Tempered Immortal

Chapter 46

Compared to the other’s anxious look, Lin Xuan looked, at least on the surface, to have planned for this well in advance. On one hand, he used the power of seals to deal with the other’s techniques, and on the other, he would occasionally cast a technique like the hail technique as a sneak attack. Although it could not hurt Yan Tian Heng, it still caused him to seethe in anger.

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Especially Lin Xuan’s expression. It was full of disdain. He would even occasionally ridicule him, causing Yan Tian Heng’s expression to get more and more gloomy.

It was not surprising. He was the patriarch of a family and a seventh layer expert. Yet he could not do anything to this fourth layer brat. It really caused him to be frustrated.

Especially that infuriating appearance, it could really cause one to die of excess anger.

Was Lin Xuan really this frivolous?

Of course not!

He was doing this one purpose. As everyone knows, if one does not focus on the battle at hand with one hundred percent of their concentration, the would definitely suffer some losses. When facing someone more powerful than oneself, to seek victory was very difficult. Not only did one need the correct tactics and techniques and not make mistakes, but know what the enemy was thinking of was also very important.

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Therefore, Lin Xuan put on an infuriating appearance and used words to ridicule him. And sure enough, Yan Tian Heng was unable to remain calm.

This was clearly demonstrating Lin Xuan’s ability to read people. Although this Yan family was a very vicious and crafty person, but he had a fiery temper. To anger him was not difficult.

Everything Lin Xuan did was for him to achieve victory. But really, he was also very annoyed. The reason was because he was using seals to fight against the other’s techniques. How can he not be wistful? They were all acquired with a lot of hard work, once he used one it was gone.

What caused Lin Xuan to be even more depressed as the way he was using them. This way of using five low-grade seals at a time was a very wasteful method.

Five low-grade seals would able to fight against the other’s one mid-rank technique. He had already used thirty seals in this manner. If there thirty seals were not used separately but were used all together, then the explosions would have already destroyed his foes without leaving a trace of their corpses.

Yet this was only a thought because to activate low-level seals still required spiritual power. With Lin Xuan’s spiritual power, the most he could activate at once was five and then he had to rest to recover to catch his breathe. It was a very short amount of time, about two or three seconds, but using another five seals after that amount of time would already have a greatly diminished effect.

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Because by then, the other side would have already used another mid-rank technique. As a result, this has been turned into a war of attrition to see if Yan Tian Heng would run dry of spiritual power first or if Lin Xuan would run out of seals first.

But in fact, it was not impossible to use more than five seals at a time. Lin Xuan have read an introduction in a book before. It described a way to re-craft the seal using a precious material called the Spirit Attracting Grass to link seals together.

As an example, it would be like firecrackers. They can be set off one by one, but they could also be strung together with a fuse, which once lit, could set off all the firecrackers. And this Spirit Attracting Grass was exactly like that fuse, as long as the seals are linked together with it, one cause use tens of seals, or even over a hundred seals together at once.

Lin Xuan purchase so many low-grade seals with the intention of finding Spirit Attracting Grass so he could link them together once he got back. But who would have known that he would meet foes this fast. These seals haven’t been re-crafted, so he could only use them five at a time.

Therefore, Lin Xuan was very dismayed and wistful. But he did not show this on his face and instead had a very unconcerned and well-prepared look. This was also a very effective tactic in shaking his opponent’s mind.

At the same time, Lin Xuan was also thinking that he could not continue like this. Although the opponent’s spiritual power has weakened by quite a bit, but to have it dry up would still take quite a while yet. Would he really have to continue wasting like this?

And now on to the other person. Yan Tian Heng was stuck between shock and suspicion. He originally thought that dealing with a fourth layer brat was going to be a piece of cake. But now he was completely uncertain of just how many seals this brat had. If this continued, his magical power would the first to give out.

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Switching to another perspective, this brat was simply too rich. His wealth was ampler than that of a Foundation Building expert. And thinking of how he used a mid-grade pill to exchange for a cultivation technique, it was not far-fetched to assume that he might even have a second one.

If he could acquire a mid-grade pill, then his chance at entering into the Foundation Building stage would be even greater. Thinking of this, Yan Tian Heng licked his lips as a strong look of greed flashed in his eyes. It looks like he would have to take out that precious treasure.

He released another mid-grade technique and at the same time, the spiritual shield around him released a great light. It looked as it the spiritual shield was more solid now. He then reached into his bosom.

Lin Xuan frowned and his expression turned gloomy. Seeing his opponent’s actions, how could he not know that they were about to use some powerful item.

Lin Xuan of course would not let them succeed so easily. He did not have time to feel wistful. So he immediately pulled out two mid-grade seals. One canceled out the firebird technique, the other changed into a large scimitar and sliced towards Yan Tian Heng.

Since preparing his killing technique would require all of his concentration, he could do nothing seeing the gold type scimitar technique chopping towards him.

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The power of a mid-rank technique was no small matter and could not even be compared to the blaze seals used before. Even the sound of the collision with the spiritual shield was very shocking.

Dirt flew everywhere and a deep ditch formed. After taking that strike, Yan Tian Heng’s face was pale like paper and a trail of blood leaked out of the corner of his lips. But Lin Xuan was only feeling unfortunate. If the power of the scimitar technique was greater it would have been better. Although it did manage to inflict heavy damages against his opponent, in the end, it still failed to break open the defenses of the spiritual shield.

“Brat, to force an old fellow like me to this kind of state, you are pretty good. But you can die now!”

The smoke and dust had yet to settle yet Yan Tian Heng’s hateful and angry voice had already transmitted out. Lin Xuan shivered with fear for a moment and circulated spiritual power to his fingertips while pulling out more seals with the other hand.

But he didn’t mindlessly attack. To act without know what is going on is very stupid. One should first see what the enemy has prepared before making a plan and then taking action.

Although he was alert, but he was not at all scared. Even though his foe had a killing technique, he himself also had a trump card too. He had not used the Ice Needles technique nor the golden rope yet. So what if he was at the great perfection level. In determining victory or defeat between cultivators, other than spiritual power, spirit tools and seals were also a factor.

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