Tempered Immortal

Chapter 277

After a long time, Lin Xuan sighed. His original plan was too good to be true. Although he had stepped into the ranks of high-level cultivators, with the early stage of the Core Formation Stag, he could only cultivate the second level of the Heavenly Devil Corpse Art.

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And the second layer was not enough to control a monster like the Millennium Corpse King.


If he wanted to have this magic ability, he had to step into the later stages of Core Formation and cultivate the third level of this secret art.


It was reasonable when you think about it. Otherwise, if he could control a Corpse King in the mid-stage with his initial-stage cultivation, that would be too heaven-defying.


After a moment’s hesitation, Lin Xuan did not cultivate this magical ability. Since he could not control the Corpse King, it was meaningless to cultivate it.


The second layer was different from the first layer. Although it couldn’t be said to be unfathomable, it was not easy to master. Lin Xuan didn’t have so much time to delay.


It would be better to cultivate some other magic spells.


In that case, it would be more helpful for him to enhance his strength.


Thinking of this, Lin Xuan sank his spiritual sense into the jade slip. The Nine Heaven Mystic Art was divided into three parts, the upper part, the middle part and the lower part. After entering the Core Formation Stage, he could finally cultivate the second stage.


Soon, a practical magic spell came into Lin Xuan’s sight.


The Nine Heaven Spirit Shield!


At the first sight. This magic spell was quite similar to the Spirit Qi Shield. However, the power of the two was not in the same breath. The shield formed by spiritual power was easy to learn. it activated quickly and could take shape outside the body with almost a thought.


It was a must-have basic defensive spell for cultivators.


However, its shortcomings were also obvious. It was too fragile. He could deal with cultivators at a lower stage than him. However, facing an opponent at the same level. Let alone a full blow. Even if it was an ordinary attack, It was still questionable if it would hold.


Therefore, this magic spell was quite popular among low-level cultivators. But was rarely used by high-rank cultivators of the Core Formation Stage. In the face of an attack from a Magic Artifact. The shield made of spiritual power was as hard as paper.


However, the Nine Heaven Spirit Shield was different. It could be said that it had completely inherited the advantages of the ordinary Spirit Qi Shield, so its consumption was low, and it was quick to mobilise. At the same time, in terms of defensive power, it had been greatly improved.

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Even compared with some well-known earth-tier defence spells. It was not inferior, probably even better. But those magic skills, how could their spell-casting speed be compared with the Nine Heavens Spirit Art?


Lin Xuan finally realized the magical beauty of the Nine Heavens Mystic Art.


There was no reason to miss such a good magic spell.


There was no time for waste, and in a blink of an eye, another year had passed.


During this period, no one came to bother Lin Xuan. After twelve months of hard cultivation, although there were no pills to assist him, and his spirit power did not increase much, his cultivation became very stable, and Lin Xuan selected several secret arts from the Nine Heavens Mystic Art and Profound Demon Scripture. After his successful cultivation, his strength was much stronger than when he had just formed the golden core.


Originally. Lin Xuan still wanted to make some Earth-Tier talismans. After all, after he entered the Core Formation Stage, all the talismans he had accumulated in the past could be said to be useless. In his storage bag, there was a jade slip of talisman-making techniques made by ancient cultivators.


Compared with the ordinary talisman-making techniques, the power of the talismans made by the ancient method was much greater.


However, after Lin Xuan sank his spiritual sense into the jade slip and roughly looked through the talisman-making techniques, he frowned. The spiritual talismans at the Earth-Tier were very different from the talismans at the Human-Tier. The materials needed to make it were much more precious, and he didn’t have any with him.


Fortunately, it could be bought at the market, but it was very expensive!


But he didn’t care. He checked his storage bag and found that there were about seventy thousand spirit stones in it. It should be enough for him to squander.


It seemed that he needed to go to the market to buy some materials.


While Lin Xuan was pondering, his eyes fell on another jade slip. The jade slip was dark and unremarkable except for some simple patterns engraved on both sides.


It was bought from a mortal named “Wu Li” when Lin Xuan went to the market to buy the raw materials for the Seven-Heart Pill.


His father was a cultivator, and he inadvertently got this jade slip, but he had no way to open it, so he became very depressed.


Lin Xuan felt a sense of filial piety for him. At the same time, he guessed that this jade slip was most likely not ordinary, so he bought it from him.

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Meanwhile. Lin Xuan had studied it several times. However, there was no result. As long as his spiritual sense approached the jade slip, it would be immediately blocked.


At that time, Lin Xuan was busy preparing the cultivation-boosting pill, so he was naturally unwilling to waste too much time on it. Now he finally got his wish. Moreover, the spiritual sense of the Core Formation Stage was very different from the Foundation Establishment Stage. He was actually very conceited in this respect, his spiritual sense was far better than that of other cultivators of the same level. At this moment, he naturally wanted to give it a try.


Placing the jade slip on his palm, Lin Xuan released his spiritual sense and slowly wrapped it. Soon, his expression became serious.


