Tempered Immortal

Chapter 75

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"that much?"

Lin Xuan showed a look of surprise, but when he looks again, he curls his lips, it was indeed a defensive Talisman, but…

Water-Bubble Spell, Wind-Wall Spell, Flame Shield, Wood-Spirit Art…

These were all Low level, no, it should be called entry level.

What do you want to do with this garbage?

"Cough, cough."Lin Xuan complexion a bit embarrassed: "I am talking about Middle-Rank Defense Talismans."

"Middle-Rank?"The young man looked at Lin Xuan carefully: "There is some but it's very expensive."

"Show me first."

The young man took out three Talisman from the his storage bag, these were all made by my Master, and are Middle-Grade Defense Talismans."

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Lin Xuan looked at it, it was really good, Vajra Spell, Water Spirit Shield, Mud Wall Technique, exactly what he needed: "How are much are they?"

" Nine Low grade Spirit Stones."

Lin Xuan estimated in his mind that although a Middle Grade Talisman is expensive, but as defensive Talismans are far more rare than the offensive ones, the price is a lot higher.

After some bargaining, the two sides finally agreed on seven spirit stones each.

After paying twenty one Spirit Stones, Lin Xuan took the three Talismans into his storage bag, he did feel some regret, but with these three Defense Talisman, the safety of his trip increased dramatically.

Continuing his shopping and seeing if he can find any useful Talismans. The Leaping Stream Mountain may be extremely dangerous, but as long as he has Talismans, Lin Xuan does not need to worry.

However, his luck ran out. Most of them were Low Grade Talismans. Although there's some Middle Grade ones, it belonged to the Offensive Class. As for High Grade, Lin Xuan did not see any. From Wang Xin's words That Elder Tianyuan did not seem to be present in today's exchange.

"low grade talismans, low grade talismans!"

A burst of screaming fell into his ears, the surrounding cultivators looking at each other , although the situation here is more like a secular market, but the stall owners and the customers are Immortal Cultivators, how can they shout and sell like ordinary people? When everyone were talking in whispers, the sound of his yelling seemed particularly harsh.

"Which is an uncultured brat…"The thoughts of ​​the cultivator has not yet finished, when the next sentence has drawn their attention: "Everyone should look at this, this is a Low Grade Talisman that is comparable with a High Grade Talisman."

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"What, can Low-Rank Talisman compare to High-Rank Talisman?"

Not to mention other cultivators, even Lin Xuan is moved, knowing that a Low Grade Talisman is only like a Low Level magical art, and a High Grade Talisman is as Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator's Spell, the power of the two, simply can not be compared.

Suddenly, everyone rushed to the buyer and Lin Xuan was also in the crowd, and squeezed to the front.

The stall owner wore the Dao Talisman Mountain's robe, only seventeen or eighteen years old, with a bright face and a crafty smile on his lips.

Everyone noticed that his cultivation base was very low, and weren't moved, the Third Layer of Cultivation, just stepped into Spirit Condensation Middle-Stage.

The cultivators looked at each other with a face full of incredulity. Some people whispered in a low voice : "Is this kid a Cultivator, or a juggler?"

"What are you selling?"

"Yeah, how can Low Grade Talisman compare to a High Grade one?"


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Everyone was shouting, and Liu Jing's face was full of self-satisfaction: "This junior brother's Low-Rank Talisman is different."

"Don't show off, just talk."There is no shortage of temperamental people among in the cultivators."
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"For example, this Ice Bullet Spell."Liu Jing pulled out a Talisman from his arms.

it's just an entry level magic spell. A tall and thin man snorted and grinned.

"is it really ?"

Liu Jing's eyes showed a fascinating color, threw the Talisman in his hand and shouted: "Rise!"

At first, the tall and thin man didn't care seem about the little Ice Bullet's technique. But in the next moment, he expression changed drastically. The Ice Bullet burst in the air, and a terrifying chill spread out. Countless Ice-Needles spread out.

Not only him, but the nearby cultivators were also scared, not one part of it was a Low grade Ice Bullet Spell, but it's as terrifying as the Ice Needle Spell, and has reached the realm of Great Perfection, and there were at least 500 of them.

When it comes to dominating with numbers, let alone a Disciple of the Spirit Condensation Stage, even a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, at a close distance, facing so many Ice-Needle, could very well be dead.

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Although he knew it was useless the tall and thin man, placed a layer of a spiritual Qi barrier in front of him.

However, it's just pointless Struggle, a small Shield, how can it block the powerful Ice-Needles?

As the Ice-Needles got closer, the tall and thin man closed his eyes waiting for his death, but something unexpected happened. The Hundreds of Ice-Needle were tied up, but like mud cows falling into the sea, there was no waves or ripples.

How did this happen? Including the tall man who escaped from death, the crowd of cultivators were stunned, and even Lin Xuan was shocked in his heart, his mouth slightly rising, turning his gaze to the self-satisfied stall owner.

"You don't have to panic. Just as this junior brother has said, this is only the Ice Bullet Spell. As a Low Grade magical technique , it can't breakthrough the defense of this brother."

"But why did we see the Ice Needle Spell?"

"Yeah, yeah, what's going on?"


"This is the meaning of the sentence this junior brother just said", it can be compared with High Grade Talismans as Low Grade Talisman, although its power is still like a low grade Magic spell, but it gives people the same visual and auditory effects as a High Grade magic spell, for example, ice Bullet spell will be mistaken for a ice needle spell, and this fireball will be misunderstood as the Fierce flames, Rolling Stones will be mistaken for the Heaven Punishment Stone… "Liu Jing said, while taking out different talismans from his storage bag.

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