Teihen Ryoushu

Chapter 34.1

Chapter 34.1 – Let’s Break the King!

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「---I’m sorry, Rize-oniisama…..! I….lost so easily…..」

「Enough, stop talking. You did your best.」

Johan’s sobs echoed through the room of the old lord’s mansion.

It has been three days since(he ruined my castle) I treated him. Johan finally woke up from the state where he had been minced all over and told me what happened to him.

---Yaldabaoth, the king of this country, had tried to kill Johan, his own son!

What is this? Is he crazy? What kind of parent would try to kill their child just because they were challenged to a fight?

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If you are a father, you should at least laugh at your son’s tantrum and accept it….! Even if he’s almost a monster because of the little dragon gene injected into him, exploding with hatred because of my healing magic, and under a dark religious control, it is your duty as a parent to use your fatherly power to somehow do something about that! I don’t know how you should do it though since I’m not a father!

In fact, the other noble boys I brainwashed and reinforced said “I’m glad to be the lord!”, “I can’t fool around forever!”, “Even my father who was always outspoken and quick to lay his hands on me is now quietly looking out for me!”. They are all sending me letters saying that they have reconciled with their families!

The kids I educated, I’m sure they got along with their father after fighting! Rain falls, ground hardens. That’s the ideal form of a parent-child fight.

However, Yaldabaoth, on the other hand, hurts a little boy! What a horrible man! Even if it was meant for education, there are some things you can do and some things you can’t do! You should know about common sense!

---I gently stroked Johan’s head as he lay on the bed and thought about something with all my heart.

A true king is not someone who paves way through violence but through dialogue. A man who lacks morals and does not understand the value of life is completely disqualified as a king and as a human. A country ruled by such a bastard will soon be destroyed or even, at worst, become the root of all evil that disturbs the world order.

What should I do then? That’s something obvious!

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「I made up my mind---I will kill King Yaldabaoth and I will be the new king!」

Then, I’ll kill all the bad guys and Rize-kun will bring peace to the world!

I’m on fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I was just a lowly lord and now, the fate of the world is in my hands, isn’t that great! I bet my dad is crying tears of joy in the afterlife! Your sensible son is going to kill the king soon!

「---I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it so I’ll have you go with me!」


My words made their eyes glaze over and they shouted in excitement. As I stare at them, I think.

I…..Rize Beibalon, genuinely believed in King Yaldabaoth.

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Even if I was a bottom lord in the worst territory, Beibalon, I thought that if I continue to serve my country sincerely and earnestly, the king would surely give me his praise.

That is why I built a castle that was a complete copy of the royal castle to show my loyalty, called the king to show him that I made the land green and lush with my effort, and brainwashed and trained the cocky Prince Johan to become a splendid warrior. However---King Yaldabaoth-betrayed meeeeeeeeeee!!!

He threw Johan and destroyed my castle that everyone built! How can he do that to his super obedient and super loyal retainer Rize-kun?!

Haa…….I’m so pissed off when I think about it again. Is this how you return the favor?

I mean, are you treating me, someone with an IQ of 99999999(full), as someone who’ll always be the bottom lord? Normally, if someone met Rize-kun, he’ll say, “Oh, a genius appeared in this world!”. It’s even common sense to welcome me into the royal family!!!

Thus, it is safe to say that the bastard Yaldabaoth needs to be mercilessly killed!

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The time to talk has passed. A “true king” is someone who paves the way using strong bloodlust and violence!

To trample on my loyalty…..I will show you my fury!

「---now, apostles of Beibalon, lend me young strength! Let the flame of vindictiveness and hatred boil over and together, we will obtain glory! We will win an absolute victory and make this land the new “Royal Capital”!」

『Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Long live Rize-sama!!!』

All right, people, let’s go! And wait for me, people of the world!

When I, Rize Beibalon, become king, I will conquer every country and make it peaceful-----------------!!!

Rize-kun here doesn’t only think about Beibalon but world peace too! I’m definitely going to heaven!

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