Proofread by Claire.KK

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Yuan Sufei couldn't help but feel a twinge at her heart when she heard what her son said, thinking what a sin they'd committed to make families become enemies. 

"Muqiao..." said Yuan Sufei, trying to speak something for Xi Lucheng, her son's dad.

However, she was soon interrupted by Xi Muqiao. "Mom, you don't need to say anything! As early as that 'event' happened, he was no longer my father. And in my mind, there are only my grandma, Xiaoyan and you who can be called my families."

Quietly, Yuan Sufei wiped her tears away. Facing her son's callous stance, she had no options but sighed secretly in her heart that her son had grown up and no one could change his mind, even his parents. Anyway, what Xi Lucheng had done before really made them heartbroken.

Suddenly, a cursing yell came from the upstairs while a thin but tall man was walking down the stairs, with several pieces of jewelry and Yuan Sufei's wallet in his hands.

"Damn it! Don't tell me that's the money all you have. Yuan Sufei! Where is the money that your rich son has given to you? Tell me right now!" shouted Xi Lucheng, asking for the money as a dependent user who hungered for the drugs.

As Xi Lucheng went downstairs, he looked up and saw Xi Muqiao squatting in front of Yuan Sufei. He froze for a moment, and then suddenly became very indignant. "You called him back? You bitch! Don't try to sow dissension and incite troubles between the father and son so as to aggravate the situation! You bitch, stop being scheming!" accused Xi Lucheng, pointing at Yuan Sufei with no respect.

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However, Yuan Sufei chose to keep silence to his humiliation. Obviously, she already gave up to argue with him since she knew that it wouldn't help at all.    

Xi Muqiao stood up slowly with a cold, expressionless face. He raised his head and looked at the man whom he should call father. The sharpness in his eyes stabbed towards the man as a chill blade. Mercilessly, Xi Muqiao opened his mouth and said, "Mr Xi. Please behave yourself and show more respect to my mother. Here is my family, not yours! Besides, we're no longer father and son. So, of course, there is no need to sow dissension."

"How dare you talk to me like that? Muqiao? I'm your father! Here is also my family!" Xi Lucheng yelled angrily.

But his words made Xi Muqiao laugh out. With his hands in his pocket, Xi Muqiao walked forward to get closer to him and then gave a cold glance at Xi Lucheng, saying in a low-pitch voice, "You sure that here is your family? But I remember that Nana has kicked you out long ago and didn't allow you to come back anymore. Am I right?

What Xi Muqiao told muzzled Xi Lucheng's mouth and blocked all the words he was trying to speak for himself. Xi Lucheng knew clearly what Xi Muqiao meat. His old face suddenly got flushed while his eyes dodged, avoiding to have an eye contact with Xi Muqiao's sharp, deep eyes. He tried to quibble, "Muqiao, you know that I had no choice at that time."

Xi Muqiao sneered again, "No choice? Is it that you really got no choice or you gave up the other choices?"

Standing near them, Yuan Sufei couldn't do anything to deal with the confrontation of the father and the son. As for Xi Lucheng, she already had not a single glimmer of hope.

After a while, Xi Lucheng stuttered with an old face twisted with shame, "Muqiao, Could you do me a favor and give me some money. You know that. I still have to raise your little sister."

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Again, Xi Muqiao's lips curved. Soon, a burst of laughter sounded as if he had heard something amusing, "Little sister? Hah, as I know, my sister has a very enjoyable and free life. You don't need to worry about her."

"Muqiao, you know that I didn't mean Xiaoyan." Xi Lucheng rubbed his hands together and his expression was very unnatural.

"Oh? But I remember that there is only one daughter in the Xi Family. I only has one sister called Xiaoyan. My mom only has two kids. So tell me, Mr Xi. Since when do I get another sister?"

"Muqiao, I am really driven desperate. Otherwise, I won't come to bother you." 

