Tempered Immortal

Chapter 61

This Ye Tian definitely exceeded everyone’s expectations. Not only was he a Demonic Cultivator and possessed the Hundred Souls Streamer, he also had a spirit artifact.

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But Lin Xuan was not anxious but instead was both worried and happy at the same time. He was worried because his opponent had so many magical treasures which made him much harder to defeat than he originally thought. But he was also happy because Ye Tian was so wealthy. If he killed him, he would also have acquired a small fortune.

Although his opponent was not weak and had many treasures, but if they were comparing wealth, even Foundation Building cultivators were slightly worse off than him. Therefore, Lin Xuan had one hundred percent confidence in his ability to achieve victory, he just had to expend more effort to do so.

Although that fire snake floating in mid-air was giving off an astonishing presence, but Lin Xuan had already probed it with his spiritual sense, it was only a low-grade spirit artifact. This was also to be expected. After all, not everyone was like him to have such good luck and fortuitous encounters.

For lower layer Spirit Gathering stage cultivators to have a low-grade spirit artifact was already very impressive. As for that Senior Apprentice Sister Zhou, Zhou Yan, she had some special circumstances. She was already a Great Perfection expert and thus was favoured in the sect. Add on the fact that she came from a powerful cultivator clan, it was no surprise that she would be so wealthy. Sadly, in the end, all of it conveniently ended up in his hands.

Lin Xuan brushed his sleeve and let out a golden glowing rope that was perhaps a foot in length. It immediately rose to meet the fire snake.

Ye Tian’s eyes almost popped out and his expression turned extremely ugly. He looked as if he was looking at a freak. He wracked his brain and could still not understand what a regular person without spiritual roots would have this kind of wealth of a Beast Seal and a Spirit Artifact……

Even though he was not clear on what kind of treasure it was, but from the might it was exuding, he could tell it was a mid-grade spirit artifact. His fire snake was in danger.

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Luckily, his opponent was only at the fourth layer. Ye Tian desperately poured his spiritual power into the fire snake. He wanted to use the “deepness” of his cultivation to make up for the mismatch of his spirit artifact grade.

Lin Xuan’s expression was ugly to look at but he was sneering coldly on the inside. He had already seen through his opponent’s decision and strategy. Because of the Red Silk grass extract hiding his cultivation, his opponent had mistakenly made a bad decision. The Hundred Souls Streamer was evenly matched with the Beast Seal. Now he wanted to match his low-grade spirit artifact with a mid-grade one.

In Ye Tian’s mind, his cultivation was at the sixth layer and Lin Xuan was only at the fourth layer. Although to go against a mid-grade spirit artifact with his low-grade one would consume a lot of spiritual power, but with his strength, he should still be victorious.

The fish was hooked, and as long as Lin Xuan wanted to beat him at his own game, he could definitely waste all of Ye Tian’s spiritual power and then kill him, but that was not Lin Xuan’s plan.

And these were the reasons. Firstly, he did not want to waste the energy contained in the Beast Seal. And secondly, although they were far from the path, but they were not very concealed. If this was to drag on for a long time, there was no guarantee that they would not be discovered.

It would be terrible if someone was to come and investigate. As the proverb goes, the situation might change if one waits too long, to resolve the issues in the shortest time possible is the best choice.

Lin Xuan once again reached into his bosom. See his action, Ye Tian became more alert, but he was not worried at all because judging by Lin Xuan’s cultivation of the fourth layer, to support the Beast Seal and a mid-grade spirit artifact was already very straining. Even if he had other treasures, he would still not be able to find the spiritual power to use them.

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He could probably at most use a few more low-grade seals.

Realizing this, Ye Tian coldly laughed and waved the Hundred Souls Streamer. A demonic fog formed,condensed into a black shielding, and wrapped around him.

Although it was somewhat unsophisticated, but when comparing power, although this Hundred Souls Streamer was slightly inferior to a high-grade spirit artifact, but it could both attack and defend, allowing it to have greater use.

The situation was now very clear. His opponent’s Beast Seal, each move it made consumed so energy, therefore, it would not be able to last that much longer. In addition, with a cultivation at the fourth layer, Lin Xuan could only barely support the consumption of spiritual energy required by the mid-grade spirit artifact and would quickly run out of spiritual power. No matter how you looked at it, his victory was assured.

Ye Tian had a ferocious look on his face and a cruel and excited look in his eyes. Demonic cultivators liked to murder others, and after killing Lin Xuan, he would also be able to acquire all the other treasures he had. Although he was not clear on what other treasure he had, but just the Beast Seal and the mid-grade spirit artifact was already making Ye Tian drool in anticipation.

Seeing everything on Ye Tian’s face, Lin Xuan secretly snorted and put on a dismayed expression on his face, looking as if he had run out of treasures and as if he had reached the end of the road.

“Haha, Junior Apprentice Brother Lin, I have not idea how a disciple with no spiritual roots achieved a cultivation of the fourth layer, but no matter, Senior Apprentice Brother will help you pass on today. No need to thank me. I won’t waste your soul either, I will use it to refine this Hundred Souls Streamer.” Said Ye Tian in an amiable manner, yet the words he used would cause one’s blood to run cold.

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Lin Xuan’s expression turned even more ugly and sweat drops the size of beans start to appear on his forehead. It looked like he was very rattled by Ye Tian’s cruel words. The golden rope also shivered in mid-air and the fire snake seized the opportunity to overwhelm it……

Ye Tian was extremely happy. Rookies were rookies, once they got flustered, their concentration would break apart and they would not be able to use their spiritual power effectively. He was about to take this opportunity to launch a vicious offensive and annihilate his opponent in one stroke.

But it was at that moment that Lin Xuan threw something else into the air.

Ye Tian did not care about it at first. The shielding formed from demonic fog was extremely sturdy. It would even block a strike from a high-level technique of the peak of the mid-level techniques, the Ice Needles technique. With Lin Xuan’s spiritual power, at most he could use some more low-grade seals, so what was there to worry about?

But very soon, he realized that he was wrong!

The thing that was floating in the air immediately released an astonishing wave of spiritual power, easily overpowering the fire snake and golden rope.

“High…… High-grade spirit artifact?”

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Ye Tian’s voice sounded like the ravings of a madman, his eyes showing his horror. Lin Xuan also stopped hiding his cultivation, fully revolving his spiritual power.

His temperament at the moment was not at all like what it was before, his cultivation was also high than Ye Tian’s.

“Not, not possible. It hasn’t even been four years since you entered the Valley, how could a disciple with no spiritual roots be an expert at the sixth layer of Spirit Gathering.”

Ye Tian was beginning to get hysterical, his expression frantic. Originally, he thought that victory was already in his grasp, but who would have thought that his opponent was a wolf in sheep’s clothing1 and wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine2.

Literally “playing the pig to eat the tiger” 

Literally “please sir, get into the boiling pot”

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