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Royal Castle In The Summer


Author : This will be from Sariya’s POV with Layla for the time being.




「It’s a little cooler today, isn’t it」


As I was in the middle of my thought while heading toward Layla-sama’s room, unexpectedly, I realized that the wind was coming from outside.

The royal castle is fully furnished with the Ice magic tools made by Layla-sama in all sorts of places, but as to be expected, they can not install the magic tools everywhere in such a huge castle.

And therefore, this uselessly long hallway is somehow being kept cool by opening the windows as it will allow the wind to blow inside.

Even so, today is cool for summer. If it were this cool in the hallways, then Layla-sama’s room - where it’s easier for the wind to enter - will be much cooler than this, isn’t it?

No, it’s Layla-sama we’re talking about so her room will be filled with the cold air from Ice magic and she might not notice the temperature inside be cool enough for summer.

Layla-sama usually opened the window and stared at the sky, but as to be expected when it’s summer, the sunlight that will shine in from outside will be too strong.

I quicken my steps and rush to Layla-sama’s room in the back.

Reaching in front of Layla-sama’s room door, there are two female knights wearing silver helmets and armor standing guard. They are the knight’s escorts who are protecting Layla-sama’s room.


「……nothing strange happened today」

「Thank you for your hard work」


While grinning, I thanked the female knights who report with a somewhat bored tone.

At first, she was a female knight who is full of motivation in guarding the Third Princess's room, but she has been like this after a month.

There are few people passing by, there are also very few interactions with other people.

So she has probably become sick of this overly boring guarding duty. I’m also currently doing a guard and escort duty here so I understand her pain standing guard here, but I want you to be more alert when it is in public view.

Especially when Layla-sama is going out, I don’t want her to have that kind of attitude.

If the people around her are gloomy, Layla-sama will also become worried about it. And that sort of situation must not happen.

……should I choose someone with a bit more aptitude for guarding? These days, I hear there are more male and female guards who are willing to do the boring guard and patrol duty.

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It might be better to hire those people to stand guard here. Of course, the guards need to have the proper education and etiquette and are also strong, so it will be necessary to give them special training though.....

Although, I’m taking care of Layla-sama right now.

Changing my train of thought, I took a short deep breath and knocks on the door.


「Layla-sama, this is Sariya! May I come in?」

「Ah! Yes, please」


I guess she was surprised at the small sound of knocks before.  Her reply was a bit high-pitched.

Such Layla-sama is so cute.

I suppressed the urge to chuckle and politely opened the door and entered the room.

Immediately after that, the room was chilly and refreshing as I had feared. The window is closed and next to the window is Layla-sama sitting in a wheelchair.

She should not have even realized the cool temperature today. It makes me want to suddenly inform her about it, but let’s have our usual exchange of greetings for now.


「Were you looking up at the sky again?」


「Did you see the boy?」

「No, I also didn’t see him today」


Layla-sama answered my question while shaking her head slowly.

Layla-sama happened to see two boys up in the sky. And since I started asking her like that, it becomes something like a daily exchange between

Actually, I never saw them even once so I was honestly dubious about that but I’m well aware that Layla-sama is not a person who would lie or attract someone’s attention doing something like that.

Since it’s like that, I think that Layla-sama was saying the truth, but to say that she saw two boys playing around happily up in the sky and a boy fell from the sky, it’s a bit difficult to believe......

Although, if I were to say that to her, Layla-sama will pout right after that so I just joke around with her.

Then, I have to talk in moderation and be careful with our usual greetings.


「Layla-sama, it’s quite cool today so I think it will be fine if you do not use Ice magic」

「But it was very hot yesterday……」

「We have a mild temperature today and there is also the wind blowing. So you do not have to use Ice magic 」

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Leaving yesterday’s temperature aside, it is not as hot today.

Most likely, she has been using Ice magic since yesterday so she has become less sensitive to the temperature outside.

It’s not a good thing -  for the weak-constitution Layla-sama - to be exposed to the cold air for a long period of time.

So I said 「I will open the window, all right」 and then open the window.

Then, the warm wind from outside came rushing in.


「Ahh, but the hot air......」

「It is just too cold inside this room. You will get used to it soon」


After saying that, I continue to open the windows in the room in turns.

After opening four windows, the wind gets in and gently rolls up the white curtain.


「Ah, it is certainly cooler than I thought. I will not need the cold air if it’s like this」



Layla-sama then canceled the cold air from the Ice magic, perhaps she felt the cool weather.

After that, she skillfully turns around the wheelchair and takes a quick look at the scenery outside through the opened window.

The wind blows inside and caresses Layla-sama’s cheeks, ruffling her golden thread-like hair.


「What a nice breeze」

「That’s right. It will be nice if we can continue to have such pleasant days every day」


I’m fed up with days like yesterday when it’s too hot. Especially for someone who has to wear maid clothes all day long, it was hell.


「Ahh, a little bird」


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Layla-sama muttered to herself, and when I looked in her direction, I saw a little blue bird perched on the window.


「It is a very beautiful bird. What is the bird called?」

「It is a bird called Morfan (モルファン). It is named after the monster Morgas (モルガス) since it will curl up into a ball when it feels a crisis to itself」


For Layla-sama - who seldom goes outside - can barely come in contact with the outside world through the scenery seen from the window and from the things I tell her.

That’s why, I have to properly learn about the correct information.

Thanks to that, I know mostly all the names of birds that can be seen from here. There are all kinds of birds, it was difficult to distinguish them but this time should be the correct one.


「Heeー, is that so. I would really like to see its curled-up appearance, but it would be too pitiful for the bird」


Layla-sama looks at me while smiling sweetly.

The Morfan doesn’t particularly mind us as it bends its small head and moves with a hopping-like movement to the window frame.


「Ahaha, so cute. Come on, come here」


Layla-sama holds out the palm of her hand with an innocent smile on her face.
The Morfan stares at it as if wary of her hand. However, it let down its wariness and lightly hopped on her palm.


「Hyaa, it’s amazing, Sariya! The Morfan got on my palm!」

「It’s strange for quite the wary bird to do that」


Morfan is a very cautious and easily frightened bird, so it rarely becomes close to people, so this sight here right now is quite a rare sight.

I’m sure that, the Morfan must have known of Layla-sama’s innocence.


「Could I also try to touch it?」

「But don’t surprise it, all right? It will fly away if you surprise it」


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It’s a rare occasion where I can touch Morfan, so this is my chance.

Since I have received permission for Layla-sama, I slowly bring my fingers close to the bird.

However, the Morfan turned small as it curled up its body when my fingers got close.


「Ah, it really curled up. It looks like a curled-up caterpillar」


Layla-sama is surprised at the curled-up Morfan.

Morfan has the tendency to curl up when it feels a crisis. In other words, it felt a crisis to itself when I came closer.

Though the other party is a bird, I was a little shocked at that realization.

And when I take a little distance from it, the Morfan slowly returns to normal, perhaps it thought that the crises had passed. I’m a little curious about what kind of body structure it has to become like that.




I probably should not have thought about that, huh. The Morfan flies away from Layla-sama’s hand.


「……it flew away」


Layla-sama and I follow the Morfan until it becomes small in the sky.

The side profile of Layla-sama when she sends the bird off in a daze looks sad.


「I hope it came again」





Author note :
This time was the story of the conversation with Layla from Sariya’s point of view. The previous chapter made you have a terrible image of a bunch of guys naked, so I decided to make this chapter into a story between women. And after considering the main story that I pictured in my mind and the book, it turned out like this.
Once again, thank you very much for your support. I will continue to do my best from now on.

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