We Are Free Tomorrow

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After our magic training is over, we receive thankful words from Elna-kaasan and Nord-tousan, then we return to the mansion to take a bath.

And after we have delicious seafood dishes for our dinner, we have free time on our hands.

We’ve been only here for three days but, these days it feels like I’ve already been in our own mansion.

In the large room where the whole family gathers, Elna-kaasan and Nord-tousan are drinking tea at the table, Sylvio-niisan is staring at the night sea from the window, while I and Eleonora-neesan were lying on the sofa.

We are already at ease here, no different from being in our own mansion.

On our first and second days, we’re here, I still felt at a loss and tense being in an unfamiliar mansion, but it has become like this on our third day.

It makes you experience it personally that humans are creatures of habit.

Ahー, after we finished taking a bath and having our dinner, the feeling of both my body and mind being satisfied is out of this world.

When I lie spread-eagled on the sofa, I can feel the exhaustion from my body due to the severe training today, feels as though it melting away.

And when I move my limbs a little, the fairly hard sofa makes a *gishii* sound.

It’s just a sofa with a little bad cushioning, but after getting used to this, it makes me start to feel that it’s not a bad sofa in its own way. It gives a rebound and the feeling like it pushes your body back after receiving your body weight but it’s kinda like a floating sensation.

When I hit the sofa with my arm to enjoy the feel of the sofa, a repelling-like sound *bainbain* comes out.

It feels like I’m riding on something like a balance ball1 from my previous life somehow.


「Al, stop it」


Just when I was having fun and hitting the sofa, the lying-face-down- Eleonora-neesan, on the other side of the sofa, say that to me.

And at the same time, my arm stopped moving.

Oh well, I myself also know that this is noisy so I can’t complain here. I was just doing it since it’s fun after all.

Even so, it looks like Eleonora-neesan doesn’t seem to be feeling well today.

It’s as though she’s Elna-kaasan, who is relaxing back in the mansion, lying face down and not even moving.

If it were the usual Eleonora-neesan, she will move her body around when she seemed to have free time, play with her hair, or try to make a conversation with someone, but today she is already in the same posture after she enters the large living room the whole time.

Looking back now, I think she has been quiet ever since on the way back or when we were eating.

Curious, I ask her about it.


「Eleonora-neesan, you’ve been so quiet today, what’s the matter?」

「……I’m just a little tired」

「「Eeh!? Eleonora-neesan is tired!?」」


Sylvio-niisan and I were shocked by the unexpected words that came out of Eleonora-neesan’s mouth.

Surprised by that, I - who was lying on the sofa - unconsciously stand up and approach Eleonora-neesan.

Even Sylvio-niisan - who was staring at the night sea - also came closer to see Eleonora-neesan’s condition as he ignored the sea.

After that, I put my hand on the lying-down Eleonora-neesan’s forehead and say,


「……you’re fine, you don’t have a fever」

「How come you come to that conclusion when I said that?」


When I check on her temperature from her forehead, Eleonora-neesan brushes off my hand while getting annoyed.

No, I mean, if it’s Eleonora-neesan, then something like ‘being tired’ should fall into the category of weakness she can’t tolerate. If she said something like that, then it would be like when someone said they were using their brain and studying too much, right?

While exchanging glances with Sylvio-niisan’s that looked at a loss,


「Err, that’s because it’s unusual for neesan to say something like that」

「So we can’t help but think that maybe you got sick or something, right?」

「……just what are the two of you think of me?」

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Since Eleonora-neesan shows her fist and threatens me, I and Sylvio-niisan immediately take two steps back.

However, Eleonora-neesan didn’t particularly stand up and take any action against us, and just fell back down on the sofa.


「……I used my magic power a lot today, I’m feeling listless right now」

「「Aahh, I see」」


We’re finally convinced after Eleonora-neesan says the reason for her exhaustion.


「Neesan, you’ve been practicing your fireball all the time after all」

「That’s right. In particular, the time when kaasan and Al understand the reason for me, they told me to continue using the magic saying that it’s a practice by repetition」

「It’s fine, isn’t it? It resulted in the fact that you can use fireballs properly after all」


When Eleonora-neesan complains about it, Elna-kaasan - who was drinking tea at the table - interjects.

I thought she didn’t care about it, but it’s a bit scary that she still has a proper grasp of our conversation while also chatting with Nord-tousan at the same time.


「……well, that’s true though」


Maybe she’s happy that Elna-kaasan said she got better in her use of fireballs, that Eleonora-neesan’s expression softened a bit.

How simple, despite grumbling about it until just now.

Anyway, so Eleonora-neesan is currently tired due to her considerable decline in her magic power, huh.......

