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Gregor's Return





Having completed his script, Gregor decided to return to his territory.

I told him that he can take it a bit slower and there was no need to rush but, he said that he wanted to immediately start with the creation of the puppet show.

I can’t keep him here since he told me that with such a happy smile on his face. That reason is just so Gregor-ish

And so, on the morning of the fifth day.

In front of the Slowlett family mansion, there are the employees of Viscount Dole carrying his luggage into his carriage.

Thanks to the large number of souvenirs of dolls they brought, right now the horse-drawn wagon is almost empty.

But, we can’t send him back like this without giving him souvenirs while being hospitable to our guests.

And so, as thanks for the souvenirs and to fill his empty wagon, we give him the dried fish from the Sylford’s house, Kagura’s rice, soy sauce, miso, and dried fruits that Gregor likes.

Thanks to that, our chef - Bartolo - is also mobilized to help and looks to be having it tough.

As I was watching them like that while thinking about such things, I heard Sylvio-niisan mutters.


「It’s amazing that all those wagons are filled with dolls before, isn’t it」

「And yet, they were all the highest-quality dolls」


Maybe, they have the same quality as the dolls sold in stores for nobles in the royal capital.

I wonder how much money will we get if we were to sell those dolls?

Oh well, we will treat Gregor’s goodwill with disdain if we were to do that and we have not been troubled with money.


「Hey, can you show me the dolls you received later? I also want to decorate my room with some dolls」



We have a fairytale-like vacant room filled with dolls in our mansion, and even if I store several of them with Space magic, there will still be hardly any place to walk.

Rather than decorating a vacant room, the dolls, and Gregor would be happy if they will be able to be cherished by someone.

And when I think like that, I suddenly had an idea.


「Eleonora-neesan, do Sheila-san and Ema-san want dolls?」


Eleonora-neesan crosses her arms as though worried when I asked her.


「Hmーm, I wonder? If anything, those two are rather greedy」

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I can imagine Sheila being like that, but is Ema-oneesama also like that? I think that the figure of Ema-oneesama lying down while holding a cute doll would suit her very well though.....


「I guess I will try asking them next time. And I will give them the dolls if they want it」


Then I noticed it after Eleonora-neesan said so.

By any chance, my favorability will increase if I gave it as a present?

Ema-oneesama being affectionate with me will be a matter of course, and there was also the possibility that she will cover for me if Torr or Asmo were about to do something to me.

Shoot. I shouldn’t have discussed it with Eleonora-neesan.

While I was feeling anguished I did something regrettable, Mina and Sara opens the front door, and then Gregor and Tickle came out.

Behind them are Nord-tousan and Elna-kaasan - seemingly getting along well linking their arms -, and Bartolo with Mel also came out to see them off.

As always, our parents are so affectionate.

While I was thinking about such a thing, I call out to Gregor - who walked to us.


「Gregor, what are you going to do the first thing you arrived in your territory?」

「The first thing I will do is to discover and nurture puppeteers and voice actors. If there were no such people then it’s useless to talk about the future. I will also try to hire people while making full use of my connections in the territory and the royal capital!」


Gregor answers while tightly clenching his fist when I ask him.

Nurturing puppeteers and voice actors would take a lot of time, so it should be better to start doing it early. I think this may be a project that will take years and a lot of money to complete, but it should be possible with Gregor’s assets and enthusiasm.


「As for the puppeteer there is Tickle so it’s a relief, isn’t it」

「Fueeee!? It’s impossible for me to teach others! I still can only make a doll stand, I can not even make the doll walk properly」

「It’s fine. Tickle will keep getting better from now on. The number of objects you can unconsciously floats has also increased to two now, right?」


That’s right, there are now two spoons floating close to Tickle’s face.

Just the other day, she was only able to make one spoon float using her all, but now she can make two spoon floats.

Though it will be difficult to add more from now on, it’s not like she has no talent for it.

With the admirable feeling of wanting to repay Gregor and her love of dolls, it is possible she will be able to do it.


「But, I still have a long way to go......」


However, perhaps Tickle doesn’t have any confidence in herself since she looked down looking worried.

And so I give something to that worried Tickle.


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「Thi, this is?」

「There are tips and tricks on what to take notes of when using Psychic, the method to train, and when you move dolls」

「Naa! In other words, this is the secret note to become a puppeteer!? H, how much do you need? I won’t be sparing in order to nurture puppeteers!」


When I was explaining it to the bewildered Tickle, Gregor jumped at it as he yelled in excitement.

Your face is too close.


「This is not that big of a deal, you know. I don’t know if this is going to be useful or not, after all this is like a reference book so it is free.」

「No, but.....」

「Besides, I’m also looking forward to the puppet show Gregor will make」


And when I tell him my true feeling to the wavering Gregor, he grabbed my hands with tears in the corners of his eyes.


「Truly, thank you very much! I will definitely complete a wonderful puppet show for Al!」


Gregor said while tightly gripping my hands with his big hands.

Since I’m going to give this to Tickle, given the choice I would like Tickle to hold my hands and thanked me, but I also can’t say anything cruel now that Gregor had say it happily like this.

I can’t come to dislike someone who is earnest and honest about their hobbies like this guy.

