Viscount Dole Is Coming

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After lunch, it was so hot outside that I didn’t have any intention of going outside so I was about to lie down in my room. However, the girl doll and Knight - that should have been placed on the table - were enshrined there.

Did one of the maids move them in the middle of them cleaning the room and forgot to return them to their place? 

So I pick them up, hold them in my arms, and was trying to return them to the table…...but, it’s kinda shame to do that so I decided to play with the dolls after a long time.

Last time, I managed to make them walk with Sylvio-niisan after a lot of trouble. It’s a waste to lose interest in them after making them walk, but just hugging them like this feels good anyway.

Let’s take a break from using slime cushions and play with these dolls today.

I sit on the bed and put the doll down like that.

Incidentally, Knight got his head cut off by Eleonora-neesan before, but he has now been restored by Elna-kaasan’s sewing skill. Though there is an unnatural sewing mark at the bottom of his neck and somewhat lower defensive strength because of that.

Oh well, leaving that aside, I apply Psychic magic on the two dolls and manipulate them at the same time. Immediately after that, Knight and the girl doll moved and stood up as if they were being pulled by something.

This is a little eerie. Feeling like that, I lay them down on the bed once more. After that, I also lie down on the bed and simulate the action of getting up from the bed.

This time, I manipulate the dolls by using the image of moving their bodies and limbs naturally, then the two dolls stood up with a very human-like movement.


「Hmm, should I try to make Knight awake while making the girl doll still looks kinda sleepy?」


Then Knight sharpens his movements and looks around with robot-like movements.  The girl doll is rubbing her eyelids as if she was still asleep.

Hmm, I can see a big difference after just including such movements in their actions.

It’s like there is a life dwelling in their bodies, it’s fun.


「Okay, okay, Knight you can wake up. It’s your new master」


I call out like that and move Knight so he turns around toward me.

Then, Knight wakes up in a hurry――no, it’s a doll so it will be cute to make it fall over toward me. Thinking like so, I make Knight fall once, then stood up. Then he stands up straight properly and headed toward me in a hurry.

Un un, the cuteness and comical movements of dolls came out like this.


「Okay okay, Elizabeth quickly wake up」


When I said that, Elizabeth doll raises herself while blankly looking in my direction, then fell down on the bed again and went to sleep.

Well, I moved her that way so she moves like that.

Seeing that, Knight rushes over to Elizabeth and tries to wake her up by hitting her relentlessly Then Elizabeth turns her back on her seemingly annoyed, but Knight still doesn’t give up in trying to wake her up.

In the end, Elizabeth kicked Knight flying, maybe because she got into a bad mood due to Knight’s insistence.


「I also wish I could also kick a certain someone flying when they woke me up like that……」

「Who is that someone?」


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As I turn around in surprise, the door to my room is open for some reason, and there was Eleonora-neesan standing there.

Sh, she didn’t hear what I said earlier, right? No, I didn’t say about that ‘someone’ to be Eleonora-neesan, so I should be safe even if she heard it. So there’s no need to be panicked.


「Rather than that, don’t open the door as you please」

「It’s fine isn’t it? It’s annoying to knock each time」


Eleonora-neesan replies as usual even when I say the usual things while feigning calmness. It looks like she didn’t hear everything I said before.

Although there is an escape route for me, I’m a bit relieved I don’t end up doing something troublesome.


「What are you doing mumbling in such a place by yourself?」

「I’m playing with dolls though?」

「Even though you’re a boy, you’re playing with dolls, how peculiar」


Eleonora-neesan says in amazement when I pointed at Knight, who was kicked flying by Elizabeth.

I guess I would be beaten until I’m almost dead if I were to retort with ‘Even though you’re a girl, you like swords’, huh? I could simply imagine it without saying it.


「Pooh, Eleonora-neesan just doesn’t understand how good a doll is」

「What, what do you mean by the goodness of a doll?」


It would actually be better to show it to the muscle-brained Eleonora-neesan than to explain it to her.

I use Psychic and move Knight and the girl doll once more.

The two dolls that had been lying down limply rise with a natural movement.


「Uwaa! Gross!」

「Hey, don’t you think that’s a terrible reaction from you!」

「No, it’s not gross but I was surprised that it moves like people even though they are dolls.....」


Well, I guess it would be like that if you’re not familiar with seeing a doll move? There are some places where I’m feeling uneasy but I continue to move them without worrying about it.

Elizabeth gets up gracefully, continues to walk to the edge of the bed, and then stands still. Then I move Knight under the bed, then Elizabeth impressively jumps.

Knight catches the slowly-falling Elizabeth deftly and then he carries her in his arms.

After that, he carefully lowered Elizabeth to the ground.

I make Knight escort Elizabeth walk in front of Eleonora-neesan and make them bow.


「How is it? Moving dolls are cute, aren’t they?」

「Al is really good at this kind of thing, huh」


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Despite puffing my chest in pride, Eleonora-neesan was only amazed at my skill. That’s strange, I think this is the time when you should have been praising my technique of moving the dolls though.....


「The dolls are moving......」


Eleonora-neesan sits down on the floor and stares at the two dolls with great interest.

To answer Eleonora-neesan’s curiosity and expectations, I try to wave Knight and Elizabeth’s hand at her.

