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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

Frowning, Xi Muqiao looked at Qiao Mu who was really angry. He tried his best to stay calm and not to criticize her.

"So I'm the Mister only when you need my help. Once I don't help you, I'm an old bastard again?" Xi Muqiao didn't know where this little bastard got her guts to behave like that in front of him, “a leader of the gongdom” (at least she thought he was).

Xi Muqiao did not expect that his plan could drive her to think about this solution. The little bastard was too audacious. Sell her organs? Did she know how dangerous it was? She would definitely obtain nothing if she went to this market by herself only.

What made him much angrier was that she would ask someone else to help if he did not help her. For God's sake, he would absolutely break her leg as long as she dared to do it as she said!

However, Xi Muqiao was also relieved that Qiao Mu came to him first. Otherwise, her organs might be taken by others now. At that time, he could do nothing but regret only.

He knew about Lin Wei's health condition. Anyway, she needed an operation sooner or later.

Xi Muqiao lowered his head to restrain the complicated emotions in his eyes. Then, he turned around and looked at the twig once again, pretending to be indifferent and saying in a cold voice," Don't you ever think about that. I won't help you to sell your organs."

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Qiao Mu was disappointed and did not know what to do. Actually, she knew that there was nobody else she could ask for help and Xi Muqiao was the only one who could help her.

"Mister, how on earth will you help me? What do you want? I will give you whatever I have got. I don't have any other choices. I beg you to help me."

Proud as Qiao Mu was, no matter what she had gone through these years, she was never overwhelmed. But at present, she knelt and wrapped her arms around his legs; though her back was still straight, she was choking with sobs," I beg you……"

Xi Muqiao turned around. The scarlet in his dark eyes had disappeared now. He loosened his clenched hands and closed his eyes slowly. When he opened his eyes again, he totally calmed down without any violence in his eyes.

Crouching down, he lifted Qiao Mu's small face with his hand, saying slowly," I can help you, but I never give my money for nothing. I will help you to resolve everything if you sell yourself to me. Understand?"

Qiao Mu was stunned, asking," What do you mean by selling myself to you?"

Xi Muqiao lifted her chin and looked at her dark and bright eyes while the corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

"I mean from now on your life belongs to me. No matter what your past or your future are, they have nothing to do with you any longer. Because from now on, your life only belongs to me, including yourself!"

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In the beginning, Qiao Mu thought to sell herself meant to be his bed partner as a prostitute to serve him whenever he wanted. However, what was worse, except her body, he even wanted everything of her.

Qiao Mu hesitated silently while her body was still slightly quivering.

Xi Muqiao's slender finger moved across Qiao Mu's chin to her small face. With his warm hand touching her face, he asked seriously," Now, tell me your answer. Yes or no!"

Gritting her teeth, Qiao Mu nodded with humiliation.

"Good girl." Xi Muqiao removed his hand from Qiao Mu's face and stood up, lowering her eyes to look at her. Totally different to the man who was furious and talked in a cold voice just now, he recovered to a gentleman and said," Stand up!"

Qiao Mu stood up, wiping away her tears with great force while glaring at Xi Muqiao furiously. At the same time, she had a plan in her mind.

He was such a bastard!

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To save her mother, she had to agree with the deal. But Qiao Mu thought naively that even if she sold herself to him, he could not limit her thoughts and her behaviour.

As soon as she got the money, she would deny it. After all, Xi Muqiao did not have any evidence that she sold herself to him.

At before, she still felt pity for the old bastard that it would be a loss if he died since he was so handsome. Nevertheless, she wanted him to die as early as possible now. What a vicious bastard!

Why did the rich and powerful person always try to get superiority by bullying others? If she were infuriated, she would definitely poison him with no mercy!

Qiao Mu's eyes were filled with tears and her nose tips were red. With the tears streamed down her beautiful face, she widened her eyes and gave Xi Muqiao a hostile glare.

"Old bastard, I would make you kneel to beg me for forgiveness one day!" She cursed secretly in her heart and imagined that she would use one hand to pinch his chin and the other to pat him on his annoying face at that time, saying," Old bastard, did you realize this situation would happen back then?"

Stopping her imagination, Qiao Mu snuffled and glared at Xi Muqiao next to the window, thinking," Old bastard, life is a long journey. Let's wait and see!"

"When will you give me the money?" But now it was not the right time to think about other things. She needed to get the money as soon as possible.

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"Once when we sign the contract, I will give you the money." Xi Muqiao flipped the dust from the cuff of his shirt. He was totally not anxious at this stage since he knew Qiao Mu could not leave him again.

"The contract?" Widening her eyes, Qiao Mu was about to lose her temper. Shit! She seemed to be trapped by him.

"To prevent you from denying the truth in the future!"

Qiao Mu was so frustrated at this time!

Damn it! As the leader of the gangdom, he was so well-prepared. Why did they need to sign a contract? This was not a way that a violent simple-minded leader of the gangdom usually do as she knew. Qiao Mu asked unwillingly," Why didn't you tell me in the beginning?"

Xi Muqiao looked sideways at Qiao Mu proudly, saying, "It is not too late to tell you now. Of course, you are welcome to regret." Qiao Mu really wanted to slap his face with her shoe.

Speechlessly, she knew that she had no options right now because she desperately needed the money. The old bastard definitely knew that either. That was why Xi Muqiao was not worried she would regret at all.

"Why do you want to buy me? To do the laundry? Wash dishes? Or cook?" Qiao Mu asked cautiously.

Knowing exactly what Qiao Mu was thinking, Xi Muqiao glanced at her and lifted the corner of his face. With a spurious smile on his face, he said ambiguously, "It is winter now, so I need someone to warm my bed!"

Qiao Mu, "..."

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