“Then put away your woeful look. Do I come here to see your sad face and your ridiculous slanted eyebrows?”

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Qiao Mu hurried to raise her hands to cover her eyebrows and glared at the back side of Xi Muqiao’s head, ‘Damn it! You criticize my eyebrows again! I don’t like them either. But I was born this way. What’s that got to do with me?’

 “I’m gonna to sleep at your house tonight.” 


Qiao Mu was stunned and poked Xi Muqiao with her fingers, “Mister, I think that isn’t good…Me and you share the same room…”

Xi Muqiao sneered, “Who just said that if I asked her to warm bed and she would do it as I demand?”

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 “But…but, the bed has already collapsed!” As Qiao Mu thought of the bed that only had a bed board, she started to begrudge the loss. In her mind, it wasn’t the bed that collapsed, but money!

 “It has already been replaced.”


Xi Muqiao looked at the little bastard’s silly look from the rearview mirror and sighed quietly, ‘How could she always make people want to die no matter she is astute or stupid?’ The key was he really enjoyed it and loved to see her silly look. 

 ‘It has already been replaced?’ Qiao Mu was surprised—she was originally begrudging the money for buying a new bed, but the man had already bought a new one for her?

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Qiao Mu closed lightly lips and smiled, “Mister, then the money spent on the new bed…”

Xi Muqiao’s low voice rand, “Five thousand yuan.”

 “What?” Qiao Mu was dumbfounded. She meant to say if she needn’t to repay him the money for buying the new bed; however, the man directly told her the new bed costed five thousand yuan!

 “Five, five thousand? What kind of bed is worth five thousand? Why don’t the bed seller rob?”

The five thousand yuan successfully forced Qiao Mu to get furious. She bent over the back of the driver’s seat again and started to chatter, “Mister, are you stupid or something? You spent five thousand yuan on a bed? I’d say it would only cost me five hundred to buy a bed…” 

After complaining for quite a while, Qiao Mu paused and licked her lips; and then looking at Xi Muqiao’s face, she cautiously asked an important question, “Then, can I return it?”

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 “No, you can’t.” Xi Muqiao just thought it was funny. He raised his thin lips, ‘What a little moneygrubber she is! Did I say she should repay the money to me?’

Qiao Mu, piteous, poked the seat that Xi Muqiao leaned against, “Mister, I have no money!”

Xi Muqiao replied calmly as if he had already expected that she would say that, “Then you can repay me with your body.”

Hearing this, Qiao Mu was confused. After she realized the meaning of ‘repay with her body’, she blushed immediately and roared in Xi Muqiao’s ear: “Beast!”

Xi Muqiao’s ears were buzzing because of Qiao Mu’s sudden roar. The steering wheel slipped out of his hands, and the fast-moving car ran a S-shaped route. The man frowned and looked serious, “Sit back. It you continue to misbehave, I’ll sell you!”

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Xi Muqiao raised his hands to rub his buzzing ears, clenching his teeth, ‘Damn it! Little bastard! As expected, I’m too nice to her! How could she glitter with just a little sunlight! How dares she to be so unbridled!’

His roar of anger shocked QiaoMu. She trembled, with fear showing in her face. She sat back quickly, twiddling the safety belt with her little hands, and whispered, “OK, you asked me repay you with my body, and I would just do it. Whatever you say, I would like to listen to you. Mister, you see, I’m good.”

Xi Muqiao: “…”

After lunch, Xi Muqiao sent Qiao Mu back to school and gave her another five hundred yuan; then he said, with a tinge of disgust in his voice: “Buy more nutritious food to eat in school. Look at your thin body, when I hold you to sleep, your bones really make me hurt. How could both of your chest and buttocks be so small? If you shaved your head, you must look like a man!”

Qiao Mu raised her eyebrows and threw a disapproving glance at him, looking unconvinced. ‘Thanks for the RMB you just gave me, I decide to pass over what you said. If we were not in the car, I would definitely take off my clothes and let you appreciate my body—I do really have plump breasts and hips!’

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