Chapter 22: If you don’t leave now, I will hack you to death with a knife!

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Translator: Flying Lines

Proofread by Claire.KK

 “What, what do you mean?” Qiao Mu took a step back, raised her eyes, and watched Xi Muqiao’s every move scrupulously.

Xi Muqiao squinted at Qiao Mu, who was rigid like a sculpture; then he said as if he didn’t see her expression, “Just the literal meaning, don’t you understand? How did you make your way into university then? You didn’t copy from your neighbor during the college entrance xamination, did you?”

Qiao Mu was speechless, blushing, ‘Damn it! You copied from your neighbor during the college entrance examination! You bastard, it’s true that a filthy mouth cannot utter decent language!’

 “You know nothing! I could have entered into a better university. It was all because the teacher made mistakes when he corrected my exam papers, so I had to come to the University of Jiangcheng. It’s unworthy of my talents. Then I met you, old bastard.”

The man laughed, ‘The teacher made mistakes? Unworthy of her talents? This little bastard is really good at talking nonsense!’ Qiao Mu thought her laughter was more like a sneer.

Qiao Mu kept her eyes wide open, feeling angry, but she didn’t say anything more.

She wasn’t willing to tell him why she chose this university was because she met the big brother here when she was a little girl and then she had a special feeling for the city. Nevertheless, she didn’t know she had what kind of expectation in mind. In a word, as she got really good grades at that time, she could have entered a better college.

Wait a minute! What were they talking about? They strayed from the point! Qiao Mu hurried to recur to the original question. She’d better first figure out the most important problem.

 “Did you say that you’ll stay here tonight?” Qiao Mu asked cautiously.

 “Uh-huh?” Xi Muqiao’s expression seemed to be saying: “Yes, I’ll stay here. But what can you do with me?”

Qiao Mu’s heart trembled, “Then…then where are you gonna sleep?”

Xi Muqiao still ignored Qiao Mu’s look, and then said with his eyes full of wicked hints, “I’m gonna, of course, sleep…in your room.”

 “No! I disagree!” Qiao Mu objected immediately. If he slept in her room, where could she sleep?

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 “It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not. What is important is whether or not I would like to stay here.” Xi Muqiao unfastened the buttons slowly, one by one, which Qiao Mu fastened a short while ago. His sexy muscles under the black waistcoat were faintly visible.

Seeing Qiao Mu behaved as if she was faced with a formidable enemy, Xi Muqiao raised the corners of his mouth, with his eyes full of flamboyant complacency, and there seemed to be some peach flowers blossoming on his handsome face.

 “Miss Qiao, I would like to remind you of something. According to our contract, I bought you at the price of five million yuan. As you belong to me, naturally, everything that you possess belong to me. So, your room is my room. Do you understand?”

Qiao Mu didn’t know how to retort. She was shocked by the man’s theory. What crappy logic was this? The bullshit talk made her lose her own room? After racking her brains for quite a while, she still could only attribute all this to that damned contract.

 “Old man, I pray you. You are such a big god, while my temple is too small to accommodate you. Could you leave now?” Qiao Mu, her lips curling, tried to push Xi Muqiao out of the door; however, the tall figure didn’t move.

Looking at his scoundrel-like look, it seemed that he would continue to act shamelessly; then Qiao Mu lost all her patience, ‘Why wouldn’t you take my advice? Do you want to force me to get mad?’ She stepped forward, grabbed Xi Muqiao’s coat and tried to pull him out of the door, “Old man. Get out of my house quickly! If you don’t leave now, I’ll yell for help!”

However, even she exerted all her strength, the man still stood there and didn’t move. Qiao Mu wanted to cry, ‘What did the man eat when he was growing up? He is not fat, but why he doesn’t move?’

The man, with his arms crossing over his chest, just watched her—she strived to move him away with her hands and feet, but finally, even she got out of breath, he didn’t move at all; then she got furious, she sat on the floor and cursed loudly, behaving like a little vixen.

 “Would you yell for help again?” Xi Muqiao leaned over with his face close to Qiao Mu’s and stared at her in a provocative way, “I really would love to know what you would yell.” Qiao Mu got up from the floor and gazed at Xi Muqiao with her big eyes, as if she was ready to die if she didn’t make a success.

In order to cast the old bastard out, she decided to stick her neck out. She stood there akimbo, wore an angry expression, and pretended to be ferocious on purpose, totally a shrew, “I would yell ‘you, a satyr, break into my home and intend to rape an underage girl!”

