I was reincarnated as the son of an innkeeper.

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When I woke up, my body felt very terribly heavy. My eyes hurt and my head is foggy.

I know the cause. It’s due to overwork.

I had been working on the computer until 3’o clock in the night today, but I must have fallen asleep in the middle of it.

The time was 4’o clock in the middle of night. Or perhaps it would be more correct to say four in the morning.

When was the last time I slept properly? Yesterday I stayed up all night, and before that I slept for two hours, and before that … that? I can’t even remember. Hahaha, I’m starting to laugh even though the situation is not funny at all.

Am I really okay?

However, there are many people who are in the same situation as me.

As I looked around the dark office where the sun hadn’t even come up yet, I saw my colleagues everywhere sleeping like they were dead.

I guess this is what the term 『dead bodies』 means.

The company was in its busiest period ever due to a big project that had come in suddenly.

Sleeping in the office was natural. Everyone was working on with less and less sleep.

To be honest, I don’t care about the company and would like to take a day off on the grounds that I’m not feeling well, but if I do that, my work will be passed on to my coworkers and I’ll face even more hell.

Sadly, all of my colleagues have families. They all come to work to support their families, even though their wives complain about it.

If I, as a single person, leave the company because I’m having a hard time, people will point fingers at me and say, 『That’s why single people don’t have a sense of responsibility』.

I don’t want to create conflicts in my relationships with people in the company as I would like to continue to work for a long time.

We are all going through the same thing. It’s only now that I’m busy.

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One more day. After today, it will be Saturday.

With the current busyness, it’s only natural that I should give up my weekends to work, but there’s an atmosphere in the office where it’s not unacceptable to take time off due to illness, even if it’s a holiday.

So, all I had to do was get through today.

Then, I can sleep as much as I want in the soft futon.

What should I do when I’m done napping? I’ll eat a delicious meal. Something better than a convenience store or supermarket lunch!

I’ve been working so hard lately that I haven’t spent a lot of money. Let’s go out and eat somewhere.

I also have a lot of light novels, games, manga, and anime to watch that I haven’t bought yet.

I kept my peace of mind by just imagining such a holiday.

「… I’m thirsty.」

I still have some time before the start of work. I wanted to take another nap, but I was too thirsty.

As I sat in my chair, I moved my arms to find a drink that I had left on the table.

Then, when I grabbed the PET bottle by groping, it make a squeaking sound.

I tried shaking the PET bottle as it was, but it seems to have no water inside.

Apparently, it had been consumed.

Damn it, I wanted to drink it and go to sleep.

I swear in my heart, but it doesn’t make me any less thirsty.

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I get up from my chair to quench my thirst.

At that moment, I hear something important snap in my brain.

A violent dizziness hits me, and my vision twists and turns.

Oh, this is a bad. I had experienced dizziness in the past due to mild anemia, but this was on a different level from that. Something that is necessary to sustain life has lost its function.

It was no longer possible to do anything about it, and it was getting more serious.

The word that comes to mind is 『death』.

I could no longer even stand. My vision is wobbling and I feel my body slumping.

…… Oh, am I going to die?

Humans will die someday. I knew that, but it never occurred to me that it would be now.

I’m in trouble. Even just before death it’s unrealistic.

I had no idea that I would end up dying of overwork at …

I wonder if my co-workers will be surprised when they find out I’m dead. I mean these guys. They’ll probably think I’m asleep on the floor and leave me there for a while.

I have a feeling that no one will find out I’m dead until the very last minute. That would be an interesting sight, but I won’t be able to check since I won’t be around to see it.

Huh, there were still things I wanted to do.

After all, it’s best to work in moderation in your life and do what you like.

It’s not good to work too much.

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If there is a next life, I will work in moderation and take it easy. There, I will live happily without overworking myself.

In my fading consciousness, I made a firm decision and at the same time I felt a shock on my face.

This is how I, Yadoya Kenta, fell into an eternal sleep.

「Wake up! Tori Onii-chan! Wake up!」

A girl’s distinctive high-pitched voice echoed and I wake up when my body is shaken.

「You woke up! You’re still so weak in the morning!」

When I open my eyelids, I see a girl with blonde hair tied back and clear blue eyes.

My sister Letty, who has an innocent look is very cute and she will surely become a beautiful woman in the future.

She wakes up early in the morning and is well groomed. It’s hard to believe she’s only two years younger than me.

「Hmm, is it morning already?」

To be honest, I haven’t slept yet. I would like to continue sleeping twice or thrice a day.

The fun in the morning is to immerse yourself in the light sleep.

「It’s morning! Come on, it’s time to get up for work!」

But my sister, Letty, mercilessly didn’t seem to understand how wonderful it was. The bedding that had been covering me came off roughly.

It’s hard to take a nap when there’s so much noise. I’ll just have to call off the double nap and take a good nap in the middle of today’s work.

After deciding today’s schedule in my head, I got up from the futon, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

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While I struggle to get up, the cheerful Letty opens the curtains.

The sunlight, which had been blocked, now entered the room.

Squinting against the glare, I approached the window and Letty opened it for me.

There was a medieval cityscape.

Houses made of bricks and wood. The streets were carefully paved with cobblestones, and there were no cars or bicycles running on them, instead, horse-drawn carriages came and went.

Yes, this is not Japan. This is a different world from the Japan of Earth.

It’s a fantasy world of Swords and Magic.

I want to work moderately and spend my time leisurely. Perhaps my dying wish was fulfilled, but I, Yadoya Kenta, was born as the son of the innkeepers of 『Bird’s Tavern』 in the town of Rubera in another world.

There’s a lot I want to get into about why I’m the son of an innkeeper, but I’ve been able to live for twelve years without getting sick or overworked.

In this world, I don’t work as hard as I did in my previous life, so I don’t think I’m overworked. As a person who has died from overwork, it is a high point for me to work relatively few long hours.

「Please hurry up and get dressed and come down. Mom and I will be busy if Onii-chan doesn’t show up.」

I was looking out of the window when Letty said as she walked down the stairs.

My room is in the attic, so I have to use a ladder to get in and out.

It has luggage and is a little smaller than the other rooms but, I like it because the view from the window is really nice.

Well, I guess it is after all. Without me as a laborer, it’s Letty and Mom who have to work harder. If I don’t get dressed and go downstairs soon, my mother will be very angry with me in the morning.

At an inn work is done early in the morning. I have to hurry up and get ready.

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