Tempered Immortal

Chapter 270

Yue’er words were not groundless. In the past five years, Lin Xuan had made extraordinary achievements. But even so, he did not stop his seclusion. Instead, he took a short rest before continuing his cultivation.

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As winters passed and springs came by, it was two years later.

On this day, Lin Xuan finally opened the door to his Cave Mansion that had been closed for a long time.

His appearance was still the same.

The Nine Heavens Profound Art was not only powerful and outstanding, but it although had a youth retaining feature. Although it had been seven years, Lin Xuan’s appearance had not changed much from before he entered seclusion.

Of course, his aura was completely different. Today, his cultivation base had finally reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the fake core!

In fact, he had reached this level half a year ago, but in order to make the condensation of the Golden Core more smooth, he spent six months making his Spiritual Power more pure and refined.

Now, it was time for his final preparations and considerations for the condensation of the Golden Core.

So, Lin Xuan left the cave; he still had a few materials to prepare.

He first went to the nearby market and bought some special restrictions. This kind of restriction was different from an array. It was not used for the enemy, but it can block the unusual spiritual energy fluctuations within a thousand feet.

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After careful consideration, Lin Xuan decided not to form the Golden Core in Spirit Pill Mountain. Although Tong Yu shouldn’t have any ill intentions towards himself, with his extremely cautious mentality, Lin Xuan was not willing to take risks.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xuan soon arrived at a nearby market.

Then he landed on the ground, changed his appearance, and walked in.

This time, in addition to buying some necessary items for alchemy, Lin Xuan also had another purpose, which was to inquire about the news of the current state of You Prefecture.

After seven years of seclusion, he didn’t know if a war had started between the two major forces.

A few hours later, Lin Xuan walked out of the market with satisfaction.

A restriction to confine spiritual energy. It was not a rare item. Some cultivation methods had this kind of magic spell. Naturally, there were cultivators who sold it as a talisman. Lin Xuan went to a shop at random and spent nearly a hundred spirit stones to buy it easily.

As for the news, it didn’t take much effort to put things in place. Lin Xuan went to a tea house and then found a talkative cultivator. During the chat, he easily got the information he wanted to know.

As a matter of fact, the changes of the Cultivation World of You Prefecture in the past few years were really beyond his expectations.

First of all, the battle in Heavenly Vision Mountain went as Daoist Ku Mu had predicted. The more than a dozen factions headed by the Snow Shadow Gate, after their initial arrogant display, as expected, each of them had their own plans and fought with each other.

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As time went by, the Heavenly Vision Sect endured the most difficult period. Seeing the enemy scattering like loose sand, of course, the witty sect master wouldn’t miss the chance.

He was just about to gather his strength and give the other party a thunderous blow. Which could also be regarded as a warning to others and make them apprehensive.

However, it was at this time. The demonic cultivators rushed over in large numbers, and even the Extreme Demon Venerable himself personally intervened. In the face of the overwhelming power of the demonic path, the Heavenly Vision Sect didn’t choose to stubbornly resist. After some bargaining, this place became a branch of the Extreme Demon Cave.

Speaking of the Extreme Demon Cave, the current situation of the demonic path was very different from that of seven years ago.

Originally, the Heavenly Demon City consisted of the Extreme Demon Cave, Ghost Valley, and the Yin Spirit Cult. Although the Extreme Demon Cave was the strongest, the other two parties united and were barely able to compete with them in managing the city.

However, he didn’t know what kind of agreement was made, or what tricks the Extreme Demon Venerable had used. Half a year ago, the three sects suddenly merged.

Of course. This was just a pleasant-sounding statement. In the eyes of outsiders, it was more likely that the Extreme Demon Cave swallowed the Yin Spirit Cult and Ghost Valley.

And they did it without firing a shot!

The outside world was naturally shocked.

It is undeniable that after the three factions were brought together. Although the number of masters did not increase, but with a unified command, the strength of the Demonic Path must have risen a lot.

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Obviously, the Demon Venerable was gathering his power. Although the war has not yet begun, everyone had already sensed the smell of blood.

The Big Three naturally wouldn’t stay still. When the Extreme Demon Cave was plotting against the Heavenly Vision Sect. Another large-scale sect had officially joined their camp.

At the same time, the several elders of the Big Three. After some consultations, they formed the highest decision-making body and implemented unified management for the disciples of the three factions and the sects and families attached to them.

This was obviously in preparation for the final battle!

A great change was coming!

The current peace of You Prefecture’s cultivation world wouldn’t last long.

After pondering over the news he got from the tea house, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Xuan’s mouth. The Righteous Path and the Demonic Path were just the same. Seeing that the war was coming, and even himself wouldn’t be able to say out of it. He urged himself to quickly refine the pills.

A blue light flashed and wrapped around his body. He turned into a streak of light and flew away.

Soon after, he returned to his dwelling. Lin Xuan patted the storage bag on his waist and took out an array plate. He infused his Spiritual Power into it and several array flags of different colors flew back.

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He put them away carefully, even if he succeeded in forming the golden core, this “Extreme Yin Array” would be of great use to him.

He took away all the things that should be taken with him. Although he would come back after succeeding, without the protection of the array, it was difficult to ensure that no one wouldn’t sneak in. During this time, Lin Xuan didn’t want his things to be stolen by others.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xuan went to the smallest stone room, looking at the white ball in front of him. Even with his calm mentally, it was difficult to hide the look of disappointment. He sighed, in the twinkling of an eye, seven years had passed, but the unknown beast egg still didn’t budge at all.

A trace of hesitation flashed through his eyes. He waved his sleeve and stored it into the spirit beast bag. In any case, the Sky Fiend Demon Lord wouldn’t raise a waste.

Then Lin Xuan went out of the cave and closed the stone entrance. He set up two small restrictions, turned into a streak of light, and flew into the horizon.

Leaving Spirit Pill Mountain, Lin Xuan identified the direction and finally went to a desert. It was the most barren land in the whole of You Prefecture. Not only was it sparsely populated, but even animals were far and between.

As for cultivators, they would not go there either, because there was hardly any spiritual energy, not to mention treasures that were beneficial to their cultivation.

However, Lin Xuan didn’t mind. Anyway, he relied on pills to impact his bottleneck. Whether he had sufficient spiritual energy or not, for him, it didn’t matter!

Lin Xuan kept flying all the way. It took him two whole days to cross the vast wilderness. A barren mountain about a thousand meters high appeared in front of him.

This place was still a barren land where no grass grew, Lin Xuan scanned the area with his Spiritual Sense but found no abnormality. It was the ideal location to refine pills.

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