sea in our territory!」

At last, the sea was connected to Beibalon!!!

Everyone’s so excited about it! We celebrated the development of our territory in a big way with the steel-like macho men who can pass as muscle monsters because of repetitive healing magic!

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And that’s not all we’re happy about!

I cast healing magic on the Beibalon territory part to check if it would nourish the place and a huge number of fish came pouring from the sea of our neighbor’s territory! Now, we can catch all the fish we want and eat fish every day!

We also planted a lot of corals that we found in the sea of our neighbor and now, Beibalon has a rich sea!

….I mean, it’s so rich now that we no longer need something like a kraken!

I made a bunch of young krakens but unlike dragons, they look gross so I don’t want them to be our specialty!

Now that I’ve gotten used to the feeling of “life manipulation” thanks to the healing magic I’ve cast on my people. I can even mess with the squid’s brain!

I’ve carved it on their head to stay out of Beibalon’s territory and sent them back to the sea of our neighbor!

Bye-bye baby krakens. We’ll see you again some time------------!!!

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