Teihen Ryoushu

Chapter 26.3

Chapter 26.3 – Let’s Create a Myth!

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Snail was terribly confused…..that’s natural. He was just trying to get revenge against Rize and had no intention of taking over the world.

However, the people who were tricked by Rize’s flowery mouth were convinced that Snail was an evil being who wanted to take over the world. And more than anything, Rize himself believed it was the truth so there was nothing he could do about it.

Thus, Snail, who sensed that the people thought he was a “great sinner who wants to rule the world” because of Rize, snapped from the bottom of his heart!

「Geezemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Rize Beibalonnnnnnnnnnn!!!」

Ignoring the rain of bombs and blowing away the people who were throwing their houses at him, Snail is closing in on Rize at a furious pace!

I must kill this devilish man! If I can’t kill him here, something bad will definitely happen!

With that in his mind, Snail finally came right in front of Rize! He opens his mouth wide and is about to spew an enormous amount of hot flame at Rize---!


「I will not be killed…..this world wishes me to pacify you for the sake of peace!!!」

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“It’s not!” thought Snail. And then, Rize threw a piece of meat into Snail’s mouth, who thought, “What the hell?”.

It instantly became hundreds of cows and blocked Snail’s throat! The flames that he was about to spew were choked off by the herd of cattle and exploded in Snail’s mouth!



As Snail faints in agony while vomiting up the charred beef, another strike threatens him!

As soon as Rize put his hand on the ground, countless of roots sprouted from the ground impaling Snail! They sucked up Snail’s life force at a rapid pace as they wriggled like living creatures!


「It’s a punishment for trying to rule the world! Snail, become immobile and unmoving and watch over the world forever---!!!」

Rize roars and countless of roots covered Snail’s entire body!

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It grew and grew and grew until it finally became a gigantic tree thousands of meters high, wide enough to blow away countless of houses and tall enough to break through the clouds---!

This tree, which incorporates Snail(and cows incidentally), has enormous regenerative power and will surely exist in the world forever.

「Whoah………Viscount Snail turned into a tree…」

「He’s a fool…….and he deserves it for trying to rule the world.」

「Well, from now on, just watch over us gently….you’ll be the symbol of the name of Django domain forever!」

The people look up at the gigantic tree with only a little sentiment in their hearts.

Then, Rize opens his mouth to them.

「Everyone---the battle is over!!! However, the scars of the fierce battle are too great! Every house has been destroyed and the city is now in ruins!」

Rize’s words caused the people to look around depressed.

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Only a few houses were left standing and the surrounding area was a pile of rubble. The scenery has completely changed.

---“However”, Rize said to the depressed people.

「I’ll say it again, everyone! ---Wipe away your tears and stand up!!! No matter how much the city is destroyed, you are still alive! There’s no need to be depressed! Let’s all work together to rebuild this city!」


「Ah, Rize-sama is right!!!」

The people of Django regain their energy after hearing the savior’s words. They wiped their tears and looked ahead with radiant smiles.

Rize nodded in satisfaction seeing the expression on the people’s faces.

「I have an idea!---why don’t we hollow up Snail that has become a gigantic tree and have all of you live inside!!! It’s over a thousand meters tall and wide, arguably the most magnificent treehouse in the world! We could build lots of rooms and live in them together and it would definitely be fun!!!」


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The people laughed saying it sure sounds like fun.

There was no longer despair in their eyes. Their hearts were filled with dreams, hopes, and brain-melting euphoria generated by Rize’s “magic that blows away fatigue!”.

「All right everyone, let’s start working right awayyyyyyy!!!」


The people raise their fists in the air with Rize.

Against them, Snail, who had been taken in by the gigantic tree, raised a soulful cry.

“No, stop it! For god’s sake, come to your sensessssssssssss!!!!

Of course, that cry never reaches anyone…..!

Thus, Snail was destined to suffer the too odd fate of becoming a dragon, a tree, and a housing complex because of his involvement with Rize…..!

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