Sylvio Barrier Deploy!

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After the mock battle with Eleonora-neesan is over, my next opponent is Luna-san.

It would be no different from dying if it were a continuous battle with a sword, but it's not that tiring when it comes to magic battles, so it’s easy.

Although, Elna-kaasan told me to fight and adjust, that’s the hardest part.

The neverending running machine and sand movement magic to continue and keep my distance have been banned. 

The reason is that they say it’s too nasty of a technique. Certainly, that tactic is one where I can just one-sidedly attack the opponent from the distance, and it was a counter-move I thought of to fight against Eleonora-neesan. So I also thought that it’s too much to use on other people aside from the embodiment of absurdness, Eleonora-neesan.

Though, they say that it’s fine as long as it’s on the scale of slight evasive movements or blocking the opponent’s movements, so I can just adjust it.


「Now then, begin!」


When I look at Luna-san standing at a place a distance away vacantly, Elna-kaasan raises a starting signal.

Then, Luna-san chants the magic spell for Earth bullet as though she’s going to quickly shoot it.

Back when I faced Eleonora-neesan, I wait for her wondering if she will really use magic, so there was no need for me to wait if I don’t feel like it.

I make and shoot an Earth bullet faster than Luna-san.

Incidentally, I don’t compress my magic power now, it’s a safety measure so that the bullet will just pop even if it hit.


「I ask thee O earth..... kuh」


Due to the flying Earth bullet from me, Luna-san stops in the middle of her chants and moves aside.

My Earth bullet which doesn’t fly that fast was easily dodged as it burst on the ground.


「I ask thee O earth Rise.....」


And since Luna-san continues to chant again, I shoot an Earth bullet to interrupt her.

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Then, Luna-san canceled her chant once again and took evasive movement.

Luna-san was having a serious expression on her face as she was fighting with me, but now she has a sullen expression as she looks at me.


「.....Al-kun is mean」

「Well, that’s cause I can cast my magic faster」


When it comes to magic-based battles, in the end, the one who shot faster will have the advantage.

Speed would also be a simple and easy-to-understand method to measure the difference in strength.


「……chantless magic is unfair. You should chant like me」

「Can’t you just continue to chant while evading?」

「……it’s impossible with my current ability」


I guess it’s quite difficult to use magic while moving. Controlling your magic power while moving your hands and legs, and also have the image of the magic to use in your mind.

I also had a hard time using magic while walking.

But, it is because of that that now should be the time to train that skill.

You should shoot your magic while evading instead of stopping to chant and then shooting your magic after.


「Then, now is the chance to train that」



I continued to shoot Earth bullets toward Luna-san - who was dumbfounded - until she was exhausted.

And when Luna-san’s stamina was exhausted until she can’t evade the Earth bullets and our mock battle ended, she says,


「……Al-kun, you are also similar to Eleonora in some unreasonable place」

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Telling me similar to that absurd sister is rude.







After the mock battle with Luna-san is over, and after I got a bit of a break in between, this time it’s been decided that I will be facing Sylvio-niisan.

Sylvio-niisan is the type who is good at using simple magic without making any mistakes, but his physical ability is not as high as Luna-san or Eleonora-neesan, so it would turn out just an exchange of magic back and forth just as Nord-tousan said.


「Al, I don’t have the physical ability like neesan or Luna-san all right, so do it in moderation, okay」

「Un, naturally, those people are abnormal people, I understand」


Eleonora-neesan and Luna-san’s movements are not something considered normal.

Fully understanding that fact, I decided to pay more attention to the magic I use against Sylvio-niisan.


「Then, begin」


When Elna-kaasan raises the starting signal, Sylvio-niisan starts chanting as though he wants to immediately cast his magic.


「I ask thee O air gather..... Uwaa!」


Since Sylvio-niisan was trying to cast his magic, I shot an Earth bullet to interrupt him first. His magic casting was interrupted and his concentration seemed to be broken so Sylvio-niisan started over his magic casting.

Actually, I did nothing but one-sidedly attack him when the time with Luna-san from a distance, but it won’t be training for Sylvio-niisan if I did that, so I decided to wait for him to chant first.

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Un, let’s just say that he was able to gain some time to chant his magic somehow.


「『I ask thee O air gather Sharp blade of wind』」


Hm? Wait a minute. Isn’t that the chant for a Wind blade? That’s quite dangerous magic to be used in a fight against people, right? Elna-kaasan said before that if the opponent will be using that then she will deal with it herself but, for you to let him use it, so merciless.

I deploy two non-attribute magic, Shield in front of me, while unconsciously feeling cold and sweaty.

If it’s with my magic power it will be enough to just deploy one Shield to defend myself, although I understand that, I had been greatly indebted to Wind Blade magic when I build My Home with it. So I fully understand the sharpness of a Wind Blade. Therefore, I won’t feel secure without two or more Shields.

In any case, I have more than enough magic power to the point that it’s excessive, so I think it’s a cheap price to pay if it lets you have peace of mind with this much extra protection.

Just when I tell myself that in my mind, the Wind Blade from Sylvio-niisan comes flying my way.

Despite telling myself over and over again that it’s going to be fine in my mind, I’m also prepared to throw myself from my spot to evade it anytime.

However, my worry came to nothing as the Shields I made sent the Wind Blade flying without any damage with a *gakiiin* sound.

I sighed in relief seeing that.


「As expected from my Shield」


Seeing my defensive magic repelling the opponent’s attack magic with ease, gives me a little more confidence.

Or rather, I can even feel the toughness of my Shield.

Aah, I wonder if this is how the heroine feels after being saved by the hero in those popular stories?

A back view of a figure that protects you right in front.  It’s very big and you feel safe when you have it with you.

Shield is awesome.


「How should I say this, Sylvio-niisan don’t you think it’s terrible of you to mercilessly shoot a Wind Blade at me?」

「Eh, I don’t want to do it, but tousan and kaasan said that Al will be able to defend himself against it with his magic.....」


Hearing his answer, I turn my eyes to Nord-tousan and Elna-kaasan that were watching us in my peripheral vision.

Then, Nord-tousan silently nodded and turned to look at Elna-kaasan - who might be behind him.

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「Al, you’re in a fight so look forward」


She only said that to me.

I am certainly fine, but I didn’t really think you will let him do it for real.

Oh well, whatever. I have the reliable Shield anyway.

I’ll be safe as long as I have this up.

Since it’s boring to just defend, I also shoot Earth bullets while having the Shield.


「『I ask thee O air swirl up Whirlwind protection』」


Then, Sylvio-niisan completed a chant with a speed on another level from the speed of his previous Wind Blade chant.

A whirlwind then materializes with Sylvio-niisan at the center, forming a dome-shaped barrier.

And probably because the Earth bullets I shot at him didn’t go through compression they were being smashed to pieces after they slammed into the Wind blades from the whirlwind.

(Something like this I guess)


「Uwaaa, it came out! Sylvio Barrier!」

「It’s not 'Sylvio Barrier'! It’s a Wind Barrier!」


The wall made of Wind magic is intercepting, blowing the opponent’s magic away, and slashing it to pieces with the Wind blades that violently swirl in the whirlwind.

It’s the latter this time. Moreover, it also revolves around the center as it expands toward me. Despite it being magic that it might cut you to pieces if you made even the slightest mistake in your control over it, he uses it with such a cool expression on his face.

I thought again that Sylvio-niisan really has a talent for defense.


After that, when Eleonora-neesan and I make fun of him, Sylvio-niisan sulked.

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