But Xi Muqiao only gave him a 'humph' as a response with a strange faint laugh. He straightly stared at the middle-aged man’s ingratiating face and tried so hard to keep calm, but his hands were clenched tight in the pocket.

"Desperate? It seems that you've forgotten that who ever pushed us into desperation! Don't you ever care about our lives when you abandoned your wife and kids for another woman and ran out all the five million to save your illegitimate daughter? So answer me! Do we mean nothing for you compared to her? Do we?"

With his fists clenched tightly, the veins stood out on his neck. His eyes glowed with anger and sadness. Gnashing his teeth, Xi Muqiao continued, "You've never known how much I hated you when you left with the money!"

All the suffering he had experienced in the past was still vivid in his mind. Fourteen years had passed, but the wound his damn father left in his heart never got recovered and even continued to torment him whenever he thought of it. The pain was so serious that he felt like his organs twisted and almost destroyed him.

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Tears streamed down her cheeks silently when Yuan Sufei heard her son's 'accusation'. She raised her hands, covering on her eyes to stop the tears, but they were still shedding abundantly through her fingers. For many years, she never heard her son mention it even once, but she knew that in his heart, he had always been living in pain.

She still remembered that day when he and Xiaoyan were sent home by the policeman. It was on that day, the smile always hitched on her son's cheerful face disappeared. After tearing all the photos of Xi Lucheng crazily, he locked himself into the loft for three days, and no one could knock the door open.

When he finally came out, he was almost a walking dead. She really freaked out at that time, and the old lady too.

To heal his broken heart, the old lady found the best psychologist to treat him for more than half a year. For God's sake, he had taken a turn of better, but afterwards, he began to fall into depression and kept silent all day. For a time, she even thought that her son had a depressive disorder.

Either the hatred in Xi Muqiao's eyes or the pain in Yuan Sufei's eyes all made Xi Lucheng lose his head. As to be stabbed by the sharp knife, his face turned into pale immediately when he heard the word of 'hate' Xi Muqiao yelled just now. He gave a stagger as he began to feel faint. He never thought that they would hate him so much.

"Here is five million. You now have two options. End the relationship with that woman or leave here right now with the 5 millions and no longer come back. Don't let me see you anymore." With a bank card in his hand, Xi Muqiao looked very calm, but his palms were sweaty because of tension of his mind.

He was gambling. To confirm that which side was important for Xi Lucheng, that woman and his illegitimate daughter or Xiaoyan and himself, he would like to gamble again.

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At this time, Xi Lucheng's face was drained of blood. If he could, he didn't want to give up any one of them. But Xi Muqiao's attention clearly told him that he must make a choice.

Meanwhile, seeing Xi Lucheng's averted gaze, Xi Muqiao clenched his hand tightly. The tough edge of the bank card made not only his palm ache but also his heart.

For quite some time they had reached a deadlock. It seemed that a long time had passed. In the long and silent waiting, Xi Muqiao could hardly breathe so that his lung began to ache because of lack of oxygen. "I want money." Xi Lucheng's voice sounded, finally.

Almost at once, Xi Muqiao relaxed his grip as if he was stripped of all power now. He was so weak. With the sneer and desperation in his eyes, Xi Muqiao answered in a chilling voice, "Then from now on, you have nothing with Xi family. Don't show up in front of me!"

Standing there, Xi Lucheng saw the desperation in Xi Muqiao's eyes clearly, which prickled his heart so deeply.

"You can go now. Don't let grandma see you!" While saying this, Xi Muqiao lowered his eyes so that no one could see his sadness.

"Muqiao, forgive me!" With his fingers trembling lightly, Xi Lucheng took over the bank card and then, he turned around. His bent back made him look older at this time.

Xi Muqiao kept silence all the time and watched him go away and disappear at the gate. Slowly, his eyes were moist with tears. Again, Xi Lucheng gave up him and Xiaoyan for that woman and his illegitimate daughter.

Like 14 years ago, he made the same choice and left with the money, for the same person.

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