I squeeze back Gregor’s hands with a smile on my face.


「You, you’re really earnest with your hobby, huh. If only you also started to have that kind of attitude with sword practice」

「I’ll say it back to you, I wish Eleonora-neesan to also have the same kind of attitude with magic and studying」


Eleonora-neesan unhappily told me, but then she let out a choked noise and fell into silence when I retort.

There are also Nord-tousan and Elna-kaasan here, so she must have thought it would be disadvantageous for her if she continue to argue.

Looking back, I saw Elna-kaasan happily grinning over there but it was scary. I wonder if she is thinking about our education plan from now on.


「Tickle, this is an important secret book from Al. Treat it with care and read everything inside」

「Ye, yes! Alfried-sama, thank you very much!」


Tickle held the notes with both arms as though she was treating something easily broken when she lowered her head and thanked me.

It was not a great theory about puppeteers and just a few tips and tricks I wrote. You guys are exaggerating.

Oh well, it would be fine if it can improve Tickle’s skill and allow her to teach others who have the non-attribute magic in becoming puppeteers.

The problem now is the voice actors.

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「Since there is no one who can teach about being a voice actor, it might be better to employ someone who has real ability in acting as an instructor. Of course, their acting includes their voice too」


The job of a voice actor, is quite possibly something that doesn’t exist yet in this world.

In other words, Gregor has to do it all from the ground up.

No matter if he can imagine the voice for his ideal puppet show, there is no vocal coach.

And so, it is better for them to learn from someone that has knowledge and skill close enough to a vocal coach.


「I see, that’s certainly true. They are different from voice actors who only use their voice, but actors have their parts such as in their vocalization and their acting. We should be able to incorporate their opinions of the matter and modify them to suit us」

「Un, that’s right. You’re groping around at the moment but please be patient」

「Yeah, I’m confident I will not give up! As for why, it’s because this puppet show will become a good one, without fail!」


Just look at Gregor’s beaming smile and you will know you don’t have to worry about him.

And after chatting with everyone for some time, the butler - Bastian - came over.


「Master, the carriage is prepared」

「Umm, understood」


After Gregor appreciatively nods to Bastian - who respectfully bows -, he slowly walks down the stairs and starts to head toward the carriage.

The Dole's housemaids were already lined up neatly around the carriage.

And when Bastian opens the carriage door, Gregor and Tickle turn around.


「Everyone of the Slowlett house, thank you for your hospitality! I was really happy and this is the first time that everyone warmly received this strange man who loves dolls without showing any strange faces. Thank you very much!」

「No, please, we also have a son who is similar to Viscount Dole after all」


Elna-kaasan smiles at Gregor - who thanked us - while saying something like that.

Then, everyone turned their gaze toward my direction and grinned.

Yeah, yeah, I’m also aware that I’m a hobbyist, you know.


「You will be busy with the puppet show from now on, but please, you can come again anytime. You are always welcome」

「Yes, I will come again!」


Nodding to what Nord-tousan said to him, Gregor then quickly turns around and enters the carriage, Tickle soon also follows.

And finally, Bastian enters the carriage, and the maids are riding the following carriage behind.

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And when the preparation to leave is completed, the coachman cracked the whip and made the horses slowly walk.

Gregor’s carriages leave the garden and out of the mansion.

Tickle shows herself face from the window and waves at us, while Gregor - due to his large build - only shows his hand as he waves to us.

We also wave our hands and send them off while watching such a heartwarming scene that calms us down.

Before long, Gregor’s procession of carriage left the gate of our mansion and soon disappears from our sight.


「I think maybe it’s because of his presence that it feels lonely now, isn’t it」


We thought that it was going to be troublesome since the other person is a noble, but unlike the typical nobles, Gregor is really sociable and passionate about his hobby.

Although the direction is different, he’s a comrade who is also passionate about his hobby and our conversation also went very well.

I was only thinking of showing him how I to move the doll for a bit and the next thing I knew, we became good friends.

Rather than a noble or a guest, it feels like a good friend I played with had just left and it’s kinda lonely.


「Al and Viscount Dole, you guys got along well unnecessarily」

「Ahaha, I can’t believe this is our first time meeting with each other」

「Thanks to that, we will be able to buy clothes anytime at a bargain price so it is a great help to us」


Elna-kaasan said while smiling happily.

So apparently, it looks like they have reached such an agreement without my knowledge.

He might feel sorry because he received my guidance and idea for free, so her proposed them to my parents. He probably did that since he wanted to at least thank me.

I enjoyed the feel of the cotton and cloth produced by Gregor’s territory in his dolls, so I’m thankful to know that they exist.

We can buy from them and stock them up cheaply. I might want to order a large amount of cushion that can even bury a person.


「Okay then, shall we return inside?」



Nord-tousan turns around while Elna-kaasan walks close to him as though it’s natural when I was thinking about such things.

Eleonora-neesan, Sylvio-niisan, and I also entered the mansion while smiling at how close our parents are.




Author Note :

With this ends Viscount Dole’s visit arc.

After a little bit of daily life at the end of summer, next will be the Noble Harvest Festival arc. Maybe, that girl will also come......?

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