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「Tornell. Don’t get too carried away and be rude to noble-sama, ya hear?」



Tornell’s father warned him and then left.

Perhaps he was finally convinced after being reassured by Elna-kaasan and Natasha-san, it appears that he decided to just watch over us for now.


「So, what kind of recommendations will Tornell give us?」

「I recommend an item that was made using materials from a sea monster, it’s awfully beautiful!」

「A material from a sea monster? Is it that amazing I wonder?」


Eleonora-neesan approaches us, maybe she was interested when she heard it was material from a sea monster.


「Yeah, it’s an awfully beautiful――」


The moment Tornell tries to explain after being called out while looking back, he froze.

Tornell’s cheeks turn completely flushed red and his eyes become to look dazed as though he was delirious with fever.

I’ve seen this condition somewhere. Specifically when Torr looks at Eleonora-neesan.

Knitting her eyebrows that the explanation was cut off in the middle, Eleonora-neesan asks again.


「’It’s an awfully beautiful’ what?」

「……an awfully beautiful girl」

「What’s that?」


I was almost at my wit’s end when I sent a sidelong glance at Eleonora-neesan when she tilted her head slightly to the side.

Whether it’s Torr, Eric, or Tornell, why are there so many people around me who are basically challenger in love? It’s truly troublesome.


「U, umm, may I ask your――」

「Tornell, come here for a sec!」


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I take Tornell and left from Eleonora-neesan’s side before he starts saying something strange.


「Uueeeh? W, what is it Alfried-sama」

「Let’ me tell you one thing, stop thinking about Eleonora-neesan. She’s not a girl you can handle」

「S, so it’s Eleonora-sama? That beautiful person? What a nice name.....」


Darn it. I was planning on cleverly persuading him to stay away but instead, it looks like I just lit a fire in him.

Tornell is muttering 「Eleonrora-sama」 as if in delirium.


「That Eleonora-neesan, she looks good when you see her outward appearance, but not about her inside qualities, so I don’t recommend her y’know?」

「……neesan? that’s it! Or rather, if I were to marry Eleonora-sama, then Alfried-sama will be my brother-in-law!?」


Just when I try to explain Eleonora-neesan’s bad qualities to him, Tornell suddenly says something stupid as he comes to his senses.

Won’t you normally recognize being a noble first, before becoming my brother-in-law? No wait, if he have a proper recognition of things, then he wouldn’t be ended up with such an idea, right?


「I won’t say anything bad, but stop thinking about Eleonora-neesan」

「Why is that?」

「Eleonora-neesan is beautiful, but she can’t cook. Beautiful but she also can’t clean the house, not to mention doing laundry. Beautiful but she has no interest in fashion and is not feminine, she’s crude and tends to find things troublesome, so I don’t think she’s someone like what Tornell thinks」

「O, oi, Alfried」


As I persuade Tornel by explaining about Eleonora-neesan’s bad points, Eric comes over and pokes my shoulder.


「What is it Eric? You’re the same as Tornell――」


When I look back, there was Eleonora-neesan standing beside Eric.

Just when, when did she get close to me? I didn’t notice her approaching me at all.

Even when I try to escape, Eleonora-neesan noticeably stretches out her right hand and grabs my head.


「……Al, you’ve been saying ‘Beautiful this, beautiful that’ but it was being canceled out by what’s coming after that, right?」


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I’ve put up three-tiered defensive measures in case I was found out, but it looks like compliments are not working.

Eleonora-neesan puts more strength into her fingers and my head is making creaking sounds.


「O, ow it hurts! Eleonora-neesan! Your fingers are digging into my head!」

「I, indeed, she might really be a different girl from what I thought.....」


Unexpectedly, it looks like I was able to persuade Tornell using my own body as a price.





After the series of events from the moment Tornell fell in love with Eleonora-neesan to the time he began to have doubts, once again we came back to the items Tornell is proud of.


