Opening Attack

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Having decided that I will be facing Eleonora-neesan, we stand on the beach with some distance between us as we face each other.

Next to Eleonora-neesan - who has the role of the supervisor - is Nord-tousan. It looks like they are discussing something, I wonder if Nord-tousan is giving her some advice?

On the other hand, Elna-kaasan is standing beside me, but unlike the two of them, she doesn’t seem to be going to give me advice or something.

I’ve used magic in our games such as the snowball fight, water-splashing game, and hide-and-seek back in the mansion, and there was also a time when I used it against a monster, but this is the first time I will use it against a person in the form of a fight.....


「This is a mock battle using magic, and so we are all just going to fire magic at each other, right?」

「Basically, yes」


When I nervously ask that, Elna-kaasan replies with a very anxious-inducing reply.


「You said ‘basically', it sounds like there is going to be something other than magic.....」

「It will be like that if the opponent were a pure magician-type like Al, but no matter how you see it, Eleonora is different from that type, don’t you think? She’s the type to fight with a sword while using magic to assist her」


As a matter of fact, it’s as she said. There’s no way for Eleonora-neesan to be a pure magician type.


「……so you’re saying, there will be Body Strengthing magic and absurd slashing attack flying my way included in our match? 」


It’s better if it’s just a Body Strengthening magic, but if it were a slashing attack that can even split the sea then it will be extremely difficult.

The might behind Eleonora-neesan’s slash is not a joking matter.  I’m sorry to say this but it’s way stronger than Sylvio-niisan’s Wind Blade.


「Rest assured. That’s what I have been telling you. It’s a match while using magic at its core at first」

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「At first?」

「……in the middle, she will use Body Strengthening magic or a slash will come flying toward you」

「Ehhー, no wayー」

「But if she doesn’t do that, Eleonora will be unable to compete with Al in magic, right?」


No no, Eleonora-neesan already surpasses me even without using Body Strengthening magic. I’m sure she can compete with me.


「Well, it’s like a fight with another person so you can take it easy. It’s like gaining experience on how to deal against the opponent’s attack and magic」

「I think it’s strange that my first opponent for gaining experience is Eleonora-neesan though......」


Looking at Eric and Luna-san, ordinary people are not that strong, right? Even their magic won’t harm you, right?


「It’s all right. It’s the same for the other side after all」


That’s stupid. I only have the experience of fighting against a goblin, you know? It can’t be compared to Eleonora-neesan - who trains together with the Knight’s Order or regularly joins the vigilante corps to exterminate monsters in the forest.

I can’t use my Teleportation magic - which I’m good at - since it will become troublesome if it were to be exposed.


「If dangerous moments were to arrive, I and Nord will seriously stop it so rest assured. Do your best」


Even when I look at her with a look as though I protest it, Elna-kaasan didn’t look particularly worried about it as she patted my back *pon*.


「You will help me when it gets dangerous, all right? Immediately, all right?」

「Okay okay. That probably will not happen anyway, don’t worry about it」


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Even when I say that to emphasize it, Elna-kaasan only makes a noncommittal reply and takes some distance from me.

It’s a mock battle match using magic, you know? It’s far more dangerous compared to a spar using wooden swords so I hope you reply more seriously than that.....

I tear my eyes away from the easygoing Elna-kaasan and look forward. Immediately after that, I saw Eleonora-neesan standing there looking like she was already fully prepared, I guess she was done with her preparation.

I’m glad. She’s not holding a wooden sword. It would be a proper magic battle at first then.

I breathe a sigh of relief at that fact.

Now then, what should I do?

Eleonora-neesan’s usable magic attribute is Fire magic. So probably, she would just use magic to the extent of shooting a fireball at me or firing off flames without direction.

Due to the pitching method I advised her, she made progress over her magic control but the other aspects like distance and casting speed should be largely unchanged.

It would be fine if she were to get close but I guess it’s important to keep some distance and single-mindedly shoot magic repeatedly.


「Now then, are you ready?」


When I’m thinking of the tactic I should take, Elna-kaasan asks to confirm.

And then I and Eleonora-neesan nod to show our acknowledgment.


「Then, begin!」

「『I ask thee O blazing flames......』」


Along with Elna-kaasan’s starting signal, Eleonora-neesan starts chanting.

It looks like it is true that we will fight mainly using magic at first, she is using proper magic.

Although, she doesn’t use it chantlessly like me.

While Eleonora-neesan is concentrating and chanting her magic like this, I have plenty of options available to me.

Truthfully, I want to use Teleport or Shield to escape up into the skies and bombard her one-sidedly with magic from above, but I feel like that’s too much.

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Un, so as a compromise I’ll just use Earth magic to take some distance.

Casting Earth magic, I move the sand beneath my feet to move backward.

I’m only standing straight on the ground, but since the sand is moving on its own it makes me move back rapidly.


「He, hey.....」

「....ah, sorry」


When I move back to take some distance, Elna-kaasan stepped back while raising a surprised voice, I guess she was standing there.

Her expression kinda twitches for a bit, but I don’t mind it. I’m just using magic to move to an advantageous position.


「『Gather and become a ball』」


Eleonora-neesan finishes chanting and the moment a ball of fire gathers in her palm, our distance has already become around forty meters apart.


「Yosh, eh?」


Perhaps she had been concentrating on casting the magic before that Eleonora-neesan didn’t see it as she let out a bewildered voice.


「Hey! How far do you want to run? Don’t you want to fight!?」


There is only the answer of 「Nope」 to that question.

Although, I sometimes use my Teleport magic to go around to various places. At that time, there might be unexpected accidents where I encounter monsters or being attacked by bandits.

I can settle it instantly by running away using Teleport magic, but this world is a place where doing just that will not going to work. Taking the worst scenario in mind, the more means  I have to survive in this world, the better it is.

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For now, I don’t have the guts to fight but it would be fine for me to gain experience in a fight just like Elna-kaasan said.


「This is a fine tactic from me」

「What? I can’t hear you!」


Maybe it’s due to our distance being too far apart that it appears Eleonora-neesan can’t hear me at all even when I told her my aim. Conversely, I can hear Eleonora-neesan’s voice loud and clear. Eleonora-neesan’s voice has always been clear. I guess this is also the so-called charisma of sorts.

Although, it’s troublesome to shout loudly each word so I remain silent.

When Eleonora-neesan look a little irritated, she swung around her arms.


「Ehh, she’s going to throw it from there?」


When I raise my voice in surprise, Eleonora-neesan use a large pitching form of her body like a pitcher and threw the fireball toward me.




The fireball shot by Eleonora–neesan rapidly rushes forward after leaving Eleonora-neesan’s hand.

The thing about magic is that the farther your target is the vaguer your image in your mind becomes, and the power of the magic also decreases.

I don’t really think that her magic will reach me considering her skill in magic. I don’t think so, but if it’s Eleonora-neesan with her outrageous strength, I feel like it can reach me if you consider her arm strength.

Having that kind of belief inside, I put up a Shield just in case.

After I do that, I stare at the approaching fireball, and surprisingly the fireball slammed into the Shield.

The fireball makes a small explosion and scatters sparks. However, the heat and explosion were all prevented by the Shield so I was unharmed.

Beyond the cleared smoke, Eleonora-neesan had a dissatisfied look on her face.

No way, to forcibly sent it flying this far....that magic, that was absurd, wasn’t it? ww

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