Thank You for Abandoning Our Engagement! Ch 1.1

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  The blue sky was wide while birds flock around peacefully. I’m sure the cold weather is coming soon. I was sitting in the northern part of the academy’s courtyard while the birds headed south. “I…I want to fly too.” Sitting on a bench in the courtyard, I looked up at the sky. The southern forest is warm throughout the year and has a lot of rain. There are many strange creatures there, and there are institutions set up that study those creatures. I sigh while looking up at the sky. I was quite exhausted to the dark gloomy everyday life. There is not a particularly serious problem even if it is said that I have a dark gloomy life. It has been empathized to the senior students that only those who have money will lead a satisfying life because the shelter is guaranteed. But. "I do not want to study ..." Yup. I do not want to do it. I know it’s selfish but, I don’t want to any anything I don’t want to. I muttered that to myself with a bossy tone because no one was around.  Suddenly a man came out from behind the school building. The light yellow-green hair shined brightly in the sun with bright auburn eyes. “Vera, speak carefully.” “Yes, sorry Onii-sama.” How long have you been there….?I asked for forgiveness while looking at him because I really dislike being monitored while waiting for forgiveness.

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I have the same hair and eye color as Onii-sama, so it’s obvious for outsiders to see that we’re siblings. My Onii-sama is my chaperone in this school. He is there to make sure I behave and study. It’s like I’m a sheep and he’s the sheepdog trapping me inside the fence.
“Oh, It seems that the people who will be the witness are politely preparing it too.”
“Onii-sama, I understand.”
“…Breaking the engagement?”

  Onii-sama does not seem to worry about my glance at all and came closer to me.  Ah. Is it already time to go ...? The end time is near for a certain someone.  I sigh a little again. Onii-sama and I are siblings. “Vera, the Prince is looking for you.” “The Prince?”  "...... Oh, this may be the last time" "Last time?" Suddenly a call from the Prince. And the mystery word 'last'. I looked up at my brother with a question mark on my face, but my brother took my hand and pulled me off the bench. He said it’s inappropriate to talk about it here. I wonder what I cannot talk about here. I chased after Onii-sama's back when he started walking away. Then we entered the room where the Prince was and Onii-sama greeted him formally. 

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The prince offered me a chair, so I sat down and was given tea prepared by the maid. “I called you today because I wanted you to read this.” As usual, I thought the Prince’s blonde hair and blue eyes were beautiful as I received the document. To understand the situation of the Prince and your elder brother, you can read it here now.  For the time being, I dropped my line of sight into a document and quickly looked through it. "This is....” As I read this, my voice gasp unexpectedly.   "It's quite awful isn’t it…?” What was written there was a lot of bullying (which I seemed to have done) so far at the academy. "Intentionally dirtying her dress, hiding her textbooks, isolating her from others  ....... Wow. I finally pushed her off the stairs." Oh, ha. I'm the worst.Unexpectedly, when I read it while sighing, the Prince wrinkled his eyebrows on his beautiful face and gave an unkind laugh. By the way, Onii-sama also having wrinkles on his eyebrows, but he's not laughing.  I look back up at them. "There will be an evening ball at the academy in one week, so I'm going to reveal this information to the public." As usual, I laughed, but the content I'm laughing about is shocking. One week later during the evening It's a student-sponsored ball party at the academy. The parties are held to let the students practice their manners and dance. It is to let them experience the procedure of being in a ball. 

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Well, after all, it's just a distraction to me.   “Well then, it looks like what was written there are true.” I don't remember it at all. Apparently, I am to be condemned as the culprit of the bullying. “…Exactly. Do you really understand? The fact that you receive judgment in front of the student means I’m giving face to your family.” “That’s right. It will.” I softly avert my eyes because Oonii-sama and the student body stared at me. It seems I have gained Onii-sama's wrath again. “Vera. Do you really understand…? You always say you do.” So, please, calm your anger.To run away from the scolding which seems to be endless, Onii-sama quietly looked up gradually. “I am really sorry that I will cause inconvenience to Onii-sama whom I love and care about.”The word "love" was exaggerated a little, but my Onii-sama was stuck on that word. Fufu (laughing noise), my beloved brother. “…. The witnesses that came were political enemies of the Flemari family, even though it is a party with only students. “ The word was spoken by Onii-sama.  ......Is that right? …Recently, I have been scolded by my brother a lot, this special move has become less effective. 

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Following the words of Onii-sama, the Prince started to talk to us. “To take care of you as my fiancé is an act of defeating myself. You go out to the evening party like you usually do but you will be defeated in front of a lot of people. I cannot wait to reveal the truth.” The prince looks over to me. “I’m going to break the engagement.”  Engagement abandoned ......? “...... Do you mean that I will not be your fiancée?” “Yes. That's why you don't have to go to the evening ball next week. You and your family, and the ones who were trying to make me down, will surely be disappointed if you do." The Prince sneered at me. He seems to be really happy when you think about it.There’s mysterious look in his blue eyes while he looks at me. “Is it true, Your Highness!?” I don’t care about how the situation looks. Only the words which were said by the Prince were echoing in my head. He wasn’t angry about me being rude, he just laughed at me mockingly. The Prince is laughing happily.He didn't deny my words. That means-- --I'm not the Prince’s fiancée.   “...... Thank you. Thank you very much.”

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