Tempered Immortal

Chapter 31

“Mid-rank techniques for Foundation Building cultivators?”

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Hearing these words, Lin Xuan was suddenly stunned. He looked at the two that were talking. They were both strangers to him. Even though Floating Cloud Valley was only a small, third-rate sect, but they still had over a thousand disciples. Lin Xuan, other than being slightly familiar with the others who entered the sect at the same time, did not know most of the other disciples. But from their clothing, it could be seen that they are also two low levelled Spirit Gathering disciples.

They just mentioned some Soaring Cloud sect getting disbanded, and mid-rank techniques. Lin Xuan caught up, greeting aloud: “Fellow disciples.”

“You are……” The two stopped walking and looked at the young man blocking the road with uncertainty.

“I am called Zhao Gang, I salute you.” Lin Xuan’s attitude was very friendly, with a harmless on his face, because he wanted to find out some information from them.

At the same time, he released his spiritual power, allowing those two to see that he was at the fourth layer of the Spirit Gathering stage. The reason he was being this bold was because they have never met before, and they did not know that he had no spiritual roots. The cultivation world followed the law of the jungle, very hierarchical. If one did not have enough strength, they would not be taken seriously, not to mention inquiring about the current situation.

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But Lin Xuan did not play all of his cards, he didn’t give them his real name, he just casually made one up.

These two were also at the Spirit Gathering stage, their cultivation levels were just slightly below Lin Xuan’s. Seeing this more powerful cultivator offering such a friendly greeting, they did not dare ignore him, and quick and laughingly replied: “No, no, so it’s brother Zhao, I wonder if there is anything senior brother wanted?”

“Senior brother?” Hearing these two calling him that, he secretly laughed. These two were clearly past their thirties, and most likely entered the sect before him, but insisted on treating themselves as the juniors. This would be unthinkable in the past. Lin Xuan once again experienced the superiority of having high spiritual power. It really felt good.

Looking calm, Lin Xuan smiled and asked: “The two brothers are too polite, what should I address you by?”

“I am Li Hai, and this is junior fellow apprentice Chen Feng Chen”

“Okay, let us go sit!”

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“Okay.” The two nodded their agreement. This was not because they were easygoing and were nice and caring of others. But it was because Lin Xuan deliberately released his spiritual power just now, revealing the power of the fourth layer, putting hesitation in their hearts.

This junior fellow apprentice, who was called Zhao Gang, who didn’t look to be over twenty, was already at the peak of the fourth layer, only one step away from the latter Spirit Gathering stages. He must be a genius disciple with excellent spiritual roots. This is what these two thought.

Geniuses like this, were not only the focuses of the sect elders but also had a great chance of successfully building their Foundation, becoming an even higher levelled cultivator.

That is to say, in the eyes of these two, Lin Xuan had an immeasurable future. These kinds of people could not be given the cold shoulder.

It’s hard to see into the hearts of people, but because Lin Xuan was intelligent, he basically understood what they were thinking. Secretly laughing, he also deeply felt the changes brought about by the star ocean. If not for the fact that he was able to purify waste pills and had the support of all those pills, how could he be mistaken for a genius?

The three of them sat down in a secluded corner and exchanged some pleasantries. But Li Hai ran out of patience and asked: “Brother Zhao, you stopped us, I do not know if you have anything to advise us about?”

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“Haha, it’s nothing much, I just heard the two brothers discussing something about the Soaring Cloud sect disbanding and was curious about it.” “So it was about that!” Li was relieved. He adopted a relaxed and somewhat proud expression and said: “I don’t dare say anything else, but in terms of being well informed, this junior is one of the best in the sect. The news of this situation hasn’t been spread it, so it was no wonder that senior brother did not know.”

“Haha, I just wanted to ask about that.”

Generally, when powerful cultivators faced cultivators with lower cultivation, they would all be very arrogant. Li Hai was very impressed by Lin Xuan’s kind and approachable attitude. Therefore, currently, he was telling Lin Xuan a very detailed account of everything he knew about the incident.

There are tens of thousands of sects in the world of cultivation, and Floating Cloud Valley can be considered on the lower end of that scale. In the thousands of cultivators they had, ten percent of them were in the early layers of Spirit Gathering, but they did have almost one hundred Foundation Building cultivators as protector elders. At the same time, the patriarch Immortal Yun He was an early Core Formation stage expert.

This kind of strength, cannot be said to be strong, but also can’t be easily looked down upon. After all, the patriarch did have a cultivation in the Core Formation stage and was powerful, and with almost a hundred Foundation Building stage cultivators also caused fear in people’s hearts. In this area, they would not be able to seek hegemony or expand easily, but protecting against being supplanted or being bullied is no problem.

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Of course, in the radius of 500 kilometres, it was not possible that the Floating Cloud Valley was the only sect. Excluding rogue cultivators, there were seven or eight various other sects, one of them being the Soaring Cloud sect.

If Floating Cloud Valley was classified as a third rate sect in the cultivation world, then Soaring Cloud sect would be a fourth or even fifth rate sect. But they had, like Floating Could Valley, over a thousand people, but they had less than twenty Foundation Building cultivators. Don’t even think about Core Formation experts, it was impossible for them to have one. And therefore, their patriarch was also only in the Foundation Building stage.

In a sect, the high levelled cultivators made up the power, even if they had more Spirit Gathering disciples, they would be useless in a conflict. Therefore, even though the Soaring Cloud sect had a lot of disciples, their strength was still far from the Floating Cloud Valley.

But it was this tiny sect that, a while ago, offended a Core Formation expert. The specifics of the offense, other than the witnesses, were not too clear to others. But one thing was for sure, the expert was very angry, and said that within one month, he would exterminate every living thing in the Soaring Cloud sect.

With every increase in cultivator level, their strength would rapid increase, completely different than the level before and can be said to be a qualitative leap. When facing a Core Formation enemy, even if the sect had the most Spirit Gathering disciples, they would still be all useless, they couldn’t even be cannon fodder. And only relying on these Foundation Building cultivators would be like a mantis trying to stop a cart and only result in failure.

So to the Soaring Cloud sect, this was a catastrophe.

For this kind of tiny sect, it was impossible for them to find a strong helping hand. After a series of efforts, and many considerations, the Soaring Cloud sect finally made a painful and helpless choice to disband, because this was the only way to survive total extermination.

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