Hearing this, Xi Muqiao laughed even louder. He pouted his lips and pointed to the outline of Qiao Mu’s plump breast, and his eyes were full of naked greed, “What? An underage girl? I think that I need to verify whether you are underage or not by myself…”

Qiao Mu was frightened by Xi Muqiao’s barely disguised flirting and his hands that were reaching for her. She hurried to cross her hands to protect her chest and took two steps back: “Don’t… Don’t approach me! I’m warning you, I’m really underage!”

 “That’s great. I like underage girls.” Xi Muqiao threw an evil look to Qiao Mu, which seemed to be saying ‘You know it’; then he lifted his long legs, made a step forward and stood right before Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu burst into tears, “Mister, I was wrong. I lied to you just now. In fact, I’m not underage, while I’m actually already over forty years. I have got old. I’m not worth you committing a crime…”

The smile on Xi Muiqiao’s face froze again and the corners of his mouth twitched, ‘Oh my gosh! This little bastard!’ He regained the impulsion to beat her.

His hands kept stretching forward, with his face wearing a threatening smile, “What a coincidence! I’m also interested in women over forty years old…”

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 “Stop! Stop! Stop!” Qiao Mu continued to retreat until she finally got to the wall; however, the two devil hands kept approaching her. Before the two big hands touched her, Qiao Mu shut her eyes and shouted, “I’m twenty years old, twenty years old! Are you satisfied now?”

But after shouting that, she began to worry—‘if the old man says he is also interested in girls of twenty, what could I do?’

Qiao Mu prayed in her heart: ‘Please don’t… Oh, my god, we see each other every day. You must protect me from being hurt!’

Fortunately, Xi Muqiao withdrew his two big hands. It was not because he dared not grab her breast, but because the little bastard would get mad again. As she had already belonged to him, and she would be his in the future, he needn’t to act in a hurry. If he made the little bastard cry, it would be he who would feel sorry for her.

 “Then would you still like to yell that I plan to rape you? If others see us, do you think they will believe it’s I who want to rape you or it’s you who want to rape me?” Xi Muqiao, raising his marvelous beautiful face, walked around the room, “Moreover, speaking of raping, you do have a previous criminal record!”

As Qiao Mu stood up straight, she heard Xi Muqiao’s words, and then she felt a sip of blood stuck in her throat, which made her nearly choked to death.

He was the underworld boss. How could he say that—she, a weak girl with little strength, would rape him? Her chest heaved as she breathed deeply. She was so pissed off that she even gnashed her teeth. ‘How could there be such a shameless wretch in this world?’

In addition, if he didn’t mention that she slept with him arbitrarily, she wouldn’t have recalled her resentment. It was the first and the only time she had got drunk. How was it possible that all happened together by coincidence?

Leaving aside that she lost her virginity without consciousness, what was more exasperating was that she didn’t feel a thing then but felt sore for a few days after that—this was so unfair!

And this old hateful man, apparently, he got a great benefit, but he always was appeared to be the victim, as if he was very sacred and innocent.

 “If you are scared, you’d better get out of my house right away! YOU have a previous criminal record! And all your families have previous criminal records!” The more Qiao Mu thought, the angrier she grew. But for his handsome appearance, she would take off her sneakers and slapped them on his face.

 “I’m telling you, old bastard, you have to get out here tonight! If you don’t leave now, I, I’ll, I’ll…”

“What will you do?” Xi Muqiao turned around, and he also put his hands on his waist like Qiao Mu did, ‘I would like to wait and see what you will do to me!’

 “I’ll hack you to death with a knife!” Qiao Mu’s rounded eyes gazed at him. ‘With a knife, old bastard! Aren’t you afraid of it? It’ll leave only a scar in the size of a bowl on your neck! Humph!’

 “I guess you have forgotten my identity once again?” Xi Muqiao suddenly sneered, and he took the opportunity to put his left hand on the back of his waist, “Well then, let’s compare your knife to my gun. Let’s see it’s your knife that is faster or my gun. OK?”

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“No, no, no, I won’t hack you, Mister. Whining…” Qiao Mu shivered, gave up immediately and hurried to shake her head.

How could she forget that this old bastard was the underworld boss, and he must always bring a gun with him!

What a shame! Qiao Mu was being driven up the wall. As she couldn’t demolish him, nor could she beat him, she felt so wronged.

