I Stil Want To Laze Around

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「So, what are you going to do today?」


After having the light meal of herb-grilled mackerel and shrimp salad bread, Eric asked.


「I’m thinking of just lazing around in the mansion」

「Fo, for the whole day?」

「Nnー, I think I’m going to have a little walk around though, basically, I want to just spend the day leisurely in the mansion」

「……from your side, even though you’ve arrived at your destination, it’s quite a wasteful action. Sylvio-dono is on the boat, while miss Eleonora is going to practice with my aneue, you know?」


That would be so if I don’t have Teleport magic, but I don’t think like that since I can come here anytime.

Or rather, even though you’re practicing every day, are you doing it again today? Just how much stamina do you have anyway?


「Eric is the one who doesn’t understand. It is precisely because I’m in my travel destination that is different than the usual place, so I’m going to relax. I’m spending my time calmly while relax-ing in a seaside mansion. Don’t you think that’s wonderful?」

「Hm? Isn’t it just boring to just relaxing inside the mansion? Just what are you thinking of doing?」

「Like lazing around on the bed, staring at the sea from the window, or just sitting on the sofa absent-mindedly」

「……I’m completely clueless as to what’s so fun in that」


Even when I explain it to him by giving some examples, Eric seems to still don’t understand as he tilted his head.


「What? You can always stare at the ever-changing sea from the window all the time, you know? If there is such a place, you can spend a good time for the whole day watching the waves, or listening to the sound of the sea breeze」

「Don’t be ridiculous. Spending your whole day doing that, that’s already on the level of torture, isn’t it?」


Treating others’ enjoyment as torture is harsh.


「Fuh, guess it’s still too early for Eric to understand」

「I’m the same age as you」

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「Honestly, Alfried-sama’s sense feels like a grandpa in the countryside」


Eric and Mina retorted when I brushed off my bangs when I tell him that with a huff.

’A grandpa in the countryside’, that’s harsh. I’m still not that old.


「Humph, I was thinking of showing you around the village and getting something as souvenirs since it’s a rare chance」


I wonder if this is Eric’s attempt at trying to invite me to go outside with him? Certainly, I feel that back at the royal capital, he also invited me in the same manner.

But, come to think of it, I only went to the beach and I never went to the village even once. On our first day, we only passed through the village while our carriage was being surrounded by the escorts and Largo-san.

I felt like I want to shut myself inside the mansion today, but I got a little interested in looking outside now.


「So, souvenirs! Alfried-sama! I, I want to go to the village to buy souvenirs! Or rather, if I don’t buy some souvenirs, then my family, Mel-san, and Sara will get angry at me!」


Oh well, since Mina is a maid, she will have to constantly take care of me if I were to say inside all day so this is not good.


「You’re right. Then, shall we go to the village」

「Ye, yes!」

「Okay then, I’ll make preparation immediate――」

「No, let’s rest for around two hours first」


Just when Eric stands up and says that, about to make preparation, he sat down again with a complex expression on his face.


「……a guy like you, really, moving at your own pace」


It’s great that he looks to gradually come to understand me.





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After having my light meal, and resting leisurely inside for two hours, I, Eric, and Mina decided to head toward the village.


「Fuhaa……thanks to Alfried-sama going outside, I was finally released from my work!」


As soon as Mina walks outside the mansion, she suddenly said that happily while stretching her body.

Her expression is very bright, looking like a salaryman who has been released from his work.

Honestly, I think that she wanted to be released from her work rather than looking for souvenirs or such, but I fully understand how she feels so I won’t pursue her real reason now.

I also hate my desk work in my previous life, so there were times when I ran outside to do the job outside of the office.


「As expected from going outside, you can strongly smell the scent of sea」

「Yes, it gave me a slightly uncomfortable feeling at the start, but now I’m gradually getting used to it」


Well, we were all Koryatt people, brought up in a place surrounded by mountains, fields, and rivers after all.

The smell of the sea is always drifting in the air so you would get this sense of discomfort with the air here.


「Though the air is a little unusual, there are a lot of good things like the sound of waves at night or the cool sea breeze」

「You’re right. I think it’s maybe because I opened the window at night the calm sound of the waves can be heard and I can sleep soundly and the sea itself is nice」

「Well then, let’s go」


As I and Mina have that kind of conversation, Eric started walking with a slightly happy expression on his face.

He’s probably happy that the village was being praised.

Mina and I pleasantly smiles when we saw him like that as we follow behind Eric.


「I can’t calm down unless I head for the beach somehow」

「I understand that feeling」


The road we are walking right now is the opposite road we were taking to the beach yesterday.

Despite the fact that we were only passing this road to the beach for three days makes my body felt like I can’t calm down unless I head for the beach’s direction.

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Is this the terrifying thing about the training every day.....


「Well, it’s not I don’t know that feeling since I also normally head there to do various tasks」

「You, you really have hardly any friends, huh」

「I, it’s not because of that reason! It’s just that my training schedule is packed!」


Eric becomes strangely upset when I said that with pity in my voice.

Such an attitude from him allowed me to guess everything.


「I see I see. So we’re going to meet Tornell and Quinna, with whom we had become friends the other day, right?」


Eric pushes aside my arm when I said that while putting my hand on his shoulder.


「Stop looking at me like you’re better than me with that attitude, it’s extremely irritating」


Even though he’s telling me that, he looks to be a little happy judging from his side profile.

I want to continue to make fun of him, but if I do that then Eric will really sulk so I decide to not say anything anymore.

And so, we walked for some time while having a casual conversation between us, and we finally arrived at the village of Berun. (ベルンの村)

Berun village is similar to the port city Esport, the houses are made of a white material that looks like concrete, and there are plenty of them lined up.


「Fuwaa, I’ve also been thinking about it since I saw this place from the carriage, but the houses are white, aren’t they」

「It’s because this place is to the sea so the sea breeze is blowing」


I knew it, just as I thought, it looks like it was made with a material that was strong against the sea breeze.


「Heeー, so it’s like that, Ahh, the texture is pretty nice」


Hearing what she said, I became curious so I also gently traces the texture of the wall like Mina.

Indeed, it has a nice texture and there is slight powdery-like stuff on it.

It feels like when you touch a lime.

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「Your skin will be itchy if you touch them with your bare hands too much, y’know」



Hearing what she said, Mina and I - who were freely touching the wall with our bare hands - become flustered.

So I thought to wipe it with my hands first, but that will just make the sticky stuff spread.

Realizing that, I cast Water magic to make a water ball and thrust my hands into the water ball to wash it with a splash.


「Ah, Alfried-sama! Please let me have some too! If we don’t hurry, my hand will itch.....!」


Immediately after creating the water ball, Mina yells in an impatient tone as she holds out her hands to me, so I also make a water ball for her.

Mina similarly thrust her hands into the water ball and removes the powder-like substance on her hands.


「Fuuh, it should be fine if we wash it like this」




As I and Mina breathe a sigh of relief, I noticed Eric laughing out of the corner of my eyes.

Looking at Eric’s behavior, Mina and I understand everything.


「You, don’t tell me.....」

「Yeah, I lied. Even if you touch it, the white powder will just stick to your skin and won’t make it itchy at all」


This jerk, he’s tricking others for our lack of information.

Darn it, so annoying! But, if I were to be in his shoes, then I will definitely do the same.


「You, I’m going to remember this the next time you visit Koryatt village, y’know?」

「Hmph, I will really look forward to it」


Even when I threaten him like that, Eric can still calmly smile for some reason.

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