Teihen Ryoushu

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 – Let’s Break the Children!

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Character summary so far

Main Character: Crazy

Heroine: Crazy

Friends: Crazy

Last Boss: Crazy

That’s all!


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『---Y-you’re gotta be kidding me….!』

『What the heck is thissssssss!』


That night, the local nobles who were under Hohenheim all roared in unity in their respective mansions.

What irritates them is a letter of invitation that suddenly arrives. It reads,

“One month from now, I will hold a party at my prized castle. All those who wish for peace in this county, gather under this hero, Rize Beibalon!”

….and the nobles thought, “Who does this guy think he is?”.

They have heard rumors that a man named Rize Beibalon slain a dragon and saved Django but they don’t want to be invited to a party by a bottom baron.

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The nobles’ consensus was, “You don’t have a castle, you lying bastard!”. The only people who would send out such a joke of an invitation would be those who are trying to provoke them or infants who have no idea what they were doing. The nobles were certain it was the former.

They were tempted to tear it up in anger but---they could not do so when it was jointly issued in the name of Duke Hohenheim.

The nobles, after much deliberation, wrote a letter in reply while their hands trembled in anger.

“Our proud hero, unfortunately, me and my eldest son are not in good health so I can only send my youngest to your party. Please educate my son with your prestige with your rank of baron.”

….it is full of irony. Although not indicated, everyone who was invited responded in a similar manner.

They couldn’t refuse the invitation so if they don’t want to attend, this is the only thing they could do. Have their youngest go and entertain the self-proclaimed hero.

Besides, even if they were attacked or injured on the way to the party by the wicked people of the worst territory, they. Don’t. have. Any. Problem. With. Their. Youngest. Son. Dying.

This is because a child of a mage---the closer to the firstborn, the more magical power and talent he or she is likely to inherit.

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When choosing the heir of a family, magical talent is considered more important than the order of birth.

In rare cases, the second son may show more talent than the first son but it is absolutely impossible for the third son to surpass the first son.

Furthermore, the second son is a necessary spare in case something happens to the eldest son but those after him are rather unnecessary.

It would be unbearable if they run away from home and have a child with a neighborhood woman and give birth to a commoner who can use magic. It would affect the ruling system of nobles which is to rule over commoners using magic.

Therefore, the third and younger children were usually kept under house arrest for the rest of their lives or they were put on the receiving end of troublesome situations such as this one.

Some are even mistreated as gold diggers unless they are from the royal families or from extremely rich families.

『Fufufu…..he’s never been to a party before so I’m sure he’ll be happy to attend. 』

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『I’ll have him escorted by an armed knight just in case. If he escapes on the way, things will be troublesome….he’ll be the one to take care of him if that happens.』

『He’s just a child who I accidentally had but I guess he has his usefulness too.』

The heads of the noble families gloat at their mansions over the solved problem.

In their hearts, they don’t feel a shred of guilt for sending their youngest son to the worst territory.

This is how a typical noble thinks in a country ruled by a mad king.

---So, a month later, the heads of the family forced their sobbing youngest son to Rize Beibalon.

However, what they don’t know….is that Beibalon, which they thought of as a desolate territory, is now the home of a super radical and dangerous terrorist group ruled by a crazy woman, the “Demiurge Religion”….!

And that a man named Rize doesn’t care about them at all and lets them do whatever they want completely unchecked!

What would happen if they sent their children whom they treated coldly there---later, the heads of the family would know it firsthand….!

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