Proofread by Claire.KK

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While Xi Muqiao was still considering, Qiao Mu shouted at him, “Mister, are you going to come here or not? I have already warmed the bed for you.”

Xi Muqiao almost went crazy. In order to unravel his rambled thoughts, he pressed his forehead hard with his hands. This was the person that he had been longing for. During the past fourteen years, he had been thinking about her all the time; however, when he could really have her, he started to hesitate.

Qiao Mu, lying on the bed, looked at the man who stood motionless. She was anxious, ‘Damn it! Why is he still standing there? Is he imitating a statue of god? I’m freezing to death!’

In ordinary days, Qiao Mu would fill two hot-water bottles—one used to warm her feet and the other one to warm her hands. But at the moment, without them, she could only take Xi Muqiao, the living creature here, as a heating pad, “Mister, Mister, get into bed quickly!”

Hearing the little bastard’s chirping, he finally stopped vacillating. He took off his clothes and crawled into the covers.

 ‘She will belong to me sooner or later, so, it’s no use worrying about it. And as the little bastard will become my wife a few days later, shouldn’t I do something with my own wife?’

Qiao Mu gaped at the man undressing and just wearing a pair of boxer shorts, “Mi…Mister, didn’t you bring your pyjamas when you came here?”

It was true that she wanted the man to help warm the bed but not warm her. ‘How could he strip off almost all his clothes?’ 

Xi Muqiao glanced at the little bastard without saying any words. He decided to come to sleep here on the spur of the moment. ‘Bring a pair of pyjamas? I just like sleeping naked. Do you mind?’

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Qiao Mu, plucking at the pyjamas she wore, saying, “You could wear this one. It’s of large size.”

Qiao Mu bought the pair of pyjamas at the price of twenty yuan from a pedlar on a bridgehead. She had been wearing it for two years. The man didn’t even look at it, while his dislike was completely shown on his face; and then he threw the bedclothes up and hopped into bed.

As soon as Xi Muqiao got into this old bed with a long history, it gave off clear creaks. Xi Muqiao, frowning, believed the bed may collapse at any time.

Qiao Mu also got nervous, because she didn’t have any extra money to buy a new bed.

 “Mister, Mister, please be careful. If the bed collapse, both of us will have to sleep on the floor.”

The bed was originally a single one, and the man was so big, so, when he came over, the bed was full to the brim. As Xi Muqiao’s shoulders hung off the edge of the bed, he directly moved towards Qiao Mu, reached out and pulled her into his arms, which scared Qiao Mu into screaming—she thought the beast in Xi Muqiao would rise.

 “Ah, ah, ah, Mister, Mister, we have already made a mistake. We shall stop doing the wrong things. Moreover, I’m still young, and I haven’t developed well. Please get me off the hook.” ‘Whining…You said that I just needed to warm bed for you. You are such a big liar!’

Xi Muqiao looked embarrassed, ‘What does the little bastard think about all day long? I really want to fracture her skull and have a look at the inner construction.’

Seeing Qiao Mu’s panic-stricken expression, the man’s desire to play a trick on her became even stronger. Then he hugged Qiao Mu even tighter.

Their chests cuddled close together through the pyjamas, with Qiao Mu’s two soft balls on her breast being squashed and pressed to the man’s chest.

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Qiao Mu cried, ‘Mister, could you please stop squashing my breasts? It’s not easy for them to grow so large. They would be flatted if you continue do this!’

 “I think you have developed quite well. If they become larger, you will lose balance when you walk.” Xi Muqiao’s arms were firm like steel.

The words in Qiao Mu’s ears made her flush, ‘Damn it! Old satyr!’ “I, I like losing balance. Bite me! Stay away from me! I can’t catch my breath.”

Finally, she managed to push the man away; and then Qiao Mu tried to withdraw until her back leaned against the wall. While warily watching Xi Muqiao’s handsome face that was only a few inches to her, Qiao Mu put her hand into her pyjamas to knead her painful breasts.

