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Cold Milk Tea





「Alfried-sama, here are chilled towel and lemon water」


As I was throwing myself to the ground and sitting after the practice is over, Sara came over bringing a chilled towel and lemon water inside a water flask.

I received the chilled towel after thanking her, then I use it to wipe the sweat from my forehead.


「Haaー, chilled towel sure feels good」


Wiping your sweat with a cold and chilled towel is the best feeling. The coldness is so good that it makes me want to keep wiping my skin with the towel.

Though I said that, wiping your face with a chilled towel is not the only great thing this towel can be used for.

After quickly wiping my face with the towel, I continue to wrap the towel around my neck.

Immediately after that, the towel took the heat around my neck in an instant.

The trapped heat that has nowhere to escape got absorbed by the towel it’s such a refreshing feeling.

Aah, I don’t like sweating when it’s hot but, this kind of feeling is not bad.

I wrap the towel around my neck so I can fully enjoy the coldness of the towel.

With this, I can keep the towel coldness on my skin.


「Ahaha, that looks nice」

「I’ll do it too」


Maybe Sylvio-niisan and Eleonora-neesan saw me do that, they wrapped their towel around their neck as though copying what I did.

Huh? I wonder why? They should be doing the same thing but they look completely different.

Despite wrapping the towel around their neck, Eleonora-neesan and Sylvio-niisan look like they are using a fashionable scarf around their neck, while I, on the other hand, at best look like an obaachan plowing her field or a frill-necked lizard.

Just where the hell did this difference come expected, is it the face?

My heart’s going to be wounded if I think deeply about it so I drink the lemon water as if to switch my train of thought.

It’s cold water mixed with a faint sour taste of lemon. The lemon water spread inside my sweaty and tired body.

As expected, lemon water is the best after-practice.

But, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the feeling and tastiness as summer passes and the weather turns colder like the present. I regret it a bit when I think about it.

Although, I can just adjust the temperature with magic even if the season changes. Even if I wanted to eat something cold in winter, I could just use Fire magic until I got warm and then enjoy the food after.

I exhale after cooling myself with the cold towel and moistening my throat with lemon water.

The wind blows from out of nowhere, but it gently caresses our skin.

Just wiping your sweat with a towel makes your skin feels refreshed and pleasant.

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When I close my eyes in comfort, I can hear the sounds of rustling leaves from the many trees around the mansion.

As I’m absorbed in listening to the music played by nature for some time, it suddenly stopped after a while.

I open my eyes, thinking that it’s unfortunate it’s over so soon.

Oh well, it would be impossible to recreate what just happened with my Wind magic.

It’s not like I can’t do it, but I think it will give an out-of-place feeling when you compare it with the one created by nature.

Once the heat has subsided, the next thing to be worried about is when your skin becomes sticky.

Wiping the sweat with a chilled towel is also nice, but as expected, it’s best to wash our bodies and take a bath.

I feel like my body had rooted on the spot and I don’t feel like standing up at all, but I desperately stand up by gathering all my will.

And then, I look toward the nearby Eleonora-neesan and Sylvio-niisan that still sit down even now and become happy.

Yosh, with this I will be able to take the first bath

Thinking like that, I return to my room and grab a change of clothes, then I head downstairs to the bathroom on the first floor.

Then, I met Mina - who just happened - to go up the stairs.


「Alfried-sama, if you want to take a bath, Eleonora-sama just entered the bath you know?」

「Ueeeh!? How? Even though I returned first!」


Wait a minute. When I stood up before, Eleonora-neesan was still resting and sitting on the ground, wasn’t she?


「Yes, and Eleonora-neesan rushed back inside and immediately went straight to the bathroom you know?」


I can guess Eleonora-neesan’s action from hearing what Mina told me.


「In other words, while I was preparing my change of clothes and behaving myself, Eleonora-neesan entered the bathroom just as she was, asking Mina to bring her change of clothes?」

「That’s right」


Mina cheerfully smiles, maybe she guessed my futile act of thinking I’m going to take a bath first.

You sly.....but, Eleonora-neesan’s actions were those of a noble, so there’s no problem whatsoever and it’s the smart thing to do.

As expected from Eleonora-neesan, she’s used to ordering people to make things easier for her.

Not only using magic, I also need to learn how to ask people to make things easier for me.


「These kinds of scrambling for who goes first happen often when you have siblings」

「Now that you mention it, Mina has a younger brother and sisters, right?」


I haven’t actually met them in the village before, but I heard that she has younger siblings.


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「Yes, I have two younger sisters and one younger brother」

「Heeー, then, that mean Mina is the eldest daughter?」

「That’s right」


Ehー, the fact that Mina is the eldest daughter honestly doesn’t fit her image at all.


「Hey, Alfried-sama! What’s with that doubting eyes! Besides, you must think that I don’t look like their oneechan, right? Even though I look like this, I’m a reliable oneechan even at home, y’know?」

「At home?」

「I, I mean even at this mansion!」


Setting her home aside, the part about ‘at this mansion’ can’t be trusted.

Rather than oneechan, Mina gives the feeling of being the younger sister and instead, Sara - her junior - is the oneechan.


