The Bad Companies Are Expecting and Waiting

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After parting with Roomba and the others, I continue walking toward Koryatt village while paying attention so that others won’t get caught up in the cold air. And when I come near Torr’s house, I saw Myula-san with a straw hat weeding on a nearby field.


「Ahー, my back hurts. Good grief, even though Torr should have been here at such a time.....」


Maybe her work as she crouches puts a heavy burden on her lower back as expected, Myula-san groans as she hit her lower back *ponpon*.

It would be hell to weed the field under such a blazing sun today.

As I stare at her while thinking ‘what a terrible condition she has’, Myula-san stood up while still hitting her lower back.

Then she uses both of her arms to push and pressure her stiff muscles to loosen them and made a strange noise 「Unyaaー!」.

I know, I understand. It makes you want to yell like that when you feel comfortable after stretching for some reason.

As I observes Myula-san like that, she met my gaze as though she noticed me as well.

Then Myula-san wipes her sweat with a towel and brightly smiles at me as if nothing happened.


「Alfried-sama, hello!」

「H, hello」


What a splendid move of keeping up appearances. This woman, you won’t be able to imagine that she was someone who yells 「Unyaaー!」 before.


「Where did everyone go for your trip the other day?」


I was about to quickly go back home while deciding that I didn’t see anything before, but Myula-san started to talk to me.

Hmm, apparently, she wants to pretend that the previous incident never happened. Since there was no embarrassing incident before, it’s normal to have a chat here, huh? How thorough.


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「We went to Baron Sylford’s territory this time. There was a sea and it was fun. I also brought souvenirs, please have them with everyone」

「Oh my, thank you so much as always! Also, Torr and Asmo are already waiting inside, please go ahead」

「Understood. Then, excuse me」


After finishing my chat with Myula-san just like usual, I head toward Torr’s house.

Huh? Wait a minute? Even though I didn’t make any promise to Torr and Asmo, why did they wait for me as though I made a promise to them?

I don’t understand it at all, but I’ll know when I ask them directly.

After I arrived in front of Torr’s house, I cast Space magic in a place hidden from view.

I take out a jar containing dried fish and small crabs from the subspace and then I put it inside the bag.

After that, I take out the frozen fish and a wooden box, then I use Ice magic and put ice inside the wooden box, and lastly, put the frozen fish into the wooden box.

Un, this is enough souvenir set for Torr and the others. I also have seashells and magic core fragments inside the bag.

I knocked on Torr’s house door while making the box containing the fish float with the non-attribute magic Psychic.

Immediately after that, I can hear the sounds of heavy footsteps *thud thud* coming from the back of the house, and then the door was opened from the inside.

And there they were - grinning at me - Torr and Asmo.


「Welcome, Alfried-sama! Thank you very much for making your way out here despite the hot weather today!」


Both of them are wearing a smile I have never seen before and rubbing their hands, which is disgusting. As for what kind of scheme they’re planning, they are probably aiming for the souvenirs and the cold air from Ice magic.


「Un, I’ll enter for now」

「Come in, please」

「Let me bring your luggage for you」


As I enter the front door, Torr leads the way while Asmo stands waiting behind me and brings the back for me.

The two of them usually don’t treat me like a noble, but now they treated me as one. It’s a kinda strange feeling when their motives are so obvious that it feels refreshing to see.

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After we arrive at the living room, all the windows of the room are open. However, I guess it’s due to the wind that blows inside occasionally that I can’t say it is that cool.


「It’s a bit hot since there’s no wind」

「I’m very sorry about that. Please do what you always did」


Torr and Asmo said and they quickly lowered their heads. It seems like they don’t mind lowering their heads in order to have cool air.


「Can’t be helped then」


I sighed as if on purpose and then cast Ice magic in the room.

Immediately after that, cold air starts to drift inside the room.


「「Uhhyaaー! So cool!」」


And at that moment, Torr and Asmo shout in delight.


「Al’s Ice magic is the best! Oi, Asmo, keep the cold from going out! Close that window!」

「I’m on it!」


As soon as I let out the cold air inside the room, Torr and Asmo promptly took action and closes the windows in the room. I felt this obsession with not letting even a little bit of cold air escape from the room from them.


「Let’s have fruit juice for now」



I sit down and prepare three cups with Earth magic and make ice to put them inside the cups with Ice magic on the table.

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Then, Torr - who became the waiter - brought the cups to the kitchen and started to prepare fruit juice.

This kind of exchange is a usual thing for us when it’s summer so he’s used to this.

Moreover, I don’t come here to play today, and the two of them are in a truly good mood, maybe because they understand I’m here to bring them their souvenirs.


「Al, I’ll put the bag on the table, all right?」

「Un, thank you」

「Heave-ho, it’s quite heavy. This is, our souvenirs, right?」


I wonder what would happen if I say 「It’s not 」 here. I also feel like watching their expression of despair but, I don’t know what they would do if I betray their expectations.


「That’s right」

「Ooh, what kind of food is in there?」


Why did souvenirs always = food? I don’t really understand Asmo’s train of thought, but I understand that this is going to happen since I brought a lot of food, so there’s no problem there.


「I’m looking forward to opening it」

「Hey, here, your fruit juice」


The moment I said that, Torr came back with the cups and sit down.

We each take our cups and lightly moisten our throats with the fruit juice.

Un, the fruit juice mixed by Torr’s house is tasty.

I wonder if they mix Libra and peach fruit? I can taste the faint refreshing taste of something like peach among the fruity taste of the juice.


「This is, did you add a little Libra and peach in this?」

「Aah, yeah. Just adding Libra alone is already rich in flavor and tasty, but it became a bit strong. So we adjust it by adding a little bit of water and peach」

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I see, as expected it is so. I’ll ask Bartolo to make the same thing when I get back.


「Even so, it is as expected cold and delicious with ice, isn’t it」

「Right. In this darn hot season, they won’t easily go down your throat no matter how much delicious fruit juice you drink. Sure enough, we really need this coldness!」


As Asmo earnestly muttered, Torr emphasize while flicking his finger on his cup.

Indeed, no matter how delicious the fruit is used to make the fruit juice, it wouldn’t taste good if it was warm.


「Haaー, the table has also become cold and nice. I think I can say something like ‘I love you’ only in summer」

「Don’t say such a disgusting thing to me. The fruit juice will taste bad」


Just imagining Torr saying something like ‘I love you’ to me alone makes me break out in cold sweat.

As we rest our cheeks on the table and fully enjoy the coldness, we also savor the coldness of the fruit juice as we continue to drink it.


「Come to think of it, why are the two of you waiting for me today? We didn’t make any particular promise to meet or anything, didn’t we?」


Right, at least judging from Myula-san’s manner of speaking, it felt like they already knew that I will be coming to their house today. It’s strange that they had already waiting for me even though we didn’t even make any promises.


「Well, that’s cause we were sure that Al will come to bring us our souvenirs today, right? Or perhaps I should say, we will be the ones rushing to your house instead」

「I mean, Al will definitely not come to our house the first and second day after you return from your trip. That’s why, we thought that you will come to our house today, on the third day after you return」

「……you understand me so well, huh」


I was surprised that Torr and Asmo will understand me that much, more than what I imagined it to be. Or rather, I’m glad I decided to bring their souvenirs to their house, instead of them storming to the man


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