Terror Paradise

Chapter 8

January 10, If I did not witness it with my own eyes, I would have definitely not believed that it was the work of that kid. The spoon floated just like that, and turned into a different shape at his whim……

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January 13, He said he felt that people, a lot of people, are watching him, and that he is afraid…..


January 16, He doesn’t seem to be afraid anymore and a smile appears on his face from time to time, but he has become uncommunicative……


January 17, All of the tests turned out to be normal. No-one out of the six of us can explain the things that are happening with this child……


January 19, He started drawing. Despite what his parents said about him not showing any artistical talents before, he is able to draw an extremely life-like sketch……


January 22, He constantly asks for paper and pencils and draws without rest. He only draws human faces and these drawings are becoming weirder and creepier compared to those he drew when he first started…….


January 25, The wall has a drawing of a human face in blood; We found the carcass of a dead sparrow in his ward. His hands are very clean and this disturbs me, I started thinking back to that spoon…


January 26, The windows in that corridor all vanished, leaving behind them an impenetrable wall; The security camera only caught blurry footage the night before. I don’t know whose help to ask. The police? They’ll probably think I’m crazy and lock me up…


January 30, Li Cha has disappeared and the rest of us have become very disturbed. There are even more human faces in blood on the walls now. This time, we didn’t even manage to find…I don’t know…his body?

January 31, I got to get out of this place……I should apply for leave until this kid dies of an illness…No…Resigning is even better!


February 1,  I guess it’s impossible for me to escape now, I already can’t find any exit to get out of this building……If anyone see this diary, please remember my words, he is afraid of *blotted out* ! If there’s a chance, kill him! There’s no need to hesitate! Otherwise you will be the one to die!




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Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi passed that corner together; The corridor in front of them was still very bright and spacious, on both sides were walls as white as snow, but this time without a door; 10 miles ahead was another T junction.


The two advanced cautiously; Feng Bujue slightly refined the content of the diary and repeated it. He tried his best to make it sound less frightening, but it was still able to scare Classmate Tan to the point that his face turned pale, and he got goosebumps all over his body.


“What we are about to face is not a spirit, but a child that is mentally disturbed after a serious illness hit him.” Feng Bu Jue concluded. “At least, that’s what the stage is.”


“And how does knowing any of this help us…..” The tone of Wang Tanzhi shows that the large pressure was still on him.


“To begin with, in the mental aspect, by knowing your opponent is a human I believe your level of fear will come down by a few points.” Feng Bujue replied. “Secondly, the defining factor lies in the fact that we know he has a material body, making it possible for us to kill him directly.”


“Hey…Do you think the person who wrote this diary and the other victims in this stage…never tried it themselves?” Wang Tanzhi’s face was full of trepidation.  “They had more than two people, right?”


“Do they know how to use the exploding god’s fist skill?” Feng Bujue asked.


“Brother Jue, I have a question…If we hadn’t discover this skill or by coincidence our combat skill hadn’t activate, or we hadn’t found a way to solve the puzzle, what would the situation be?”


“If that’s the case, after we meet him, we will be faced with a choice,” Feng Bujue replied. “Whether to fight it out with him, or to run away.” He thought for a few seconds. “If the puzzle isn’t solved, we will have to base our decision on the actual circumstances after the contact,for example the reduction of survival chances after getting injured . With the threat of terror and death, the difficulty will be much greater.


But after going through my understanding with the stage, even without meeting him I can basically believe… With our combat abilities in mind, purely running or fighting is certain death. That’s why I am thinking… Among the ways to clear this stage, there should be a way to clear it by escaping out of here. “


“If that’s the case, then the risk we are facing now is the same as before we solve the puzzle!” Wang Tanzhi replied.


“No, there’s a difference. At the very least, you acquired a skill in the 2nd room. “ Feng Bujue said .”We also learned of his weaknesses in the third room, which means that regardless of whether we decide to kill him or clear the stage by escaping it, our success rate has been raised considerably. “


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“First, setting aside my 20% skill behind, didn’t you say that the line of words about his weakness has been covered up by a blood stain?”


