If I tell the royal chef, will he make it ? As I remember the flavorful depth of foods dried overnight and nostalgic sweet desserts, I unintentionally salivate.

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After that, it’s the civilization level.

I groan as I cut the calch.

As I can tell from the stories of Alphonse-niisan who is studying abroad, not only this country, but other countries as well. It seems that their civilization level is less than that of Europe during the medieval times. It might have been more developed if it were a bigger country of a bigger continent; but even if technology existed, it feels even revolutionary inventions will have a long way to go.

t/n: hope the wording is clear but he means that any advancements will pale in comparison to his previous world’s advancements.
Even electricity doesn’t exist, that’s why there are many difficulties. Good bye electric appliances. Coming to a world that doesn’t have your convenience, I came to understand your greatness for the first time. Edison or something should have reincarnated in this world.

I flipped through a book while mumbling. Then, my hand stopped at a certain illustration.

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It was a picture of a long-eared rabbit getting embraced by a smiling girl. Next to that, the rabbit used his ears to make a small gust of wind.

『A method to make use of forest animals』

Hmmー. To subdue animals ? Is it about taming wild animals ? Or is it like being a pet trainer ?


「ErrーWhat ? ……」

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The following things were roughly written below the illustration.

『Let’s form a master-slave contract with forest animals. Forest animals have various abilities according to the elements. Animals may ignite fire, or call forth a gust of wind. If you manage to form a contract of obedience with them, they might be of help to you』

Attributes ?  There were such things in the games of my previous life, Fire・Water・Earth・Fire …… Or something like that. In the next page, many types of animals are introduced.

『Nagamimi 1 rabbits can blow wind. Hanadori can spit fire. Chagame can teach you the directions. You can call forth your contracted animals at any time you like. Let’s get along with various animals』


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「Wow, a contract, that’s nice !」


It seems like the power varies depending on the contracted animal, but if I get an animal and use it, life will become more convenient won’t it.

Additionally, in the illustration, pretty animals are drawn, I somewhat feel like I want one. I always wanted to keep pets. My grandfather hated animals, and it was impossible in the dorms. Then in the time of my single life, I was in extreme poverty and could not afford it. My friends’ cats and dogs were cute, I remember how I envied them.

This is my chance to get something fluffy ! Okーay ! I will form a contract~ !

Full of motivation, I smoothly flip the page.

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『To form a contract you must connect with the animal’s feelings. If you find an animal that you like please try to talk to it. It is important to show it that you are not an enemy. It might even be good to sing and dance together. As animals have different preferences, please try various methods』

Huh ? Singing and dancing ? Seriously ? I want to avoid this method as much as possible.

『If the animal feels that it can obey you, it will lower its head to you. That is the sign of a contract. At the time of forming the contract, please attach a name to the animal. The contract will be formed at the moment of attachment. However, there are dangerous animals inside, and there are times where one fails. At first, let’s start with small animals』

Hmmm. Starting from small animals huh. Okay, I’ll take a break from studying for now, let’s get a pet !!


1 Nagamimi = long eared

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