Butterfly of the Dark Night

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While I was watching with admiration from the kitchen, I heard a bang at a different table.
It was an adventurer, different from Hermina and the others, who stood up.

“Don't play dumb with me, you bastard! You ate my steak!”
“It's not a problem, just a little!”
“It's not a little! You said one bite, but you ate half of it!”

Is it a fight? Is there trouble? I was worried, but it seemed to be just a silly argument.
You can have a bite. He took more than half a bite. And he lost his temper. I guess that's what it looks like.
It's an appalling situation, but the adventurers are so powerful that I'm afraid to approach them.

“Onii-chan, take Aegfang's diced steak and stew to the two fighting people.”
“…You want me to go to that tense place?”
“You're a waiter now. You have to bring the food.”

Maybe because it was none of her business, Letty said and went back to the kitchen.

“Tori, could you bring me two ales as well?”
“Why doesn’t Okaa-san just take them?”
“You want a weak girl like me, go to a dangerous place like that?”

My mother, who is supposed to be very strong in times like these, what is she talking about?
Even though I put such a look in my eyes, my mother has no intention of going, so I have no choice but to take it.
The air was sweltering because they had eaten my food.
[TN: I’ve got no idea about this line.]

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“Are you kidding me?”
“You're so angry over a single steak.”
“Excuse me! Aegfang's diced steak, two stews, and two ales, please.”

I'm not sure if it's because I walked in when the man grabbed him by the chest, but I felt a piercing gaze.
The air in the dining room froze as I silently served the food.
When I was done, I bowed politely and left the table.
The food and I arrived at the time of the quarrel, so the adventurer man sat down in his chair easily, as if he had been completely drained of his poison. The other party didn't seem to make a fuss either.

“I'm amazed, Tori. I didn’t know that you could bring food in that atmosphere.”
“Well, I'm used to that kind of thing.”

I replied with a chuckle to Ralph at a nearby table.
I was unnecessarily nervous because he grabbed his chest when I was about to serve him. I don't want to be in a situation like that, regardless of whether I'm used to it or not.
This is why I can't let Letty be a waitress at night. You never know what they might do to her in a drunken state.

While I was working as a waiter for a while amidst a dizzying array of orders and shouting, I suddenly heard a screaming voice in the dining room.
I turned my gaze toward the voice and saw Natalia coming down from the second floor.
She was dressed in a chic black and purple dress and her hair were well combed, not the light dress and bedraggled hair of the daytime.

As a prostitute, Natalia has night as her territory, so it seems that she is just about to go to work.
It's no wonder that men squeal with delight when they see her now, more beautiful than during the day.
Looking at Natalia's beautiful, bewitching, and flawless appearance, one would think that she was a different person than she was during the day.

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“Natalia! You have to take me out tonight!”
“Go to the restaurant, make a reservation, pay the money and I'll do it for you.”

Natalia says with a bewitching smile to someone’s words.

“Damn it, I still can't do it!”
“A night at the ‘Butterfly of the Night’ will cost you thirty gold pieces.”
“Besides, Natalia is so popular that she's booked up for the next six months.”
“How did such a popular girl end up here?”
“There's something here that money can't buy, isn't there?”

Natalia greeted her acquaintance and walked to the door with her heels clicking.
I’m not sure if he was an escort for the brothel or not, but he was a stubborn man in a suit, standing at the door.
However, no one noticed him. This was because everyone, young and old, was fascinated by the way Natalia walked.
One of the guests tipped his ale to drink and spilled it all over his chest.

Natalia walked straight over to me and bent down to kiss me on the cheek.

“I'm going to go now.”
“Yes, yes. Please have a good day.”

The kiss on the cheek, the nice smell, the proximity of the face, all these things made me panic, but I managed to find my voice to reply.
Then Natalia giggled and walked out with her male escort.
While I was still in a daze, Ralph, who was sitting nearby, slammed his cup on the table and shouted.

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“Hey! Tori! My plate and cup are empty! Take them out of the way!”
“Same here! It’s annoying because there are so many dishes on the way!”
“I've spilled ale on this one, so wipe it up.”

As if in response to Ralph's voice, all the male customers push their work on me alone.
You don't have to rush to eat and force me to do my job.
It was Natalia's unintentional gift that kept me busy.

“I'll be back tomorrow!”
“Yes! Thank you!”

As Ricotta sent off the last guest, the dining room is instantly quiet.
It was the time when dinner was over and people were heading home.
With the peak of the guests over, the inn was quiet, a complete change from dinner time.

I could hear the sound of dishes being washed in the kitchen, while my mother and I and Ricotta were cleaning up.
We don't serve food at this time of night, so the guests don't come down.
Tired from dinner, I silently clean up the dishes and take them to the kitchen.

“You can go now, Tori.”
“Yeah? Okay.”

As I took the plates to the kitchen, my father told me I could go up now, so I did without hesitation. I'm sure he'll have a lot of work to do afterward, cleaning up and preparing breakfast, but it's already bedtime for the kids.
By the way, Letty is already asleep. Perhaps there is a 10-year old girl, and her parents seem to be concerned about it.

“I'll have you sell lunches tomorrow by the way, so wake up early.”

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I grumbled in reply and left the kitchen.

“Otou-san told me to go up, so I'm going to bed.”
“Good night, Tori.”
“Good night, Tori. Ricotta.”
“Be up early tomorrow, Okay?”

After exchanging a few words with Ricotta and my mother, I went up to the fourth floor and further up to the attic.
At this point, I can’t hear the noise on the first floor at all.
The starlight shining through the window illuminates the darkroom.
I took off the apron I was wearing and dived into bed, moving my languid body.

“Somehow, I worked today too.”

I woke up around 5 in the morning and worked until 8 when the guests left. Then I cleaned the inn and the rooms, did the laundry, worked at the reception desk, and took a nap. After that, I serve lunch, buy ingredients, and serve dinner…
By simple calculation, I've been working for about 10 hours.
It may seem like a lot of hours, but I also take naps in the middle of the day, and shopping is like playing. I have a lot of free time at work, and I also have time to chat with customers. I don't have to sit at my desk all the time as I did in my previous life, and I didn’t have to be careful.

The early mornings are a little bit of a problem, but I have a good rest and a lot of sleep.
I can't compare it to the work I did in my previous life.
I think it's good for human beings to work in moderation and live a relaxed life.
If I think about it, working at an inn is not so bad.
No matter what happens, I'll keep my health intact. That's what I'm trying to do right now.

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