「I, will get Eleonora-sama’s change of clothes she asked for」


As I was staring at her quietly, Mina said that as if running away from my gaze and went up the stairs.

Now then, I wonder what should I do. She said Eleonora-neesan just entered the bath, so I should be unable to enter the bath for a while.

I also don’t want to lie on my bed with the current situation of me sweating, guess I have no choice but to just wait quietly here, huh?

For now, I’ll go to the living room.

Entering the living room, there was Elna-kaasan sitting on the sofa looking a little languid.


「Al, you came at just the right time. Can you make a bit of cold air with Ice magic?」


As expected, it looks like even Elna-kaasan was overwhelmed by the heat as though reminding me about the intense heat today.

It was cool until just recently so she made light of the situation thinking that today will also be cool and didn’t even put ice inside the room.

I also don’t want to wait in a hot room while waiting for Eleonora-neesan, so I obediently release cold air using Ice magic.

After releasing cold air so that it spread throughout the room, the air inside became somewhat nice and cool now.

I want to lower the temperature even more than this but, my sweat will get cold so I’ll do it in moderation.


「Thank you. It becomes cooler now.  I have milk tea here, do you want some?」



Ooh, cold milk tea is nice.

Elna-kaasan starts preparing the milk tea when I place my change of clothes and sit on the sofa opposite her.

It looks like Elna-kaasan will personally make the milk tea for me as thanks for spreading the cold air with Ice magic.

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「Were you about to take a bath?」

「Un, but, Eleonora-neesan entered the bathroom first」

「It’s going to be the usual scramble after practice, isn’t it?」


While we are having a casual and peaceful conversation, Elna-kaasan pours the milk gelato from the pot into a teacup and gave it to me.

There are three cookies placed on the saucer.


「Here you go, you can add and adjust the sweetness by adding honey if you want it sweet」

「Thank you」


Lightly stirring the tea I received with a spoon, I drink it without adding anything to it.

The subtle, bitter taste of tea and the mellow taste of milk are balancing very well with each other.

It will be great if it’s cold.


「This is, different tea from the usual Royal Feed, right?」

「Right, the tea leaves have a strong flavor to them but it is easier to balance the flavor with milk. Well, I can not match the flavor with Royal Feed, but this tea here is tasty, right?」


I see, it’s the perfect balance of the flavor of the tea leaves and the sweetness from the milk.

Even though I was taught how to brew tea well enough, I don’t have such deep knowledge of tea leaves so this is a piece of fresh information.


「This is extremely delicious. Did you make this by yourself, Elna-kaasan?」

「Yes, I wanted to find the flavor that satisfies me」


She’s drinking the milk tea with a calm expression on her face, but she still looks happy for some reason.

I think this side of her really resembles Eleonora-neesan somewhat.

Even so, when it comes to tea, her enthusiasm is incredible.

The flavor of the milk tea prepared by Elna-kaasan is already perfect, there is no need to add honey to it.

I continue to drink the milk tea like that, as though trying to relish the taste.

Aah, such mild sweetness permeates my tired body.


「I’m glad Al understands the taste. If it’s Eleonora, she will just add more honey to it no matter how I adjusted the taste」

「Yeah, Eleonora-neesan is the type of person who wants to try to add a topping like that to it if you serve them together」


Eleonora-neesan will try to add things like honey, sugar, or cut lemon if there are some nearby.

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Even if it’s a tea where you can taste the flavor and aroma, she will just say 「It’s not sweet enough!」 and then add some sugar to it.

Each person has their own preferences, but I think it would be nice to enjoy tea a bit more calmly.


「Ah, so refreshing!」


As I was eating the cookies while thinking such a thing, Eleonora-neesan entered the living room, guess she has just gotten out of the bath.

Her skin is a little flushed since she just got out of the bath, and her reddish brown hair was let down.

I feel like it’s been a while since I saw her without a ponytail.


「What are you drinking?」

「Cold milk tea」

「I also want that」


Eleonora-neesan then sat next to me when I answered her question.

In doing so, Eleonora-neesan’s long hair softly sways and the smell of soap wafted through the air.

I wonder why women smell nice when they just went out of the bath compared to men.

Even though we’re using the same soap, it’s a mystery.

While I was having such doubt, Elna-kaasan presented the milk tea she prepared in front of  Eleonora-neesan.


「Here you go,  you can add and adjust the sweetness by adding honey if you want it sweet」

「Un, thank you」


She’s saying the same thing as when she gave it to me.

But, from her words and looking at her expression, Elna-kaasan seemed like she warned her not to add honey to the tea

Now then, I wonder if Eleonora-neesan notices that?

As we were watching her, Eleonora-neesan tilted the teacup after stirring it with a spoon.

After she drank it, she nods and then remained still, and then she silently eat the cookies.

Then, Eleonora-neesan slightly tilted her head to the side and slowly reached out for the jar of honey on the table.


「Now hold on a sec. Are you really going to add honey to your tea?」

「U, un, I think the tea and cookies are not sweet enough as it is」


Aah, well, I thought that their sweetness is deliberately made to have such a modest sweetness.

The milk tea is already sweet enough. Even then, also preparing the sweet cookies is already too heavy in sweetness.

Elna-kaasan looked a little as she watch Eleonora-neesan adding honey to them one after the other

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