Viscount Dole's Lament 

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After the self-introduction and the harmless chat were over, both of the heads of the family deepen their relationship. We all return to our room early so we don’t interrupt their conversation.

Returning to my room, I collapse onto the bed to take a breather after all that.

Before long, loud sounds of footsteps can be heard resounding from the hallway.


「Alfried-dono! So this is Alfried-dono’s room!」


Viscount Dole opened the door and entered the room without knocking.


「Uwaa! Wait, what!?」


Because Viscount Dole’s huge figure is entering my body, I got up from my bed as though I jumped up from the bed due to the surprise.


「C, ca, please calm down Master! It is rude to enter someone else’s room without knocking and asking first!」

「I don’t care about such trivialities! Now then, show me how the doll moves! I’ve been enduring it for so long, quickly!」


Tickle was advising Viscount Dole about his action, but his enthusiasm toward dolls is unstoppable.

Aah, this person has been looking forward to seeing the doll moving from the start. He’s been enduring it for so long and he became like this when it was released.

Nord-tousan and Elna-kaasan must have also realized this and let Viscount Dole go early.

He should briefly calm down if I show him how the doll moves for now.


「Understood. Then, let me show you how the doll moves!」



I carry Knight and Elizabeth - placed on the table - while receiving Viscount Dole’s expectant gaze.


「Those are the dolls I gave you. So, what did you name them?」


Viscount Dole asks while grinning. It appears that naming dolls is something natural for him.

Well, I also gave them names so I will feel attached to them so I don’t feel troubled by his question.


「They are simple names, but I named them Knight and Elizabeth」

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「Hm, they are simple but nice names. They are both perfect names for those dolls」


When I answer with no hesitation, Viscount Dole deeply nodded at my answer.

I felt like Viscount Dole’s favorability toward me had gone up for some reason.


「Mm? Wait a minute. There is an unnatural sewing mark on the back of Knight’s neck?」


Hearing Viscount Dole’s remark, my heart skipped a beat.

Viscount Dole’s expression and voice turn really scary somehow. I knew it, I guess he won’t forgive people who treat his important dolls roughly.

'Knight’s neck was beheaded by our neesan, y’see'. If only I can honestly say that, I wonder how peaceful the world will be? Depending on how I answer him, there is also the possibility that Viscount Dole will behead me.

I have to deceive him somehow.


「I’m sorry, I’ve had put some burden on Knight’s neck when I practice in moving them.....」

「……is that so. So Alfried-dono also was not able to skillfully move the dolls from the start. It is unavoidable if there were accidents when you practice moving the dolls. If you were to say that it was torn due to a mere prank, then I will have you suffer the same thing. Hahahaha!」


Hahahaha, it was actually Eleonora-neesan’s fault, but I’m glad I didn’t say it was my fault for using Knight for a prank. I will keep this secret with me forever.


「Then, I will start moving Knight and Elizabeth」


As I put Knight and Elizabeth on the carpet while breaking into a cold sweat, I use the non-attribute magic Psychic on them.

After manipulating my magic power to wrap the dolls, the two dolls slowly got up.





Not only Viscount Dole, but even the maid Tickle also shouted in a surprised voice mixed with agitation.

And after I make Knight and Elizabeth stand up without minding them, they walked in front of Viscount Dole.

Then Knight made a knightly salute and Elizabeth picked up her skirt gracefully and bows down with refined movements.

Now then, I wonder how Viscount Dole will react?

As I looked toward Viscount Dole’s condition, I saw him suddenly crying.


「The, the dolls are moving! It’s like life dwells on them.....!」

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That’s great. He looks to be happy for the time being.

I think he’s crying because he was so deeply moved by the moving dolls, but seeing an old man suddenly crying in front of me like this makes me scared.


「I, I’m glad you are happy with this」

「More, more! Show me when the dolls are moving!」


Since Viscount Dole is asking me to show him the dolls and move the dolls even more, I make Knight and Elizabeth walk.

That said, they were not moving carelessly as each of their movement are according to their character.

It would be a turn-off if Elizabeth were to walk with bowlegs as she wears a skirt, right? For example, even though they are dolls, as long as they move then I think there should be suitable movements and characters for dolls. I realized that after practicing repeatedly before Viscount Dole arrives.


「The dolls are not moving randomly, their movements are based on their personal characteristic. For Knight, his movements are those that combine both vigor and serious movements of a knight with liveliness in it. While Elizabeth’s gestures are those of a feminine modesty of a young lady, and you can understand her refined gestures from each of her movements. You can not say that this is just simply the movements of dolls. You could say that this is an excellent performance that gives life to dolls! Magnificent!」


His face is kinda close, but he can accurately explain my intention with each of their movements so I’m really happy about that. Eleonora-neesan and even Elna-kaasan said they were cute, but they didn’t realize that at all.