Then, Eleonora-neesan suddenly loosened her expression and slightly wave her hand back at them, guess she was struck by their cuteness.


「Hahaha, you waved back at them, how cute」

「Th, this is, the dolls waved at me so I just did it unintentionally!」


Eleonora-neesan shouts embarrassedly when I stare at her while smiling.

Fufufu, it looks like even Eleonora-neesan still found the minimum dolls cute when they move.


「Rather, that face of yours is annoying, stop making that face」

「Okay okay」


I don’t want her to get angry when I make fun of her too much so let’s stop teasing her here.

I manipulate the dolls to divert Eleonora-neesan’s attention from me.

I touch Eleonora-neesan’s hand - who is sitting down - with the doll.


「Wh, what is it?」

「I wonder? Why don’t you hold out your hand?」


After I made a suitable reply to her question, Eleonora-neesan obediently held out her right hand.

Then, Knight and Elizabeth climb onto Eleonora-neesan’s hand and start walking on her arm skillfully.


「Hyaa! They climbed my arm!」


Eleonora-neesan raise her voice in surprise, guess she was surprised at the dolls walking on her arm. I can see a bit different reaction from usual, that was interesting.

It’s not that the dolls are moving with any aim or something, I just manipulate them to move.

Even so, it’s difficult to make them walk on her arm since their balance is bad. If the foothold is poor, then it’s also difficult for the dolls to walk stably.

Looking at them walking like this, the way they walk is unnatural. I need more practice after this.

As I was thinking like that, Knight - who was walking on Eleonora-neesan’s arm - stumbled and start to fall.


「Ahh! The doll!」

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「Oh, that was close」


Eleonora-neesan tried to stop Knight from falling with her left hand, but Knight is under Psychic so he won’t fall. I use Psychic as though pulling Knight back to return him to his previous position.


「Sorry sorry, Eleonora-neesan’s arm is so rugged」


「Ah, no, I mean, it’s nothing」


A dreadful look was directed at me when I try to explain myself, so I shut my mouth.

For now, I make the dolls walk again while paying attention to Eleonora-neesan’s arm muscles so that the same thing won’t happen again.

Knight made a large movement and sat on Eleonora-neesan’s left shoulder while Elizabeth sat on her right.

Two dolls sitting on a person’s shoulder look cute.

Eleonora-neesan pokes Knight that was in her shoulder, and Knight touches her finger back as if to respond to her action.


「Ahaha, how cute」

「Eleonora-neesan is also having fun playing with dolls, see」


And when I point that out by murmuring like that, Eleonora-neesan tries to tear off Knight from her shoulder.

So I openly make Knight shrink his body. On the other shoulder, Elizabeth shakes her head and also hits Eleonora-neesan’s cheek as if to remonstrate her.


「……kuuh, even though I know Al is the one controlling them, it’s hard to remove them!」


Eleonora-neesan shouts with a complicated look on her face.

It’s already Eleonora-neesan’s loss when she talks to the dolls and empathized with them. You should just acknowledge the goodness of a moving doll.


「Al, do you have a second?」


As I was having a triumphant look on my face, Nord-tousan came in from the door that had been left open.


「Not now. I’m moving the dolls right now, I’m busy」

「That’s just right then. What I want to talk about has something to do with dolls」

「With dolls?」


I tried to drive him away since I can feel something troublesome gonna happen, but I wonder what he meant that it have something to do with dolls?


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「Do you remember Viscount Dole?」

「That is, the person who sent these dolls, right?」


Someone with a lot of good quality cotton, fur, and thread, and the head of that noble house was a doll lover.


「I have been in correspondence with that person, and I wrote to him about Al’s magic to move and play with the dolls, and that person is showing interest in that」

「In other words, you want me to show Viscount Dole how I move the dolls?」

「It’s great that you caught up quickly. Can you show me how they move a bit?」


I manipulate Knight and Elizabeth after Nord-tousan asked that.

They jumped from Eleonora-neesan’s shoulders and landed perfectly by controlling them with Psychic.

Knight makes a knightly salute, and Elizabeth picks up her skirt with refined movements and bows gracefully.


「U, un, it there is going to be no problem to show them if they can move like that.」


Nord-tousan says that while looking a bit taken aback,

Did he think that the dolls would move with more simple movements? If so then that’s upsetting. Since my dolls can run, jump, and fly.


「That being the case Viscount Dole will be coming to our mansion, so at that time I want you to show him how the dolls move」

「Ehー, I’ll be the one to keep him companyー?」

「Please do. I want to continue to have a good relationship with Viscount Dole. It would be enough for Al to move the dolls and talk about dolls with him」


Well, it’s not like distinguished royalty or anything, and he’s just a noble who loves dolls. It would be an easy job to accompany if he were to be satisfied by just moving the dolls, right?

And in return, he might give me more dolls.


「Okay, okay, I understand」

「Then, please take care of him」

「Say, tousan. Can Viscount Dole use a sword?」


Just at the moment when Nord-tousan was about to leave the room, Eleonora-neesan asks.


「Regrettably, he can not. Unlike Earl Melna, he is not a person of the military faction1」

「I see」


Eleonora-neesan shortly replies to Nord-tousan answer as he said it while smiling wryly.

It looks like she lost interest in Viscount Dole.

Eleonora-neesan, let me show you something to make you a bit more interested. 

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