Men's Misunderstanding

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With the addition of Torr and Asmo, we slowly advance toward the tranquil forest.


「You see, after Al gave her an insect lunch box as revenge, he was immediately got beaten up by Eleonora-sama as soon as she return and found out about it」

「Hmm, I saw her as a ladylike girl back in the mansion, she doesn’t look like that, was it because they are intimate brother and sister?」

「No no, that was just because Eleonora-neesan is playing the young noble lady」

「Don’t lie just because you’re her little brother! Eleonora-sama conduct is overflowing with elegance, she’s ladylike」


Torr said as if he snapped at me when I said that in an exasperated manner.


「Words like elegance and ladylike don’t really match with Eleonora-neesan you know.  Torr really has no eyes for people」

「You too, you were prattling on about how my neechan is ladylike, gentle, and some other stupid words like that, you have no eyes for people」

「……the both of you have no eyes for people」


「Uh, now now, please don’t fight」


Tickle steps in while smiling wryly when Torr and I glare at Asmo.

Darn, I showed such an unsightly side of me in front of Viscount Dole.

There were tons of things I wanted to point out about Torr’s story from a while ago, but let’s endure it for now.


「Oh, right Tickle. What about your Psychic?」

「Yes, it is just as Alfried-sama says, it became much easier to control after putting it in my field of vision」


The stone floating near Tickle's face looks to be stable as it is able to maintain a fixed position.

She was unable to even hold a conversation before, but now it looks like she can afford to reply to me.


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「You can now afford to talk a little bit, shall we move on and try on observation next? There are the same children walking - Torr and Asmo - in front of you, but each of their manner of walking is different, aren’t they?」

「Y, yes, I think Torr-san is walking with his foot facing outwards somewhat, while Asmo is surprisingly walking with small steps」

「Un, that’s right. For Torr, he moves his legs with large movements like he’s bowlegged. I guess it’s an outward representation of the person in question wanting to make himself look bigger. While Asmo is moving his small legs in a sharp and quick manner. I think this is because he thinks that moving his legs a lot will feel tiresome for him」

「You are their friend, so you really understand them」

「Well, that’s because we are familiar with each other’s personalities that it’s almost unpleasant to look at」


I think it’s been a year since I became friends with Torr and Asmo? It seems short when you think about the time, but it doesn’t look short at all because we have been spending a lot of our time together.

It’s so short but I feel like have spent our time for five, or six years together.

I felt somewhat moved by that thought, but now is not the time for that so I dispel those thoughts.


「That’s why everyone has their own manner of walking depending on their personalities or habits even if they are people like us, you should always be aware of that and observes people. But it is such attention to detail that was the key to making dolls look realistic when you move them」

「I see! Alfried-sama’s Knight and Elizabeth also move with matching personalities in mind. Understood, I will also try to regularly observe people when they are walking!」


Tickle says as if she was eager to do so, and then she started to observe the figure of Torr and Asmo walking in front.





「Hey, Al」



I replied to Torr calling out to me - as he walked in front -, but Torr gestured with his chin for me to come closer.

I guess it’s something secret or difficult things to say at this distance.

Could it be, he noticed that Gregor is noble? If it’s like that, then it’s going to be troublesome so I quietly come closer to Torr.

And then, Torr places his arm around my shoulder and whispers unpleasantly into my ear.

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「……hey, Tickle-san had been looking at me with such a passionate gaze but......could it be she fell for me?」


My worries about Gregor were just groundless, I was so stupid for thinking that Torr has such sharp observing eyes,



「Hey, what’s with that sigh? You don’t believe me? Then try looking at Tickle-san. She’s been staring at me, y’know?」


When I take a quick glance to the back as Torr told me, I saw Tickle intently staring at Torr. Speaking accurately, she was staring at his feet.

And when Torr and I stare back at her, she becomes flustered and blushes.


「See, you see that just now! She blushed after her eyes met mine!」


Torr said excitedly, but she was actually only flustered because her Psychic was about to be canceled probably because she was too absorbed in observing his pace. And the reason she blushed was that she was embarrassed that we saw her make a mistake in her magic.

I wonder if it’s a fortune or a misfortunate.

Men in the world will make an embarrassing misunderstanding due to this and say something like 「That girl, she might like me」.

The reason Tickle stared at Torr with such a passionate gaze was because of my advice.

It’s too pitiful for Torr as it will become his dark past, so I will strongly deny him now.


「It's just your misunderstanding」

「Naaーh, there’s no way. I mean, my mom told me. A girl will unconsciously look at the person she likes. And if he met eyes with her and she averts her eyes, then she likes you, she said 」

「It’s the same with men, right? I mean, if a man likes a woman, then the other person will be more interested in you and asks some things about you」


If you are interested in someone, then you will want to know more and there should be more questions you wanted to ask.

In reality, the conversation between Tickle and Torr was unremarkable. If anything, it should be said that the person who was interested in Torr is Viscount Dole.


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「I, it’s ‘that’ you know. Tickle-san is a late bloomer unlike the girls in the village so she’s an exception」

「Myula-san is a woman from Koryatt village, right? And so, does her previous statement she told you applied to the exception, Tickle-san?」

「Guhh, that might be so, but......」

「Are you okay? Isn’t that just your own wish? Such misunderstanding from an excessively self-conscious man will cause tragedy, you know?」

「Y, you, do you have a terrible experience in the past or something?」


Torr asked me with a somewhat uneasy expression on his face when I said all those things as though cross-examining him.

……fuhh, you will experience many things in life if you live for twenty-seven years in your previous life.

While I was reminiscing the past with a faraway look in my eyes, Torr move away from me without saying anything, maybe he sensed something.

There was no more excitement on his face than before anymore. It’s great that he was able to calm down now.


「Hm? I saw a moving shadow?」


When I was feeling relieved after looking at Torr’s state, Viscount Dole muttered like that while looking ahead.

When I turn my gaze to the front, there was an Alkinoko walking over there.


「It’s an Alkinoko! Let’s catch it!」



As soon as they see the Alkinoko, Torr and Asmo let out a roar and start running.

And perhaps the Alkinoko noticed the approaching Torr and Asmo, it jumped up in surprise and start to escape.




While Torr and Asmo are chasing after it, the Alkinoko desperately run around to escape using the trees as obstacles.


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「Hmm, so there are Alkinoko in this forest. I never ate it before, how does it taste like?」

「It has a bit of a milk flavor but it also has quite the amount and it’s tasty」


It’s as big as my waist. Compared to normal Alkinoko, it is by far the biggest.

The mild flavor is its flaw as an ingredient, but if you consider the amount itself then it can be turned into enough umami soup stock.


「Incidentally, its legs are the most delicious」


Only its legs are rich in flavor so you can eat the legs if you want to eat something with more flavor.

Torr and Asmo are chasing after the Alkinoko in front of my eyes, but they still haven’t managed to catch it yet. I think the Alkinoko has more intelligent than the two of them, being aware of the two of them and using the trees and roots as a shield.


「Oi, Al! Don’t laugh come and help us!」

「Can’t be helped then」


I use Psychic on the grass around the feet of the running Alkinoko.

Then, two blades of grass connected to each other to become an improvised grass-knotted trap, and the Alkinoko’s legs were brilliantly tripped and fell.


「I don’t know what you did, but good job Al!」


Torr then jumps and catches the fallen Alkinoko.


「Hehe, see Asmo! I caught the Alkinoko!」

「Idiot! Rather than that you better give it the finishing blow! It will release spores」



At the same time as Torr makes a stupid-sounding voice, the Alkinoko spat out white spores around. 

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