「Can you move the dolls to my lap after this?」

「Of course, I can」


Knight jumps from the carpet to Viscount Dole’s leg, as he sits cross-legged on the carpet.




Just that movement alone makes Viscount Dole very excited. He is happily staring at Knight - who is standing on top of his lap.

However, he looks at Elizabeth curiously as she is still not jumping onto his lap.


「Why does Elizabeth not coming to me?」

「It looks like Viscount Dole’s lap is too high for Elizabeth」

「I see, then as a man, I should offer her my help!」


I thought it would be a bit disrespectful to him but if anything, it looks like Viscount Dole offered his hand happily.

Then, Elizabeth got on his palm while picking up the hem of her skirt.


「……Alfried-dono, I could die right now. I’m happy just being able to see the dolls moving」

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With Knight and Elizabeth on his lap, Viscount Dole had an ecstatic expression on his face.





Viscount Dole continues to play around with the dolls for some time. Then he asks me with a serious look on his face.


「Alfried-dono, could you teach me the technique on how to move the doll? If so. I will give you anything you want if you teach me!」

「Err, I actually don’t use that kind of a secret technique so I can teach you normally, so please raise your head」

「That’s ridiculous! You’re telling me you don’t use a great technique to skillfully move the dolls!?」


When I told him that it was not that much of a secret technique, Viscount Dole suddenly raised his head.


「Yes, as long as you can use the non-attribute magic Psychic, then anyone can use it」

「……the non-attribute magic, Psychic?」

「Yes, it is Psychic」


After I resolutely answer him, Viscount Dole has an expression that says as if it’s the end of the world


「Nuooooooohh! Why didn’t God bestow me with the aptitude for non-attribute magic! Whhyyyyyyy!」

「Ma, master! You will make a hole in the floor if you hit the ground too much!」


Aah, so Viscount Dole doesn’t have the aptitude for non-attribute magic, huh? I can’t do anything about that.

I mean, Viscount Dole loves dolls so much that he makes them himself. I’m sure that if he knows that we can move dolls, then he would like to move them himself.

However, Viscount Dole - who wants to do that - doesn’t have the aptitude.

I want to do something about Viscount Dole’s lamentation, but I can’t do anything about it.

If Kami-sama were also to offer the aptitude for non-attribute magic, then I would give it to Viscount Dole, who wishes for it.

As I was watching him while having indescribable feelings inside, Viscount Dole slowly regained his composure and then he asks me again.


「Is there no technique to move them other than Psychic?」

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「Right now I do not know any other technique besides it」


You can move them if you control them with strings like the one with a marionette, but what Viscount Dole is asking for should be to be able to make the dolls have perfect movements like what I did. Unfortunately, I don’t know any other method to move the dolls besides using Psychic.


「Nnuuooohhh! Even though there is such a ground-breaking method in front of me, this is so lamentable!」

「If you can not use it yourself, then what about leaving it to those who can use Psychic?」

「……wha, what was that?」


I wonder if that was a bit out of line? For someone who can use Psychic like me to say that, it might sound sarcastic to others.


「No, it’s nothing――」

「I will not be angry, so please tell me if there is another way」


I was about to speak ambiguously about it, but Viscount Dole approached me and put his hand on my shoulder.

I can no longer escape from him.


「Umm, if Viscount Dole can not use Psychic magic, so I thought maybe you can hire someone who can and keep that person around you」


If you can’t do it yourself, then hire someone who can.

It’s not like you have to do anything by yourself. You can bring about the result you want with money, or another way to do it will be to realize it together with everyone.

A human is not an omnipotent creature that can do anything alone on their own. Let someone who can do a certain job do that, while you can demonstrate your ability in a different field.


「I see, there was such a method! Then, Alfried-dono, become my personal puppeteer for my――」

「No, I appreciate the offer but I will have to refuse. I want to spend my time freely without going to work」

「 I will promise you that you can live there without any inconvenience in the future and I will only ask you to move the dolls only occasionally if you come to my territory, how about it?」

「I will only consider that as a choice for my future place of employment for the time being」


I don’t know what will happen in the future, after all. It won’t be a bad thing to have a job where clothing and shelter are guaranteed by just occasionally teaching and moving the dolls. The more choices I have the better it is for me.


「Muu, is it impossible for you to come to my territory right away?」

「I am still a child after all, I don’t want to work yet」


I work till I died in my previous life, so I don’t want to work for a while.

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