“The system has made an extremely easy inference here, combining the entire text of the diary and analysing the series of actions performed by the child… Removing unnecessary embellishment and confusing parts, the content in this diary is now basically as clear as the Lost Files.” As Feng Bujue said this, they had already passed another corner. A lobby appeared before them, with an elevated roof.


“January 10, telekinesis; January 16, change in personality; January 19, paranormal abilities begin to awaken; January 25,  able to use his will to influence living things; January 30, already able to use his will to influence large living things, or to be specific, humans; February 1, a godlike massacre. Feng Bujue, calm to the point of being callous, continued his analysis. “And about the clue to his weakness, that paragraph in January 26, coupled with the situation we have seen up to now.” He paused for a moment. “He is afraid of sunlight.”


“But this place is very…” Before Wang Tanzhi managed to get the word “bright” out, Feng Bujue cut him off.


“It’s sunlight, not artificial light.” Feng Bujue explained. “When I entered the first ward-like room, I felt very out of place. Leaving the blood stench aside, the ward and it’s accompanying corridors also do not have windows, it defies even the most fundamental of building knowledge, at that point of time, I even suspected the entire building was located underground. Continuing on, I found that the second and the third rooms also do not have windows too. Why?” Feng Bujue paused for a while. “I can understand the bizarre scenery in those rooms, since the building in this stage…I guess it’s a hospital, has obviously undergone through a warp in its dimension, which means that there’s a possibility that any scenery can unfold before us once we open the door.  But after reading the diary, I understand that that’s a type of hint.”


He reached out his hands and pointed at the light above of him. “Actually, this lighting is likewise a hint too. He is afraid of sunlight, but why does he need it? There are only two possibilities. One, he requires light to move about as well and can’t see things in the dark, just like us; the second, he is afraid of sunlight and also fears the dark, because,in the dark, there will be things staring at him……”


Suddenly, somewhere in front of them not too far away, the laughter that sounded like a little girl they’d heard at the start went off again.


At that moment, they are already very aware that the source of the laughter, was actually from a little boy. And that he was not a spirit, but just a kid who loves to draw things in blood.

But even after changing his perception and erecting a mental line of defense, Wang Tanzhi’s heartbeat was still irregular and every breath he took was heavy. He clenched the fruit knife in his hand tightly and his palm was already sweaty..


Feng Bujue said: “Keep the knife, it’s of no use here.”


“Brother J-J-Jue….D-D-Did…you……”


“Yes, I noticed.” Feng Bujue pointed in a direction towards the lobby. “Use your skill to break the middle section of that wall.”


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Before his voice began to disappear, the little boy, who is the boss of this stage, suddenly appeared around 3 meters ahead of them wearing a gown. His face and body were enshrouded in darkness even under a light. As he appeared, countless bloody faces covered the walls, ceiling and floor of the lobby; even the light has turned red.


This scene was scary enough to make guys scream, yet Feng Bujue, without a second of hesitation, widened his steps and leapt towards the 1.2m tall boy. “Hurry up and attack the wall!”


Wang Tanzhi leapt up and ran in the direction Feng Bujue was pointing. Actually, he’d been scared into his first jump. After running a few steps, he felt his legs weaken and looked back halfway, only to see Feng Bujue thrown back by a formless force before touching the boy’s body. It was just like he’d been hit midair by a passing car, and he threw up a mouth full of blood.


Though the scene looks surreal,  but this is ultimately a game and the players don’t need to and don’t suffer pain like in reality. In Terror Paradise, no matter what sort of hit a player takes, even if crushed by a train,  the maximum pain for the player is no more than being struck heavily on the fingers with a hammer.


Having seen such a scene, Wang Tanzhi made an even greater effort to run towards the wall. Needless to say, the little boy had already noticed what he was about to do. However, instead of teleporting this time, he quickly rushed towards him at a fast speed no ordinary kid can achieve. Likewise, his running form was very queer, like a marionette on its string.


