Lin Xizhou was dug out of his chair like a mineral.

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Hong-jie, his manager, instructed her two assistants, Qi Qi and Xiao Yi, to lift Lin Xizhou, who was wrapped in his blanket like a silkworm cocoon, and onto the bed to take his temperature. Lin Xizhou’s face was flushed as he buried himself into the quilt and refused to come out of his nest.



He would wave his hand from time to time and suddenly blurt out, “North God, watch out! There is someone in the bush!”

Qi Qi, who the sleeping man accidentally hit, covered his head and dodged the dangerous arms. That was too scary! It turned out that Lin Xizhou’s fever could lead to physical attacks. 

Hong-jie, who was standing in front of Lin Xizhou’s bed with her hands on her hips, looked at the teenager twisting and fidgeting inside the quilt for a while. Sometimes he appeared nervous, sometimes he was joyful. She ruthlessly opened his mouth and shoved medicine in.


“Is there an internet addiction treatment centre in B city? I think Lin Xizhou needs to go offline for a week.”

Xiao Yi reluctantly picked up the pillow that Lin Xizhou had kicked off.

“I think this kind of Porridge-ge is already beyond saving.”


Lin Xizhou clicked his tongue sweetly in his sleep, unaware of the conversations between his agent and assistants. In his dream, he was happily playing in the bot lane with North God, but this time, he was the ADC. He charged in joyfully while North God assisted him attentively. The game went smoothly. He could even cut through the Summoner’s Rift easily.

At the end of the dream, he heard North God praising him, saying, “You played very well. You’re indeed quite talented.”

Wow! North God praised his great performance. He was so excited that he flipped out of bed like a carp—but he didn’t get up successfully as the two assistants pushed him down.

He blinked his eyes in a daze and vaguely saw three shapes standing in front of the bed. 

He was frightened, demanding, “Who are you people!?”

Hong-jie silently picked up the cold towel on his forehead and leaned close to him.

“We are the Black and White Impermanence, and we are here to seize an internet addicted teenager.”

Lin Xizhou squinted and finally saw the three people standing beside his bed clearly. He sighed in relief at first but then asked in confusion, “Hong-jie, why are you here? Do I have anything scheduled?” 

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Qi Qi walked over with the medicine.

“If it wasn’t for me noticing your symptoms, your illness definitely would have worsened due to self-neglect. So, we came to check on you and brought you medicine. And we were right! You have a thirty-eight degree fever.”

“Ah, I got a fever.” Lin Xizhou touched his forehead. “No wonder I felt so hot during that last game. I thought it was from my excitement from duoing with North God…”

Hong-jie put the rewashed towel on the young actor’s forehead and pressed the cool cloth in place angrily. “Hurry and drink your medicine and sleep. I will rearrange your schedule tomorrow. Your next project filming will start soon. Don’t pull any tricks on me during this time. I’m warning you.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

With a determined expression on his face, Lin Xizhou swallowed the medicine in one gulp, then frantically smacked his lips together and made a face.

Hl Hl tjcvfv bnfg j wlix abooff yea kjr ygeajiis rabqqfv ys Lbcu-plf.


“Cgf sbe ralii j xlv? Gbc’a yf mtlivlrt. Tbe vbc’a cffv mjcvs joafg vglcxlcu sbeg wfvlmlcf.”

Olc Wlhtbe: “…” 

Lf kjcafv ab mgs.

Qtfc Lbcu-plf aegcfv jgbecv ab qea jkjs atf ybki, tf abbx atf bqqbgaeclas ab ugjy atf rfmbcv mjcvs ogbw Hl Hl’r tjcv, eckgjqqfv la, jcv raeoofv la lc tlr wbeat, qegqbrfoeiis gbiilcu atf abooff ecvfg tlr abcuef lc ofjg bo yflcu vlrmbnfgfv.

The sweet taste of the milk toffee spread throughout his mouth. He took out his phone and checked Weibo. He bought a side account just for following accounts related to esports—typical straight guy behaviour.

After scrolling through a few posts, he discovered many screenshots of Northland’s livestream he hadn’t seen before in North God’s super topic. He researched carefully and found that the older man was streaming today. 

After the game, he slept for three hours, making it ten o’clock in the evening right now—still very early for an esports player. He pulled the quilts closer and opened the Seafood Platform app on his phone. Sure enough, Northland’s livestream was still going on.

Setting up his phone on his pillow, he put on his earphones and adorably put his hands into the quilt to pull the quilt up to his nose. He quietly enjoyed North God’s livestream.

Ji Beiling was playing a diamond game. He expressionlessly controlled his champion down the lane. Countless messages flew across the bullet screen.

[Husband don’t be angry] 

[I hope for the death of the troll and their whole family]

[Hey support, is your whole family a ***, go *** eat a knife]

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Lin Xizhou read the chat, and his groggy brain immediately sobered up—what?! Someone is trolling North God!

After observing, he found that the support was playing Lulu, and she kept spamming shields on Ji Beiling throughout the entire game, completely ignoring her Mana or other skills, like a bot. 

