Tempered Immortal

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Open and Honest

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Lin Xuan was experienced and knowledgeable, and he was more accustomed to keeping his countenance. There were not many things that could make him lose his countenance, but the little thing in front of him was too surprising.


As a great master of his generation, the beast egg the Sky Fiend Demon Lord collected couldn’t be ordinary, not to mention that it had gone through many twists and turns just to hatch. In Lin Xuan’s heart, he was highly certain that this beast was no trivial matter. However, in front of him…


Looking at this strange spirit beast the size of a ball, with stubby limbs and white fur all over its body, Lin Xuan really couldn’t connect it with the definition of strength.


He frowned and thought deeply, but he still couldn’t find any clues from the ancient books he had read before


From the appearance, this little thing was very cute. It was more suitable to be a pet than a spirit beast.


Lin Xuan stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly, and the little thing stumbled and rolled over. But after getting up, it didn’t get angry. Instead, it jumped on his shoulder and was very intimate with him.


This was naturally because when it was still a beast egg, Lin Xuan had already fed it with his blood to make it recognize himself as its master.


Holding the little beast in front of him and looking at it carefully for a while, Lin Xuan took out the spirit beast bag and put it away.


Although he felt something strange, there was no disappointment in his heart. The strength of a spirit beast was not judged by its appearance.


Sharp teeth and sharp claws didn’t mean that they were strong. On the contrary, some seemingly harmless spirit beasts might possess great magical abilities.


Besides, the little thing had just hatched, so it was normal that he couldn’t feel any spiritual power fluctuation from it. Lin Xuan decided to wait to study it slowly.


He closed the door of the cave. Lin Xuan’s body started to exclude blue light. He was about to leave Spirit Pill Mountain. Suddenly, a glowing object appeared in front of him.


Lin Xuan was startled. He stopped what he was doing, reaching out and took it. It was a message talisman. He sank his spiritual sense into it. Soon. Lin Xuan frowned slightly.


Coincidentally. Why did his master come to him at this time?

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And judging from the words, there was a subtle meaning…


Lin Xuan could not help but hesitate. But only a little bit, and he still headed for the cave mansion of Daoist Tong Yu.


The scene was still the same. But his feeling was different from before. Back then, he just wanted to join Spirit Pill Mountain to get his hands on wasted pills. However, he didn’t know that it was the deepest sect in the muddy waters of the You State.


“Lin Xuan, come in!”


At the same time, Lin Xuan felt a strong spiritual sense. Although it was not malicious, he felt a little uncomfortable under the cover of it.


Lin Xuan was shocked. Although he had long anticipated that his master’s cultivation base was extraordinary, he was still greatly shocked when it was revealed.


As far as he knew. Since he was less than two hundred years old, with his current cultivation base, he had a great chance to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage.


Although other famous sects and clans had such geniuses, but don’t forget, Daoist Tong Yu was also good at alchemy.


This skill also took a lot of time. It seemed that although his master was not as talented as Daoist Heavenly Dust, he was also a rare talent that was hardly seen every thousand years.


After calming himself down, Lin Xuan walked into the cave.




He was holding a jade slip in his hand. He was studying something carefully when he saw Lin Xuan come in. He smiled kindly and asked him to sit down.


The two of them looked at each other for a while. Since Daoist Tong Yu didn’t speak at once, of course, Lin Xuan wouldn’t speak first. For a moment, the scene was a little awkward.


“Cough, cough.” Daoist Tong Yu coughed. He stretched out a hand and tapped gently on the stone table in front of him. “Lin Xuan, you’ve been in the sect for more than twenty years, haven’t you?”

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“Master, it has just been twenty-three years.”


“Yes, twenty-three years is a long time. But it’s just a blink of an eye for us cultivators.” Daoist Tong Yu smiled and said, “I remember when you first started, you were just at the early stage of Foundation Establishment. But now, you’ve already formed a golden core…”


“It’s all thanks to teacher’s guidance.” Lin Xuan cupped his hands and said respectfully.


“You don’t have to flatter me. Speaking of which, I’m not a good master. Although you take me as your teacher, I haven’t given you any advice on cultivation. Do you know why?”


‘You old thing to hide your cultivation base and don’t want to expose your strength. What’s difficult to guess?’ He thought in his heart, of course, he wouldn’t stupidly say it out loud. Lin Xuan said respectfully, “This disciple is dull. I hope you can give me some advice.”


Daoist Tong Yu caressed his beard, smiled, and glanced at Lin Xuan meaningfully. He had been a disciple for more than twenty years. Although on the surface, he didn’t care about him. But in fact, how could he not pay attention to him? He was checking on to him secretly. I don’t know about other things, but in terms of scheming, Lin Xuan was definitely first-class, not inferior to this old thing, who had lived for hundreds of years.


But now he pretended to be honest and pure in front of him. Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile a little.


“Then do you know why I accepted you as my disciple and appointed you as the young master of the Spirit Pill Mountain?” Said Daoist Tong Yu flatly.


Lin Xuan looked calm, but his heart beat wildly. Since he knew the hidden strength of the Spirit Pill Mountain, this matter was like a thorn in his heart.