For someone like me - who aims to increase the amount of my magic power by repeatedly exhausting my magic power every day -, I’m familiar with that listlessness. As for me, I don’t mind it since it’s just like my daily routine, but from Eleonora-neesan’s perspective - who is not used to that -, she should feel fairly languid.

It’s rare for Eleonora-neesan to be in a state of weakness.

I make eye contact with Sylvio-niisan, and move my hand with a grabbing motion.

Perhaps Sylvio-niisan can guess my intention with just that, his eyes opened wide in surprise, then he makes a wry smile.

He’s perplexed but it, but didn’t reject the idea. We can do this.

As I make eye contact with Sylvio–niisan with the message 「We’re doing it, okay?」, Sylvio-niisan nodded with both of his hands ready, perhaps he made up his mind to do this.


「One, twoー, go!」


With my voice as the signal, I and Sylvio-niisan put each of our arms on neesan’s armpits from each of her sides.


「Wait! You guys――Kyahahahahaha!」


I don’t care when Eleonora-neesan yells, and activate the technique of tickling that has been tempered in combination with my previous life.

Eleonora-neesan laughs with an especially high-pitched voice.

Yosh, this works. Tickling is effective against Eleonora-neesan. Let’s continue to attack her like this.

I and Sylvio-niisan continue to concentrate on tickling neesan.

I’m gonna clear away my grudge over the beating in our sword training.

It’d be nice if she have trouble breathing due to being tickled in this manner.


「Kyahahahaha! Hahahaa, you guys,  you better remember this late――Kyahahaha!」


Since Eleonora-neesan was trying to say some dangerous threat to us, we stopped her by making her laugh.

Unless she finishes saying what she meant to say, then it will become something unsaid in the end.

Honestly, I and Sylvio-niisan are afraid of what Eleonora-neesan will do later, but we can no longer turn back right now.

Right now, we are only thinking of clearing away our grudges single-mindedly.

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Now that she’s tired and her magic power dropped, Eleonora-neesan shouldn’t be able to put up a decent resistance.


「Kyahahahahaha! St, stop it, please stop!」



I don’t know whether it’s by coincidence or not, but Eleonora-neesan - who was rolling about with laughter - hit Sylvio-niisan’s cheek with her arm. Then Sylvio-niisan fall with a thud.


「Hey, the three of you have been too noisy now」


From the direction of the table, Elna-kaasan is saying something but I don’t mind it now.

My first priority right now is to take cover first due to the decreasing attack force.

So I have to cover for Sylvio-niisan’s part and keep on tickling her.

Thinking like that, I tried to place my hand on the side where Sylvio-niisan was in charge of, but then I was tightly blocked.

This vise-like grip, don’t tell me.......


「Fufufu, you dare tickle me」

「Th, that’s ridiculous! Didn’t Eleonora-neesan was exhausted with your magic power dropped.....」

「I’m tired but not to the point where I can’t move at all, you know」


So that means, she still has some remaining magic power in her! Since she trained with her magic power, I thought did it to the point where she used up all of it!


「Now then, I wonder if you’re prepared?」

「H, hiiiiiiiiii!」

「Okay okay, you should stop there for now. I have something to say now, everyone come sit over here」


Just when I scream as my wrist was grabbed by Eleonora-neesan, Nord-tousan clapped his hands and said that.

At that moment, it felt like I saw a God.

No, I mean, I met the real Kami-sama back when I reincarnated, but from the current situation, it’s quite the nice timing that it makes me think so.

Sylvio-niisan - who was hit by neesan’s arm and looked to be hurt - quickly sits.

Eleonora-neesan tightened her grip on my wrist for a moment before moving to her seat.

I, I’m saved.


「Come on, Al too come here」


When I involuntarily sigh in relief, Elna-kaasan called out to me so I also head for my seat.

Okay then, I can mostly guess what they will talk about at such a time.

It was the same back in Kagura.

After everyone has seated themselves, Nord-tousan starts talking.


「Now, it has been three days since we arrived at the Sylford family’s territory. And now the day is almost over and tomorrow is the fourth day we will be here」


We all nodded at his remarks which seems to confirm our situation here.


「Originally, I planned on staying at the Sylford family’s territory for three to five days. Any further than that is not possible since we also have the preparation for the Harvest Festival」


Uh-huh, considering the time it is now the middle of the eight-month. It takes four days to return to Koryatt village by carriage, and at that time, it would be the end of the eight-month.

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I see, so the Harvest Festival will start in less than two months, huh?

Last year was my first encounter with Torr, but it feels like it happened just recen――nah. I feel like I have easily known him for around ten years.

I don’t really understand well the feeling of the time that passed.

