Tempered Immortal

Chapter 52

Among the disciples that entered the sect at the same time, Lin Xuan’s strength, he would rank within the top three. The latter layers of the Spirit Gathering, even in a sect like the Floating Cloud Valley, could already be considered an elite disciple. But Lin Xuan was not satisfied. This seclusion training was not over yet.

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For one, he still have over one hundred pellets of Purified Essence pills and would last for another dozen days of cultivation at least. Also, although he had successfully broken through, he still had only just entered into the fifth layer. He needed to solidify his cultivation base. So he would continue to stay in seclusion.

Lin Xuan did not get complacent with getting a little bit of success. It fact, it was the complete opposite. Every time he succeeded, he would make more ambitious goals and place harsher requirements on himself.

He became more and more familiar with the circulation of the Soaring Cloud technique. He could feel his spiritual power increasing every day.

Other than his cultivation, the volume of the star ocean in his body had expanded twofold. Originally, he had reached a bottleneck in purifying mid-grade pills. That was not an issue of practising or not working hard enough. He was stuck at only having a success rate of twenty percent. This had nothing to do with efficiency. It was purely because he had hit a bottleneck in the blue star ocean.

But now that he had entered into the latter layers and the star ocean had expanded, the bottleneck naturally disappeared. Lin Xuan tested it out. The success rate of purifying mid-grade pills had risen to thirty percent. Also, now every three low-grade pills he purified, only one would fail.

As to low-grade pills, the current Lin Xuan was already not impressed by them. So even if the success rate increased, Lin Xuan did not care. But mid-grade pills were different. This trip to the Soaring Cloud sect not only allowed Lin Xuan to purchase the items he needed but also taught him about the situation about the various precious items in the cultivation world.

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Low-grade Purified Essence pills were the most common kind of medicinal pills, but mid-grade pills were very uncommon.

Not to mention that it increased his strength. If the success rate rose, then he could consume more mid-grade pills every day.

The maximum number of Purified Essence pills that can be consumed a day is nine. Before, because he did not have enough mid-grade pills, he could only consume on mid-grade pill out of the nine daily limit. Now he could increase it to two or even three pellets.

With the help of the medicinal power, Lin Xuan made rapid progress. After a dozen days, he came out of seclusion and walked out of his house. The current Lin Xuan, although he still have a long way to go before reaching the sixth layer, but he had already solidified his power of the fifth layer. Even his temperament had slightly changed.

However, Lin Xuan did not have a face full of happiness but instead looked very worried. The increase in strength was a good thing, but along with it, hiding that strength would only get harder.

He was clear about his own situation. Although people rarely came to the waste pills storage, but he still needed to leave and go to different areas of the sect. If some elder saw through his cultivation, then it would be disastrous.

There was only one reason. He was an ordinary person who had no spiritual roots. A year ago, he was still struggling in the first layer, but just a few months had passed and he had already entered the latter layers. Only an idiot would not be suspicious.

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But if they investigated to the heart of the matter and found out about the secret of the blue star ocean……

Lin Xuan shook his head. Although the chances of this happening were small, even if a cultivator with much high cultivation than him checked, it would be hard to determine the exact situation inside another persons’ dantian. But better same than sorry, so he would plan for everything ahead of time.

Let alone the fact that Lin Xuan could not think of a good enough excuse to why his cultivation had advanced by leaps and bounds in just one year.

If there a method to hide one’s cultivation such that others cannot see through it?

Lin Xuan knit his brows and thought deeply. This question was not a question that he could ask an elder about. He could only do some research himself.

Lin Xuan came to the library. Low-level disciples could only access the first layer. There were no cultivation techniques here. But there were a lot of books on various subjects. Lin Xuan spent a whole day there and finally found the answer to that question.

On the Herbal encyclopedia was recorded the following:

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The Red Silk grass aged over one hundred years can be used to concoct the Purified Essence pill and other such medicinal pills. When consumed, can also hide one’s cultivation.

Lin Xuan was very happy in his heart. He quickly and carefully read on. Then after a short period, he closed the book. He had a gloomy expression on his face.

The Red Silk grass was a very rare and precious herb in the secular world, but in the cultivation world, it was a very common herb. It was also required to concoct Purified Essence pills. The sect had special herbal gardens, which meant that it would be very easy to find it there.

It was also recorded in the book that the Red Silk grass had different grades. The regular ones can be used to concoct Purified Essence pills, mid-grades for Foundation Building pills, and the best could be used to concoct Spiritual Return pills, which are pulls for Core Formation cultivators.

What a joke. The materials used in pills for the Core Formation stage, it was obvious that it would be very precious. There was not way that he could be able to acquire it.

The Herbal was also very clear. Only one sprig of hid-grade Red Silk Grass would appear among ten thousand sprigs.

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Closing the book, Lin Xuan walked out of the library. Although he was disappointed, he still looked apathetic on the outside. He stopped in a remote corner and silently thought for a short while. Then he did not head back towards the waste pill storage but instead went towards the herb gardens.

After an hour, Lin Xuan walked out of the herb gardens. He had a bamboo wicker basket which was filled with Red Silk Grass. He had traded for them using one pellet of low-grade Purified Essence pill. Luckily, the steward of the herb gardens did not know him. After seeing that Lin Xuan’s fifth layer cultivation, he became much more polite.

The reason Lin Xuan went and got some many sprigs of Red Silk grass was because he had a sudden though. If he could purify medicinal pills, then could he also do the same with medicinal herbs?

Lin Xuan did not have high hopes, but he had to try to see the results. If he could purify these regular Red Silk grass into high-grades, then wouldn’t the problem of hiding his cultivation be solved?

Returning to the waste pill storage and closed the door of his house. He pulled out a sprig of Red Silk grass. This sprig was approximately twenty years old. It emitted a faint medicinal aroma. Because it had only been recently harvested, it was still very fresh and tender.

In the cultivation world, Red Silk grass could be considered to be a kind of special material. Different grades would result in different kinds of pills. Low-grade Red Silk grass could only be considered an ordinary material. Mid-grade was considered precious. As to high-grade, even Core Formation experts would fight over them. From this, it can be seen that it was a very precious treasure.

Only high-grade Red Silk grass can hide his cultivation. Lin Xuan decided to test if other than finished pills if the blue stars had any effect on fresh materials.

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