Proofread by Claire.KK

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Xi Muqiao lowered his eyes with his regular expressionless face, but the faint solemnity in his eyes exposed his mood at this time.

He knew his little bastard cried with some unobservable raucity in her voice. And soon, he realized what happened to her.

It must be that she didn't know how to explain where she got the operation fee. Otherwise, why would Lin Wei keep sounding him out on the phone?

It was not the first time that he saw her crying with the sniffles and tears in spite of her good personal image.

Sometimes he even made her cry on purpose because he wanted to see her funny slanted eyebrows again. But now he never knew that her silent sadness would be so powerful to break his heart. Every time she sobbed, his heart was hammered, causing the pain which even extended to his whole body.

He reached out with a light colour hanky in his hands while his fingers rubbed on it, feeling the warmth from the palm. His eyes half-narrowed, covering the complex emotion in his eyes.

It should be a one-time supply for him and he would throw the hanky after using, let alone to wash it. But strangely, he ordered Qiao Mu to wash it clean and what was more, he kept it on him and never thought of throwing it.

Lin Yi knocked on the door and entered the room. He saw Xi Muqiao with a strong aura and handsome face standing by the window. Though he and Zuo Zhen had been Xi Muqiao's subordinates and worked for him for so many years, Lin Yi had never seen through his minds.

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Different to the elegant, polite and charming person he was sometimes, Xi Muqiao was decisive and ruthless while doing business as well. But in private, he always kept calm and was indifferent to most of the things.

Not long ago, Lin Yi found a completely different Xi Muqiao because the girl who slept with him. In front of the girl called Qiao Mu, he was bossy and sly with the roguish but attractive smiles. With a faint aura of a rascal, he raised the eyebrows and lifted the corner of his mouth all the time while talking to her, which all meant this girl was very special to him.

Everyone knew the Xi Family was extremely rich and had a good reputation. Still, seldom people understood how hard it was to live in this family because barely anyone in this family remained loyal to other family members. Every family member seemed to get along well with the others, but they were actually all wolves in sheep's clothing who were waiting for an excellent opportunity to frame up others.

 "President, the things you asked me to do have been settled. You just need to go there with Miss Qiao and household register in due course."

Xi Muqiao nodded as a response. The solemnity in his eyes lessened. He put the handkerchief back into the pocket of his pants and asked in a calm voice," How is my uncle? What has he been doing these days?"

"He was very cautious and always kept a high alert recently. In case of acting rashly and alerting him, we dared not to keep too close but waited for a chance."

Xi Muqiao's eyes slightly rolled as a look of understanding appeared, "Keep on watching them. No need to hustle. Don't let him find out we have been watching him. My uncle is a crafty old fox. It's just the beginning and there will be a good show prepared for him."

 "I see." Lin Yi nodded his head and replied respectfully.

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"Moreover, from now on, disapprove every plan made by Xi Muche. If he has any questions, let him talk to me." The corner of Xi Muqiao's lips slightly curled up while his eyes were very impassive. His voice was light and calm, but Lin Yi could still feel the pressure and understood that his decision was unarguable.

The Xi Group at present was totally different from the one which was on the verge of bankrupting before. Undoubtedly, the Xi Group would have fallen apart a long time ago without Xi Muqiao, let alone to become the leading company in Jiang City. Therefore, the Xi Group no longer belonged to everyone in the Xi Family for now.

Looking at Xi Muqiao who was surrounded by the aura of aggressiveness, Lin Yi had his eyes lit up. He had always known that his president was handsome and elegant even though he was in a fury.

"No matter Zuo Zhen or you need to make sure of keeping an eye on the little bastard and informing me as soon as possible no matter what happens." Of course, the little bastard Xi Muqiao mentioned was Qiao Mu.

Lin Yi nodded, saying," Okay, got it. Don't worry, president."

 "Attend the social event tonight on behalf of me. You should understand how to explain to those people." After saying this, Xi Muqiao waved his hand, indicating Lin Yi that he could leave.

Lin Yi's eyes widened in a sudden. With a wry smile, Lin Yi said," Ah, president, you know, those old cons are simply a pack of wolves who are not only sly but also manipulative and aggressive. I am only an innocent assistant. They will absolutely treat me ruthlessly and cruelly."

"Oh, really? Sly wolves and old cons? Who are you talking about?" Xi Muqiao asked with a faint smile.

Hearing his question, Lin Yi got almost choked to death by his saliva while thinking secretly, "Come on, Mr President. Stop looking for the faults from every word I said!" But soon, Lin Yi quickly added, "I mean they are all bosses, so only you can suppress them."

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Xi Muqiao gave a glance at his easily-frightened assistant and then, he lifted his delicate chin, threatening with his eyes half-narrowed, "As my assistant with an annual salary of two million, you can only do odd jobs like data-entry-kinda stuff? Hmm... maybe I should tell the Finance Department to alter your salary to 200,000 yuan and find a new office……" Zi Muqiao suggested in a tone that was partly fake and partly true.

Lin Yi trembled a bit after hearing what he said and immediately, Lin Yi took a step forward and stood straight at once, "President, don't worry. I will go tonight and complete the mission!"

Xi Muqiao then nodded his head and said in a stern voice," If the final price you get is too low, you could just pack up and go to the barren island immediately and earn money back. The branch there needs a talented leader like you."


Xi Muqiao patted Lin Yi on the shoulder with his big hand and then, he turned around to walk towards the door, leaving only the pathetic Lin Yi in the large office who had always been thinking about getting a pay raise before, but now just hoped that he could keep his current position.

"No, I have to discuss with Zuo Zhen now. A pay cut is not a big deal, but I cannot go to the barren island." thought Zuo Zhen.

Qiao Mu breathed a sigh of relief after going out of the hospital. What happened today had scared her. Thank God, she got Xi Muqiao to convince her mother to trust her.

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"I never expected the old bastard, who has always been annoyed, would be so faithful at such a crucial moment. I will express my gratitude to him next time when we meet, Hmmm, and treat him to a piece of Chinese pancake with a ham sausage."

Qiao Mu raised her head and looked at the sky. Although she managed to explain how she obtained the money for her mothers' operation, Qiao Mu still didn't know how to solve the four-million-debt to her mother and tell her mom that she had paid off all the debt?

Taking a deep sigh, Qiao Mu was troubled again.

She thought to herself, "The operation fee is enough to make my mum so angry since she suspected that I must do something bad to get the money. I cannot imagine how mum will react if she knows I have already paid off the four-million-debt as well. It seems that my mom will not buy the story that the money has been donated by some rich person this time. After all, it's ridiculous that a rich man donated so much money to me without asking for anything? It totally does not make sense! My mum isn't stupid, so she will definitely not believe in such an explanation."

Qiao Mu took a deep breath and tried not to be so worried, "Mum isn’t going to be discharged from the hospital recently. So I'd better not let her know now. Anyway. I will find a perfect explanation."

Qiao Mu still had 200,000 dollars left after paying for the operation fee and the debt, but she decided to continue to do some part-time jobs. After all, she still needed some money during her mom's rehabilitation process, and they could not make a living only with this money.

There was a car following Qiao Mu at a safe distance for quite a while and it was Xi Muqiao who was sitting in the car.

Ever since Qiao Mu came out of the hospital, Xi Muqiao's car had been following her all the time since Xi Muqiao really wanted to know about Qiao Mu's daily life.

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