As soon as it touched the surface of the jade slip, it bounced back.


Lin Xuan’s face darkened.


“Humph!” with a snort he strengthed spiritual sense was strengthened, but he retracted it about an hour later.


Looking at the jade tube, he frowned.


It didn’t work at all. What surprised him more was that the surface of the jade slip didn’t seem to have any restrictions. He didn’t know what it was that blocked his spiritual sense.


No wonder his father had studied it for decades, but he still couldn’t find out the truth. This jade slip was really something!


After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan threw it into the air and performed a floating spell. Then he waved his hands and several magic spells shot out.


A few minutes later, the jade slip finally reacted and began to ring. There was also a faint blue halo on it.


Lin Xuan was overjoyed and continued to inject spiritual power into the jade slip. However, a moment later, the blue light dimmed again and the jade slip restored its circular shape.


Even though he was a sophisticated man, he couldn’t help showing an extremely remorseful look. He almost wanted to smash the jade slip into pieces. Of course, in the end, he refrained himself.


It was a little annoying, but he believed that the harder it was to open it, the more shocking the secret hidden inside.


Anyway, he didn’t think he was a good for nothing.

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He put it aside temporarily.


Then, he used his spiritual sense to search for something in the storage bag.


After a while, he took out a jade pendant. It was about the size of a palm and had an ancient style. There were some strange patterns carved on the front, and the pattern on the back was even more strange, they seemed like some ancient words. Unfortunately, Lin Xuan had researched through a lot of information but still couldn’t recognize it.


The jade pendant was obtained in the Stream Leaping Valley. At the same time, he also obtained the Nine Heavens Mystic Art. Lin Xuan knew that it could absorb the souls of spirit beasts and replenish beast talismans.


However, although this magical ability was not bad, it was obviously more than one level weaker than the Nine Heavens Mystic Art. So he guessed that the jade pendant might have other uses, but he hadn’t found it yet.


He stared at the strange words on the back and thought about something. Suddenly, his face changed and he turned around in surprise.


He took a look at the jade slip on his left hand. If he didn’t sense it wrong just now. The jade pendant seemed to resonate with it.


After hesitating for a while, he handed the jade pendant to his right hand and grabbed the jade slip with his left hand. He infused his spiritual power into both at the same time


Soon, the jade pendant turned bright, and then a blue light column radiated from it.


The light shone on the jade slip, causing it to tremble violently, and it was even in danger of breaking free from its grip.


He took a deep breath and held the jade slip tightly in his hand. Under the blue light from the jade pendant, the jade slip began to change.


The black colour on the surface faded away like the tide, revealing an emerald green colour like fresh bamboo.


The whole process lasted for about the time it takes to make a cup of tea. When the jade slip turned green, the blue light column emitted from the jade pendant stopped.


Lin Xuan looked around and didn’t find anything wrong, so he infused his spiritual sense again. This time, he didn’t encounter any obstruction, just like an ordinary jade tube. He easily immersed his spiritual sense into it.


About half an hour later, Lin Xuan raised his head with ecstasy written all over his face.

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Although he had guessed that the things recorded in the jade slip were probably extraordinary, he did not expect that they would be this legendary.


Battle Armor!


It was said that in ancient times a million years ago, the magical abilities of the cultivators at that time were far more powerful than they were now. They had many astonishing relics, and this Battle Armor technique was one of them


The so-called battle armour, just as its name implied, if magical weapons are compared to the weapons of the mortal world, battle armour is also an armour that protects the body.


However, as time went by. Although the method of refining magical weapons had been passed down, the knowledge of refining battle armour had been lost.


Although cultivators would occasionally make some precious inner armour with precious materials, which also had a good protective effect, this was completely different from the battle armour technique of ancient times.


The inner armour that is refined today is the same as the armour of the mortal world. It was a dead and solid object, but it was much stronger.


As for the battle armour of the ancient cultivators, it was like a magic treasure, which could be stored within one’s body and nourished by one’s Vital energy. And if one’s in the middle of a fight, he or she would be able to wear it within a single thought.


Moreover, its defensive power was far from being comparable to the current inner armour, and it could also be reinforced with some magic spells.


In ancient times, it was as precious as a Magic Artifact, and only cultivators at the Core Formation Stage could have it.


Unfortunately, the refining method had been lost, and only a very small number of battle armour had been passed down, just like in the case of Ancient Artifacts.


However, they were even rarer than Ancient Artifacts.


Not to mention the old monsters at the Nascent Soul Stage, generally, after a cultivator reached the middle stage of the Core Formation realm, he would usually have one or two Ancient Artifacts along with his own Natal Magic Artifact.


As far as Lin Xuan knew, only two of the four cultivators at the Nascent Soul Initial Stage in the You State possessed this armour. One of them was the Extreme Demon Venerable, and the other was the Grand Elder of the Yixuan Valley. The two of them had gotten this armour in the tomb of ancient cultivators by chance.


And in the jade slip in Lin Xuan’s hand was the method of refining the armour.

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