With the huge business of the Spirit Pill Mountain and the hidden strength within, it was even not inferior to that of the Big Three. Why did such a huge sect want a nobody like him to be the young master?


At that time, he was just a cultivator at the early stage of the Foundation Establishment.


Did he have an ulterior motive?


But after thinking about it for a long time, Lin Xuan really couldn’t figure out what he had on him that was coveted by the Spirit Pill Mountain.


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It was true that the blue star sea was an incredible treasure that could make the whole cultivation world crazy. However, it existed within his own body and could not be sensed at all even if it was an old monster at the Nascent Soul Stage. Therefore, this could be excluded first.


But he couldn’t think of anything else.


Although he had succeeded in building the foundation at the age of twenty, there were still many talents like him in all the sects. What Daoist Tong Yu did really confused him.


He took a deep breath. In fact, when he came outside the cave, his master didn’t bother hiding his cultivation base, so Lin Xuan already knew that he was laying down his cards on the table, even so, the secret that had plagued him for a long time was about to be revealed. He couldn’t help but breathe faster.


Fortunately, Lin Xuan was also a very calm person. He quickly calmed down, cupped his hands and bowed, “Master, please give me some advice.”


“Before I give you the answer, you should answer me a question first. How much do you know about the secret of our Spirit Pill Mountain?” Daoist Tong Yu looked into Lin Xuan’s eyes.


“Well…” Lin Xuan hesitated. After thinking for a while, he said, “I should know about more than what’s widely rumoured outside.” Then, without hiding anything, Lin Xuan told him all the rumours about the Spirit Pill Mountain and the founder, Daoist Heavenly Dust.


It was obvious that Daoist Tong Yu didn’t intend to hurt him, so he’d better not play tricks in front of this old fox. It would be better for him to answer honestly.


“Well, it’s not easy to understand so much.” Daoist Tong Yu was very satisfied with Lin Xuan’s honest answer.


“Master…” Lin Xuan hesitated. He wanted to say something but stopped on second thought.


“What do you want to know? Just ask!” At this moment, Daoist Tong Yu seemed to be a kind Master.


“We’re not inferior to the Big Three. I already knew this. But it’s said that we still have a master of the Nascent Soul Stage in seclusion. Is it true?” Lin Xuan was very curious about this. For a sect, if there was a cultivator at the Nascent Soul Stage, the improvement of their strength would be unimaginable. The reason why Blue Cloud Mountain was the head of the Big Three was that they had two Grand Elders at the Nascent Soul Stage. In fact, the strength of their Foundation Establishment and Core Formation Stage experts was also better than Yixian Valley and Thunder Cloud Mountain.


And the reason why the Demon Dao was so arrogant now was also because of the appearance of the Extreme Demon Venerable, a man seen once in a thousand years. Therefore, even though the Spirit Pill Mountain was now under the scruple of the Righteous and Demonic paths, once the rumour that they had a Nascent Soul Elder was proven to be a lie, then their fate would be much worse than the Heavenly Vision Sect.


Lin Xuan wanted to lean against a big tree to enjoy the cool breeze. Since Daoist Tong Yu didn’t mean to harm him, the stronger Spirit Pill Mountain was, the better.

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“What do you think?”


“I don’t know.” Lin Xuan looked very honest.


“Yes, we do have an elder at the Nascent Soul Stage, and Uncle Master Xu has already entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.” A look of admiration appeared on Daoist Tong Yu Yu’s face.


“The middle stage of the Nascent Soul?” Lin Xuan was taken aback. He knew that the spirit power of a cultivator increased extremely slowly after he entered the Nascent Soul Stage, completely unimaginable compared to the previous realm. And the difference in magical powers between the early stage and the middle stage was also immensely huge.


The Big Three of the Righteous Path, even with more than ten thousand years of profound heritage. In total, they only had four grand elders of the Nascent Soul Stage.


The four of them were still not in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.


In the past, Lin Xuan had heard that the only old monster in the mid-stage was the Extreme Demon Venerable.


“Elder Xu… No, Uncle Master Xu has entered the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. Then who is stronger between him and the Extreme Demon Venerable?” With Lin Xuan’s shrewdness, there were not many things that could surprise him. However, at this moment, he couldn’t help asking a question without thinking.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he regretted it. After a moment’s pause, an embarrassed look appeared on his face. He coughed and didn’t know how to respond, but a voice came to his ears.


“It’s not a big deal. Although my cultivation base is the same as that of the Extreme Demon Venerable, that old monster is a ghost cultivator, and it’s difficult for a ghost cultivator to advance his realm. However, once he reaches the realm, his magical powers will far surpass that of cultivators at the same level. What’s more, the Profound Demon Scripture that the old demon cultivates is very mysterious and powerful. I’ve also heard that he has recently developed a second soul, so I’m most likely not his match in terms of fighting skills. So I should keep a low profile.”


Daoist Tong Yu was shocked, with an unusual and respectful expression on his face. He stood up with a hand on his fist, “Uncle Master…”


Uncle Master?


Lin Xuan turned around in shock, being called Uncle Master by the head, could it be…


Before he saw anyone, he felt a powerful spiritual sense that made him shudder.

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