「This is it!」


Tornell took out a box that had been stored in his family’s shop drawer and opened the lid of the box.

There is a single fang with transparent blue color inside and a small pendant is placed next to it. The blue fang is so beautiful and clear that I can’t think of that coming from a normal animal, even the cotton silk material for the cushioning can be seen through.


「So beautiful. Is this the fang of a sea monster?」

「Yeah, that’s right! I stabbed it with a harpoon!」

「Don’t lie now oniichan. You happened to just pick it up from the sea, didn’t you」


Tornell puffed out his chest in pride but then, his sister Kuina immediately exposed him.


「Y, yeah, right」


This guy acts even while knowing that it’s wrong. No wonder the children near the river were suspicious.


「I don’t care whether Tornell kills it or not, just what kind of monster is it?」

「Dunno. There are records of sea monsters put together in a book in the mansion, but I have never seen a monster with such a beautiful fang before」

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Looks like Tornell doesn’t know what kind of monster it was, and Eric also doesn’t appear to know about it when I ask him.

There are a lot of creatures living in the sea after all, and they are not as easy to investigate as the monsters on land.


「Eleonora-neesan also never seen them before?」

「Yeah. I’ll know quite a lot of monsters on land, but not sea monsters」


For Eleonora-neesan - who is interested in anything related to a fight -, has a good memory when it comes to those sorts of things. However, even though her memory is good, she didn’t proactively look them up like Sylvio-niisan.


「Even Luna-san?」

「……I have never seen such fangs with a beautiful color」


Apparently, even Luna-san doesn’t know about it.


「The pendant beside it, was that made using the fang as a material?」

「Ou, that’s right! The top part of the fang was shaved off and Kuina insert the rest inside」


Tornell says, full of confidence when Eric asks, and Kuina looks a little embarrassed hearing that.

There is something like a transparent, blue jewel embedded in the center of the pendant. Just as Tornell says, it appears that the fang had been processed and embedded there.

Of course, just the jewel-like fang itself is already beautiful, but the design of the pendant to make full use of it like that is also amazing. The silver-based pendant draws a really elegant line and it matches the transparent and mysterious blue color.

The material and design, if one of those two is missing then the result wouldn’t be as good as this.


「I see, that’s a well-done piece. I understand why Tornell is proud and recommends it」

「Yeah, it’s a product complete by Tornell and Kuina」


「Th, thank you very much. .....I’m glad」


When I and Eric praise the item, Tornell was full of confidence as he said that while Kuina happily smiled.


「Hey, can I try this?」


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Eleonora-neesan is usually not interested in dressing up, but perhaps she was interested in the beautiful pendant that she said something surprising.


「……Eleonora, did you take a liking to this?」

「Un, I might want to try it a little. Is it okay if I try to wear this? Or is this something precious to you so you can not wear?」

「No, no! Then, I will help you put this on, please sit on this chair」


When Eleonora-neesan asks them, Kuina shook her head, and happily offered for her to sit on a chair that was placed in the store’s interior.

After Eleonora-neesan sits there, Kuina went around to her back and put the pendant from before on her.


「It’s done」


Then Kuina slowly moves away and brings a hand mirror back after she’s done putting the pendant.

Eleonora-neesan checked the pendant Kuina put on her and herself in the mirror, and then she looked back. 




「How is it?」


So Eleonora-neesan asks, with her reddish brown hair tied in a ponytail. She’s also wearing clothes that are easy to move in, like a shirt, a vest, and short pants, something not fashionable at all.

But, the silver chain and the clear blue jewel pendant peeking out from her neck make Eleonora-neesan looks kinda sexy somehow.


「……Eleonora’s hair color and also the pendant color is emphasized it looks good on you」


Tornell nodded to Luna-san’s accurate depiction.


「What do you think Al?」

「It suits you」


It’s kinda annoying seeing Eleonora-neesan with that self-satisfied look on her face, but I can’t say anything else other than that. 

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