 ‘Heck! Is the man’s chest made of stones? The pain is killing me! I’m sorry, my two sisters. It’s all because I’s failed to protect you that you have been molested by the old satyr.’

The more panic Qiao Mu was, the more Xi Muqiao wanted to tease her. He moved closer to her once again, “You have sold yourself to me, haven’t you?”

 “Yes, yes, yes.” Qiao Mu’s back was against the wall, and she had no space to retreat, so, she nodded hastily. ‘At this moment, only by obeying the man’s words will I have the chance to survive.’

 “So, I have the right to do anything I want to you, right?” Xi Muqiao asked.

 “Can I say no?” Qiao Mu had a foreboding.

 “Of course, you can’t.” Xi Muqiao chuckled.

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Qiao Mu was gonna to cry, ‘Damn it! Then why did you ask?’

The man edged even closer to Qiao Mu, and then lowered his head. With his nose sniffing at her fair neck, the warm breath blew on Qiao Mu’s skin, which made Qiao Mu feel hot.

Qiao Mu couldn’t help quivering and said in a tearful tone, “Mister, Mister, the impulse is a devil. Don’t ruin your happy life just for a momentary impulse.”

‘Holy crap, the little bastard would start to talk nonsense.’ The man raised his eyebrows and motioned for her to continue.

Qiao Mu began to playact immediately—her eyes became red at once, and it looked like that she was about to cry. Xi Muqiao totally believe that the little jerk would burst into tears in next second.

 “Then, Mister, maybe you don’t know that I went to hospital and went through a medical examination after what happened to us. Guess what results I got?”

Xi Muqiao watched calmly the little bastard who was immersed to acting, and then opened his thin lips slightly, “No, I don’t want to guess.”

It wasn’t important whether he would guess or not, and Qiao Mu didn’t care about these details. She still looked sorrowful and said, ignoring Xi Muqiao’s reply, “The doctor should say that I was infected with gonorrhea and syphilis, wailing…”

Xi Muqiao frowned, raised his hand and smoothed his hair across his forehead. His movements were so casual and natural that his intention to cover the little bastard’s mouth couldn’t been caught at all. He interrupted Qiao Mu and said, “Do you also have AIDS?”

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 “Oh my gosh, how do you know that?” Qiao Mu nodded.

Xi Muqiao still wore a calm expression and gazed at Qiao Mu with his deep eyes. He smiled and said in a cool voice without any emotion, “What a coincidence! I also have the same diseases as you.”

When the man said that, he looked very peaceful. It seemed that what he just told Qiao Mu was that it was a sunny and nice day.

Qiao Mu was frightened by Xi Muqiao’s words. Her eyes widened, she suddenly remembered that she had already slept with the man, ‘Oh my god, maybe I have already been infected.’

It occurred to her that when she left on the second morning after that, she swore that if she had been infected with gonorrhea or syphilis or HIV, she would chop him up even he would escape to the ends of the earth.

Just at the moment, Qiao Mu felt her brain had been blown up and went blank. ‘Damn it! Poor me! I was just kidding! How could I really speak right to the stuff?’

 “Old bastard, you have left me in a dreadful situation.” Qiao Mu’s eyes welled up, tears streaming down her cheeks, and then her face turned pale.

Xi Muqiao didn’t expect that Qiao Mu would react so strongly. Feeling depressed, he raised his hand and rubbed the skin between his eyebrows, ‘How could she get scared so easily? If I knew it before, I wouldn’t have frightened her.’

Before Xi Muqiao dropped his hands and had the time to explain, Qiao Mu had already got furious. She rolled over and got up on her knees, then stuck out one of her thin legs and straddled on Xi Muqiao’s body. She put her little hands around his neck and tried to strangle him, looking thoroughly ferocious.

 “Old bastard, as you are sick, why didn’t you stay at your home? Why did you go the bar? You have ruined me! Sobbing…”

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