Tempered Immortal

Chapter 38

Although it was an item from the secular world, but as long as it was applied properly, it can still be used to great effect. Lin Xuan always did things in a leakproof manner. Although he had already decided to purchase the seals from the simple youth in a deserted place, and even though the youth looked honest, but just to be safe, Lin Xuan still decided not to deal with him with his true appearance.

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This mask can be used to change one’s appearance, but of course, it could not trick the spiritual sense of a Foundation Building cultivator. But that youth definitely looked to be in the same stage, the Spirit Gathering stage, as Lin Xuan, so as long as he does not use some technique to check, he would not be able to Lin Xuan’s true appearance.

Being a big customer, Lin Xuan believed that even if the youth was dull in the head, he would not do something so reckless. Because to intentionally use the Reveal technique on another, according to the rules of the cultivation world, was very rude and even hostile behaviour

After envisioning all the possible scenarios, Lin Xuan felt that there was no chance of any accidents and that there were no flaws. So he put on the mask, and suddenly, his appearance completely changed, turning him into a ruddy-faced unrefined looking fellow.

Then, Lin Xuan placed a small round object underneath his tongue. This was also an item purchased in the-the secular martial arts world and can change one’s voice.

After completing all this, Lin Xuan walked out from behind the tree and continued to follow the youth at a constant pace. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at a deserted place.

It was time to act!

Lin Xuan took a look around and did not see anyone else. He quickened his pace: “Fellow cultivator, please wait!”

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“You are…” The simple youth turned around and looked at Lin Xuan with doubt. With a flash of vigilance in his eye he hesitantly said: “Fellow cultivator asked me to wait, what did you need?”

Lin Xuan had some mixed feelings. He could clearly see that the youth had an alert expression on his face. Even though he looked dull in the head, he had a fine mind. He knows that he needed to be guarded around strangers, but he was still too inexperienced because the expressions on his face were too obvious.

Lin Xuan smiled and stepped forward, deliberately pretending he had not seen his expression. “I am Zhao Gang and I would like to buy fellow cultivators seals.”

“You want to buy seals?”

The youth was overjoyed and threw his caution to the winds. “Fellow cultivator wants to buy seals, that’s great! How many do you want?”

It was no wonder that he was so happy, he had peddled for three days but had not sold a single one. Now that he finally had a customer. he was very excited. After all, most youths were impetuous, it was hard to find many that were as mature as Lin Xuan.

“How many do you have?”

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Hearing this question, the youth was dazed for a moment, then he smiled from ear to ear. “Haha, can it be that fellow cultivator needs a lot of them? Let me count them.”

He reached into his bosom and pulled out a large stack of seals as he was speaking and focused on counting them. Lin Xuan’s expression did not change, he did not show happiness nor did he anxious. He just casually waited beside him.

The reason he picked this spot to stop the youth was because of careful consideration. This road was not often used and on average, it would be only used once every hour. So he was not worried, there was ample time.

“There is a total of one hundred and eight seals.” The youth had finished counting. “How many would fellow cultivator like?”

“Okay, I’ll take all of them.”

“All of them.” The youth’s mouth hung open. He was very happy, this was much better than what he had imagined, so he happily said: “If it’s like that, then I will also be straightforward. Originally, it was two seals for one low-grade Purified Essence pill, since fellow cultivator wants so many, then I will lower the price too. I’ll give you a round number1, fifty pills are enough.”

Fifty. Lin Xuan made a quick calculation. According to the knowledge he gained in the market today, this was not a high price. It was basically the cost of crafting that many seals. That amount was nothing to him.

Although he agreed with the price, but he did not immediately take out the pills. Instead, he put on a pained expression and pondered for a while. This made the youth fidget, and just before when the youth could not hold it anymore, Lin Xuan sighed. Pretending to finally make a choice with great determination, he said: “Alas, I urgently need these seals, fine, deal.”

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Hearing this, the youth finally let go of the breath he was holding, and started giggling.

“Alas, I spent lots effort and many years accumulating these pills, and they are all I have.” Lin Xuan muttered this while pulling five jade bottles from his bosom.

This was also Lin Xuan being clever and not missing small details when doing things. For example, although each bottle could hold one hundred pills, it would be too eye catching. Therefore, Lin Xuan deliberately packed the pills separately, ten pills per bottle. This way, he gave the impression that these pills were collected with great effort, and would not attract unwanted attention.

Exchanging the pills for seals, the youth happily received the pills, and Lin Xuan started counting the seals. They were all there. Lin Xuan did not want to stay for long: “Zhao says goodbye.2”

The youth saluted: “Fellow cultivator, have a nice day.” This transaction was the satisfaction of everyone involved.

Lin Xuan went back to the cottage, and after having his lunch, he used his medallion to break through the restrictions and went into his room. It was a very rich harvest this morning. These hundred seals, although they were useless, but there were a lot of them. With these, he had also increased his strength by a level.

He had a clearly understanding of the whole situation and had a pretty good idea of the market prices of all the various items. For tomorrow’s purchase of the mid grade technique, he was more confident than before.

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No, he would definitely succeed.

Lin Xuan laid on the bed and rested for a while. Considering the time, the cultivators should have finished dining, and the marketplace should have opened again. Since it was boring to stay in his room, Lin Xuan decided to go stroll around again and see if there were anything useful treasures.

With this in mind, Lin Xuan once again came to the plaza. It seemed even more lively this time, the number of people also increased. It seems that the number of cultivators arriving increased as it got closer to the time of the treasures trade fair.

The hawking of wares was very lively, but to Lin Xuan, there were not that many useful things. Although he was only a mid-stage Spirit Gathering cultivator, but based on his net worth, he was much richer than most Foundation Building cultivators. Therefore, most trivial things could not catch his eyes.

Of course, that was not to say that Lin Xuan had no harvests. Wandering around for the entire afternoon, Lin Xuan still bought some things, namely, spirit stones.

When he saw them at a stall, Lin Xuan was actually surprised. After all, these stones that contained the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth had many great uses, such as cultivating, crafting, battling; and would rarely appear in the hands of low levelled cultivators.

So of course, when he saw two pieces of spirit stones, Lin Xuan did not hesitate and immediately purchased them and put them away.

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