Chapter 41: The contract has been signed.

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Translator: Flying Lines

Proofread by Claire.KK

As soon as Xi Muqiao went out to work, Qiu Ning called Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu’s three-hundred-yuan cell phone was broken by Lu Ziming last night, but Zuo Zhen brought her a new one, which with a silver-gray body and a luxurious look was in line with her sugar daddy’s noble temperament.

 “Mumu, are you hurt?”

Hearing Qiu Ning mentioned this, Qiao Mu got furious immediately, with her fist hammering the sofa, “Lu Ziming, the son of a bitch, held me up on my way home. Damn it! He actually wanted to rape me!”

 “What? Then have you lost your virginity?”

Qiao Mu lifted her eyelids, “Yes.”

Qiu Ning got mad as a fire-breathing dragon at once, “Damn it! Mumu, you’ll wait and see that I’m gonna chop him and castrate him to avenge you!”

“I think you don’t have to do that, because he is already lying in the hospital bed now. And that I said I have lost my virginity means it has already been taken away by my sugar daddy.”


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Qiao Mu, sitting cross-legged, felt excited when she talked about how Xi Muqiao beat Lu Ziming last night—she vividly depicted the intense scene while gesturing, and at last, she directly stood on the sofa, with her swollen face flushing with excitement.

 “Oh my god! Your sugar daddy was really cool! By the way, did you use the two condoms I gave you yesterday? As he saved you, didn’t you devote yourself to him?”

“No!” When Qiao Mu thought of last night’s embarrassment, Qiao Mu’s face got even redder.

It was Qiu Ning’s turn to get furious. Looking anxious and exasperated, she roared with anger, gnashing her teeth, “Little bitch! Why are you still hesitating? Sleep with him! Why don’t you sleep with him?”


In the president’s office, Xi Group.

 “Muqiao, Muche told me you overruled all the plans he proposed. What is all this going on?”

Xi Lufeng sat on the luxury black leather sofa, crossing his legs, and said to Xi Muqiao, without even looking at him. Although he came here in the name of inquiry, in Xi Muqiao’s opinion, he came here just for interrogation.

 “The plans Muche put forward will cost too much and make little profit. I have better ones. Well, uncle, you know what we businessmen value most are interests.”

Xi Muqiao leafed through the files in his hands and signed his name quickly, without even lifting his head.

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 “Your brother has taken it over only for a short time. You should give him more patience and forbearance. In my view, our Xi family don’t lack the money, why don’t you entrust the project to Muche?”

Xi Lufeng was over fifty years old, however, as he was well maintained, there weren’t many signs of ageing on his face but only crow’s feet on the corners of his eyes. He looked like just in his early forties, and his whole person looked well.

Nevertheless, Xi Muqiao knew this uncle was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Xi Lufeng kept his eyes on Xi Muqiao all the time and waited him to expose flaws in order to catch him off guard and attack him, and then pocket the whole Xi Group.

On the surface, Xi Lufeng was consulting with Xi Muqiao, but in an authoritative tone. Xi Muqiao’s thin lips curved into a subtle sneer, a few sharp gleams flashing across his eyes, ‘Even if I throw the money away, I will never use Xi Muche’s plans. Old fox, I will see how long you will lose your patience and let the cat out of the bag?’

“Uncle, excuse me, I have already signed the contract of this project.”

Xi Lufeng’s hands, which were holding a cup, paused; and then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Xi Muqiao’s face. Before he came here, he had already found the contract hadn’t been signed.


Xi Muqiao picked up a document from the desk and tapped the desk slightly with his fingertips, smiling.

 “Just now.”

Hearing this, although Xi Lufeng didn’t even bat an eye, he felt annoyed in his mind, ‘How could I be fooled by this guy again?’ His nephew had been very astute since he was a little boy; nobody could take any advantage of him. As he actually stabbed Xi Lufeng with a knife that year, Xi Lufeng had known that this guy was wicked and merciless

If Xi Lufeng had known earlier the things would go on in this way, he should have taken it even further—he should not only expel Xi Lucheng from the Xi family, but also kill this guy while implementing that plan.  

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Since Xi Lufeng didn’t achieve his aim, he didn’t want to stay here any longer. He stood up. With his hands behind his back, his fierce eyes quietly stared at Xi Muqiao, who was looking at papers. His eyes were like a cold and scary viper that flicked out its red tongue greedily and prepared to bite.

 “Muqiao, we are family, so, I want to advise you that you’d better not leave no room for manoeuvre.

Xi Muqiao smiled; then he put the files down and leaned back on his chair lazily.

“Uncle, what makes you say that? It’s just business, nothing personal. Everything should be done in accordance with rules.”

Xi Lufeng swung his sleeve, sneering, then threw open the door and went out.

Xi Muqiao picked up the pen with his long fingers and played with it. While he stared at the swaying glass door, his eyes got cold little by little.

 ‘Old fox, do you still think I’m the teenager of that year who couldn’t do anything? Do you still want to control me? You are dreaming!’

 ‘Don’t think I don’t know who did that to us. I’m the eldest grandson of Xi family, so, no matter where I and Xiaoyan went, grandma would assign bodyguards to follow us and to protect us secretly. If he wasn’t one of our family members who knew our whereabouts very well, how could he have replaced the bodyguards?’

Xi Lufeng believed he just needed to evict Xi Lucheng from the Xi family, and then, he, the second son, could take over the whole Xi Group. But he had never expected that a teenage boy, whom he hadn’t paid any attention to, could support the whole Xi family alone.

What Xi Muqiao could never tolerate was that after Xi Lucheng had been evited from home by his grandma, when grandma took Xi Muqiao out to see a therapist, Xi Lufeng actually locked Xi Lucheng’s daughter Xi Muyan in her room and attempted to rape Xi Lucheng’s wife Yuan Sufei while there were only the two at home. 

Fortunately, Xi Muqiao sneaked back home in the middle of his treatment; and he grabbed the fruit knife on the tea table and stabbed Xi Lufeng. The teenager’s fierce and grumpy look terrified Xi Lufeng. However, only the three knew this affair.

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Xi Muqiao picked up the phone next to him, while his face was so cloudy that it seemed some water could be squeezed out of it; and then he said coldly, “People in the Binhai Warehouse can take action now.”

Outside Xi Muqiao’s office, as soon as Xi Lufeng went out, Xi Muche, who was waiting there, stepped forward quickly and walked by his father’s side.

 “Dad, how’s it going? Did Xi Muqiao approve it?”

Xi Lufeng shook his head with a scowl.

 “He now even doesn’t show any respect to you?” Xi Muche was shocked.

 “He has become a fully-fledged man. It gets hard to control him.”

Xi Lufeng was also surprised that Xi Muqiao rejected his proposal this time. Before, as long as he made requests, everything would definitely be settled as he wished. He didn’t think Xi Muqiao should directly refuse him this time and even sign the contract in his presence.

‘What the hell was that? A provocation? Over the years, Xi Muqiao’s every move was under my control. Who gave him the courage to do so?’

 “What should we do? We have already come to terms with the other party. And we can make good money with this plan.”

 “What else could we do? I’ll talk to them.” Xi Mufeng looked over his shoulder at his flustered son and sneered, ‘Xi Muche, if you had half of the capacity Xi Muqiao had, we wouldn’t have needed to work so hard.’

 “Don’t be complacent just because you married Rongyan. She is just a woman. There is no shortage of women by Xi Muqiao’s side!”

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