When I was thinking deeply about the time that had passed, Nord-tousan says something surprising.


「And so, tomorrow is a free time for everyone, and the day after will be the time we will go back home in the morning」

「Father! I have a question!」

「Wh, what is it Al?」


When I ask while raising my hand, Nord-tousan encourages me to ask while surprised.


「Free time means that we have no training and we can spend our day as we like, right?」

「Yeah, that’s right. You all must have been tired these two days and we are going to spend our time inside the carriage the day after tomorrow, so you can spend it as you like and regain your strength」


Yosshaa! Tomorrow’s going to be a perfect free time day where we don’t have training!

I’ll finally be released from the hell training.

I wonder what is this sense of liberation? We’ve been training continuously all day long for two days straight, I’m so excited about the free time.

To make a comparison, that’s right. It’s like when you got consecutive holidays at an unexpected timing. That’s how happy I am.


「Eehー, so we will not be training tomorrow?」


While I’m happy that we will have free time tomorrow, Eleonora-neesan - who sits beside me - is saying something ridiculous.


「We will not. But, if they want to train then they can have some self-training but make sure it’s to the extent that it will not interfere with the activity of the day after tomorrow」

「Then, Al! Sylvio!」

「No way I want to do that. Don’t be stup――aw!?」


My head got hit as I was cutting the smiling Eleonora-neesan's words short.

What the heck is Eleonora-neesan’s fist made of anyway? It’s so hard that it makes you think that it’s magically compressed Earth Bullet.


「That’s awful! Why did you hit me!?」

「That’s ‘cause your wording is making me angry」


I mean, it couldn’t be helped you know, Eleonora-neesan was suggesting something really stupid.

What’s wrong with saying something stupid, stupid!

……though I’m only thinking about that since I don’t want to be hit anymore, so let’s just keep that in my mind.


「So, how is it Sylvio?」

「Ahaha, I’m going to board a ship with tousan and kaasan tomorrow, so I can’t」


Come to think of it, at the dinner on our first day, he said that he wanted to get on the ship again.


「You’ll just get seasick again, right?」

「Th, this time I won’t get seasick!」


Sylvio-niisan retort after being teased by Eleonora-neesan.

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But when you take his tone and how he got seasick that time into consideration, it is still quite dubious.


「It’s been a while since I have been on a boat, so I’m looking forward to it」

「You’re right」


Elna-kaasan calmly says, but I’m guessing that her main purpose is to eat a freshly caught Crowana, right?


「Al, what are you going to do tomorrow? Since it’s free time, do you want to ride on a boat again?」

「Hmーm, I’m going to spend my time leisurely in the mansion and just take some casual walk around」


Nord-tousan’s suggestion is also not bad, but I boarded a boat the day before yesterday.

And besides, I’ve been training continuously for two days so I’m tired, so I want to act at my own pace.

I’m the type that will take some rest on my days off at once and decide what to do again based on what I feel that day.


「Is that so, I understand then. Therefore, we will have free time tomorrow, so each of you can spend your time as you like」



And so Nord-tousan ended what he want to say and we reply.

And since the serious talk is now over, each of us moves to do what we like like stand up from our seat or just keep sitting down.

As for me, of course, I was on guard against Eleonora-neesan’s revenge, but there doesn’t seem to be any signs that Eleonora-neesan will come and attack me.

Even when I fearfully glance at her, Eleonora-neesan is still sitting there and talking with Elna-kaasan and Nord-tousan.

Huh? That’s strange? If it’s the usual her, then Eleonora-neesan will immediately take action to retaliate as soon as the talk is over.....

Maybe, she forgot about it due to the talk of tomorrow’s activities? Or, she only gripped my wrist tightly before we sat on our seats before and I was forgiven already?


「You’ve been staring at me for a while now, what do you want?」


I wonder if it’s due to my gaze? Eleonora-neesan reacts like that.

I was startled for a moment, but Eleonora-neesan never gets up from the chair.

It’s as though her attitude is saying that the previous matter is already over.

I felt a bit out of place, but there’s no need to deliberately step on a landmine so let’s not touch that topic again.


「Nothing. I’m tired, so I’m going back to my room now」

「Is that so, good night」


When I head for the exit while telling her that, everyone says their good night, started by Eleonora-neesan first.


「Un, nightー」


I went out to the hallway while replying like so, and I close the door shut.


「What the.....was Eleonora-neesan’s revenge over already?」


Maybe she holds back since this is Eric’s house, or it’s because Nord-tousan stopped her to continue any further than this? Whichever it is, it’s a wonderful thing.


「Fuu……looks like I can sleep well today」


I headed to my own room with a cheerful mind and slept soundly in my bed.

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