She had already admitted defeat. However, she didn’t know why the old bastard’s hand was still on the back of his waist. He still planned to pull his gun out? Mama mía! “Mister, I was just joking with you. Please don’t…”

The disguised atrocious look on the corners of Xi Muqiao’s eyes slowly changed into a malicious smile that was hard to understand. He grabbed the thing on the back of his waist and threw it towards Qiao Mu abruptly. His movement scared Qiao Mu; and then she fell on her knees instantly, “Mister, please don’t, don’t…I’ll do everything you demand…Sobbing…”

When Qiao Mu was crying, she suddenly found there was something wrong—it seemed not to be a gun. She looked up. Damn it! The old bastard pulled the belt off his waist and swung it in front of Qiao Mu! She was fooled by his trick once again!

Unlike those shows displayed on TV—when the gang leader raised the corner of his scarred eyes, his henchmen would all kneel down t once—this man was always dressed in a crisp suit, kept his hair clean and tidy, and looked vigorous and handsome.

Nevertheless, even he disguised himself well, he couldn’t change the fact that he was actually a ruffian!

If this could be endured, what else couldn’t be! Anyway, she couldn’t endure that!

Qiao Mu jumped up wrathfully and rushed to him while making threatening gestures. She set her mind to tear up the old bastard!

When there was only ten centimeters between them, Qiao Mu heard Xi Muqiao’s cold words, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll take out my gun?” Although he didn’t pull it out, it couldn’t prove he didn’t bring one.

Qiao Mu was stunned, freezing. She didn’t know whether she should continue to move forward or back away hastily. With her heart thumping with fear, she asked softly, “Do, do you really have a gun?”

Xi Muqiao’s lowered his proud head, glanced at his own crotch, and then said seriously, “Don’t you know whether I have a gun or not?”

At the beginning, Qiao Mu didn’t get his point. But as she followed the man’s eyes and also took a glance at his crotch, she broke into a cold sweat at that instant; then she recoiled, “Whoops, Mister, that was a mistake. Please calm down. Maybe we can have a nice talk…”

Damn it! If she had a knife in her hand, she would definitely cut his ‘gun’! ‘I would like to see if he had another one to show off!’

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If Xi Muqiao knew what Qiao Mu was thinking in her mind, he would hang up the little bastard and beat her.

Qiao Mu clasped her hands devoutly and begged him, “Oh, my boss. I’m begging you. Could you leave quickly? If others see there is a man in my home, my innocence will be completely ruined.

Xi Muqiao was not convinced. He didn’t move but touched his forehead with his hand. It seemed like that something occurred to him, “Your innocence? Haven’t you handed it over that night?”

‘Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Could you stop talking about that night? I have already said it was a mistake! Don’t you know what a mistake is? Old bastard!’

Qiao Mu subdued her mounting anger in her mind, “Yes…But if those fribbles downstairs see it, they would keep gossiping about me everywhere.”

The man hummed frostily, “If anyone dares to gossip, I’ll rip out his tongue. What’s more, I don’t worry my reputation would be ruined. What are you worrying about?”

 “…” ‘Heck, do you, the underworld boss, also have a reputation?’

The arm was no match for the thigh. After several rounds of bitter confrontation, Qiao Mu finally submitted to Xi Muqiao’s various threats and oppression and agreed to serve Xi Muqiao to wash him, wailing.

Qiao Mu originally intended to let the old man sleep in her bed, and she would sleep in her mother’s bed. However, before she moved away, she received Xi Muqiao’s instruction: “You sleep over beside me!”

Qiao Mu retreated with her pajama in her hands, and stammered, “I, I, I don’t want to!”

Xi Muqiao sat on Qiao Mu’s small single bed, crossing his long legs; then he hid the smile in his eyes and said, “When I bought you, you asked me what I would do with you. Do you remember what I said?”

The little bastard shook her head and swallowed saliva. At the moment, her eyes were full of vigilance, and she didn’t remember what the old bastard said then.

 “I said: The weather is cold. I need you to warm bed for me.”


Qiao Mu felt she could no longer stifled her anger. She raised her head, kept her big eyes wide open; and then her anger suddenly flooded her mind—she threw the pajama in her arms to Xi Muqiao, “To hell with warming the bed! I know you are up to no good! You, such a beast, although you wear a human face, you do have a heart of brute!

Xi Muqiao caught the pajama that Qiao Mu swung at him, “As you don’t plan to fulfill your obligations, according to our contract, you should return the five million yuan to me.”

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