Ji Beiling was very irritated by the troll and didn’t want to continue after this round, but this was only his first game. The LPL Spring Season was still some time away and all the members were making up the required livestream time. Even if he shut off the stream early, he would be playing on the Korean server alone.

The game was frustrating and long, and Lin Xizhou was bristling with anger as North God’s Nexus was destroyed.

Ji Beiling rotated his wrist around, got up, and went to use the restroom.

In reality, he was going for a smoke. 

Livestreaming was very tiring. Ji Beiling thought of that little fan from earlier and couldn’t hold back his long sigh. Sure enough, not all the fans who asked for a duo were at a decent level. Most of them were beyond awful.

They would be like a fucking lemming and typed as slow as a sloth. It took them five minutes to type a sentence of [North God, is that really you? I love you so much]. They would fucking die several times while typing.


Could they just shut the fuck up and play the fucking game quietly?

Ji Beiling rubbed his forehead. He thought he was used to it, but it seemed that dipsticks would always come up with new ideas, and his speed to adapt could never rival those idiots’ innovations. 

Throwing the cigarette butt into the trash can, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked back to the computer, preparing to suffer in another ranked match.

Little Dream, who was closest to Ji Beiling, was suddenly frightened by the gloomy aura. He quietly moved closer to Bighead and whispered, “What’s with North God? Scared me to death.”

The two lowered their heads and Bighead seriously guessed, “Maybe the fan he wanted to online date blocked him?”

Little Dream rolled his eyes. “I could believe it if that happened to you, but not North God. Heck, I would even believe it if he couldn’t decide which fan to date out of his gigantic fanbase.” 

On the other side, Lin Xizhou saw his caring manager and assistants away. He turned on his computer and placed it on his lap, logging into his account.

North God’s MMR should be around high Diamond. If he queued up at the same time, he might be able to stream snipe North God.

His eyes locked on Ji Beiling’s cursor position and calculated the time differences from the stream delay. He clicked precisely on time.

Clasping his fingers together, he prayed internally. When the accept match screen appeared, he clicked ‘Accept’ and entered the pre-game lobby— 

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Sure enough, Northland was in the lobby with him.

Lin Xizhou screamed loudly in his heart.

—North God, don’t be afraid. Your best darling fan is here!!

Inside the pre-game lobby, Ji Beiling casually glanced at the chat and spotted a familiar ID—wasn’t this Congee, that little fan of his? 

Did this fan drop out of school? Did he not have classes tomorrow? Why was he playing at this hour?

Mr. dropped-out-of-school-at-the-age-of-sixteen Ji Beiling frowned, and the urge to educate his little fan arose again.

After Lin Xizhou chose his champion, he still had time to send ten super torpedoes on his Custard Cream Pineapple Bun account to comfort his great god’s injured soul.

Suddenly, Ji Beiling’s livestream was covered by bullet messages such as: 

[Amazing local tyrant]



[Pineapple Bun super imposing]

Ji Beiling took a deep breath. 

What was going on? Did this Pineapple Bun have no other place to spend money?

The current education system was unacceptable!

Lin Xizhou: Happy, delighted and wanted to dance.

Today was also another hard working day for this fan! Even with a fever, a fan must save their male god from hot water! 

After finishing a ranked game with Congee, whose support technique was superior to that of ordinary people and stunned every viewer, everyone wondered if Little Dream created an alt to assist North God. Lin Xizhou grinned in front of his screen. His ego was satisfied.

He felt the effects of the medicine kicking in, so he got out of bed, brushed his teeth, then burrowed back into his warm nest. He couldn’t stay conscious for much longer.

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He resisted the urge to pass out and donated another super torpedo. Once the super torpedo’s animation ended, he typed in the livestream chat: [Goodnight, North God~ Do your best with the rest of the stream!]

Shutting off his computer, he fell into a slumber contentedly. 

Ji Beiling, who was planning to conduct an ideology class with his young fan: “…”

The bullet screen was covered in:

[Goodnight, Pineapple Bun!]

[Cya, local tyrant] 

[Was the super torpedo from Pineapple Bun sent in place of a glow stick?]

Ji Beiling watched the liveliness and felt that his stream didn’t belong to him.

He indifferently turned off his livestream without saying a word.

Compared to Pineapple Bun, fans like Congee were still cuter. 

The real Custard Cream Pineapple Bun has something to say:

Lin Xizhou: What a coincidence, they are both me.


Translator has something to add:


I didn’t know troll in Chinese is ‘actor’ or ‘演員’. That’s so neat! And don’t troll is ‘别演’ or ‘stop acting’!!

Gaming Edit: For the world’s strongest ADC, he is only D1/ D2 (´・ω・`)? I wonder if Master/ Challenger ranks exist in this story. I would expect Ji Beiling to be in Master at least, unless the size of the China server makes it hard for professional players to keep their rank or he just doesn’t play on that account that often. So I used MMR instead of Rank.

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