All of a sudden, a hand grabbed the boy’s ankle, the boy lowered his gaze and found that it was Feng Bujue who tenaciously caught up to him and stalled him, after quickly getting up on the ground. After all, Feng Bujue had the advantage in body size, no matter how fast the 1.2m target is able to run, he will always catch up to him within short distances.


At the same time, Wang Tanzhi activated his skill. With his right fist covered with orange light, he hit it towards the wall.


Even though the success rate of the skill activating was only 20%, but the wall was impossible to miss and his character stats were good, so this strike was a sure success.


It was almost as if an explosion has blasted the wall, the blast created a large hole a meter across and abnormally strong sunlight began to shine in from the outside.


At that instant, all the bloody faces in the lobby disappeared. The small child also retreated in a panic, trying to stay as far as possible away from the sunlight.


But he could not get away….Because Feng Bujue was still holding on to his leg..


“Just that hit knocked out 84% of my health bar….it’s my turn now.” Feng Bujue stood up, with an opportunistic pull, knocked him to the ground. At this point, the boy had completely lost the strength to resist.

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Feng Bujue used his free hand to rub off the blood on the corners of his mouth. Grabbing one of the little boy’s legs, he dragged him towards the sunlight. “This ought to be a pretty tough boss, even if you use your skills directly on him and score a hit, I doubt he would necessarily die from that blow.”


At this moment, Wang Tanzhi also heaved a sigh of relief. “If I am not able to break the walls, or if the other side of the wall is another corridor, what should our next step be then?”


“If the other side of the wall was nighttime, you should use the cover of the night to hide yourself. If the other side of the wall was a corridor, you should go in through there, then try to hightail it outta there. As for the scenario where the wall doesn’t break,hmm….you should just find another escape route then.” Feng Bujue said while walking. “I am pretty sure, that’s why I allowed you to use your skill. In such a hospital lobby, one could estimate where the entrance was just by looking at the overall layout. As you can see, there are two corridors on either side of us, behind me, even though it has also been sealed shut by the wall, but you are still able to see that there was some sort of a receptionist’s window before….. ” As he was saying this, he lifted him up in front of the hole in the wall and exposed him to the sunlight.


“Umm…Brother Jue, don’t you think what you’re doing is a little cruel? Wang Tanzhi looked at the little boy who was curled up in pain and covering both his eyes.


“You’re right, I went too far overboard.” Feng Bujue replied, yet his movements did not show any intention of stopping.


Ever since childhood, this has always been his way of doing things: Humbly accepting others’ opinions, yet refusing to commit them to heart.


“I can let him go now, allow him to hide inside the hospital again and the both of us can escape through this hole. The level should be complete too. Feng Bujue replied. “But like I said, based on my analysis, this is a very strong boss, even if we’ve almost completely explored this level, beating him directly is still very difficult. If we clear the level by killing him, the experience gained should be a lot higher than just running away.”


“Huh? Since when did you care about experience in games?” Wang Tanzhi asked.


Feng Bujue curled his lips and exposed the boss to the sunlight for a few more minutes. “Currently, I have three reasons to properly enjoy Terror Paradise.”


“Firstly, as the saying goes “Nothing comes for free”, I want to use the game as a way to recuperate my investment in the gaming cabin; Secondly, these randomly generated levels are pretty good. Looking at the official website, the system created it by combining a countless number of memory fragments from the users, backed by a gigantic database. In future instances of team survival mode, there will be similarly complex stories and settings, so I want to use the game as a means to gather inspiration; Thirdly, I want to try what I can to get back my sense of fear…”


At this point, Feng Bujue extended his hand, snapped and hooked his fingers.


Naturally, Wang Tanzhi understood the meaning and handed the fruit knife. 
“Let’s have a look…at the experience gained by killing the boss then.” Feng Bujue took the knife, and stabbed it towards…..

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