Teihen Ryoushu

Chapter 30.2

Chapter 30.2 – Let’s Break the Parents!

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「---uu,uuuuuuuuugh…..this is……?」

Johan and the other boys woke up in a room they were unfamiliar with.

Still in daze, they looked around but could not make out any details due to darkness.

「W-where is….this place……!」

「We are….what happened…….!?」

Those were the boys who voiced their bewilderment at the situation they were in.

Suddenly, a number of candles were lit and the situation around them became clear.

They were in a windowless crypt---surrounded by dozens of people wearing black hoods.

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The boys screamed and tried to escape but their bodies were completely immobile. They were seated on wooden chairs with their limbs and torso tightly bound.

They were about to use magic and blew away the mysterious people surrounding them when---a moment after---the men in black hoods pressed daggers on their necks.

The silver sheen bit into their skin and a single line was drawn with blood dripping from them.


「---ufufufu….you better not move. You won’t be killed unless you go berserk, okay?」

One of the black-clad men whispered that to them in a cute voice. Of course, there’s no way that will make them feel at ease.

The boys shuddered at the thought of having their right to live or die completely seized by a mysterious group.

Only one of them, Johan, shouted at the black-clad men equipped with daggers.

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「Who…….who the heck are you!? I-I-I’m a member of the royal family!?」

Johan glares around him with tears at the corner of his eyes. His pride as a prince was the only thing that was holding them back.

「If you do something to me…..my father won’t let you go!」

Like a frightened puppy, Johan screamed desperately---and then,

「---that’s not a good attitude, Johan. If you want to be a great man, you better not rely on your parents.」

The mysterious group that had been surrounding Johan quickly gave way and a man wearing jet black formal clothes appeared in front of Johan.

「!? Y-you are…..Rize Beibalon!」

Given how the man looks at him with ice-cold eyes, Johan immediately understands. It was this man who detained them all.

「W-what the hell do you think you are doing!? What do you want to do to us!?」

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「Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to straighten out your minds for the future of this country---everyone, are you dissatisfied with your current situation? Tell me everything.」


Johan was about to shout, “What are you talking about?” when he heard Rize’s unintelligible words---but his mouth started.to.move.on.it’s.own.

「I……..I hate my father for treating me like trash!!! I hate the nobles who mock me behind my back because I’m the youngest among the many princes who are rotting away!!!」

After shouting that will all his might, Johan was horrified with what had happened to him.

The feelings he had kept locked away deep in his chest until then had easily burst out of his mouth when Rize asked him.

「W-what the heck was that!? I’m….what did you do to me!?」

「I thought it would be a good idea to get your grievances out first in order to set your mind straight. I used healing magic to amplify your hidden hatred.」

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Johan was crestfallen. There was no way he could do such a thing.

Healing magic is supposed to be the simplest technique that any mage can use to some extent. Unlike converting magic power into earth, fire, or lightning, flesh and blood are the most basic substances. Even a child can do something as healing a scratch on himself.

However….it is now completely beyond the realm of healing magic, interfering with the “heart” of others in the same way it controls flesh and blood.

「Young descendants of nobles, raise your voices too! This Rize Beibalon will hear them all! Now, howl until your throat withers!!!」

「W-we---we hate our parents! We hate our house!!! We hate the current noble society!!!」

「Ah………aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Why is the talent as a wizard so importantttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!」

「Fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Don’t hit me anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!」

In the cathedral where no light reaches, the screams and sobs of the boys echo through the hall---!

The hatred and lamentation that they have been killing in their hearts are now overflowing nonstop! Everyone was shedding tears and spewing curses against their families and society!

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