Lin Xizhou returned to the lounge after rehearsals, checked his phone, and realized that he had received a bucketload of inquiries from his friends.

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He was stunned when he learned Ji Beiling followed him back on Weibo.



A friend asked him if the studio had bought so many followers that they even bought someone like Ji Beiling.

Lin Xizhou clicked on Northland’s Weibo and saw the ‘mutually following’ icon. He felt over the moon and was a little pleased with himself. Although he didn’t know exactly why Ji Beiling followed his Weibo back, why shouldn’t it be as simple as because the other wanted to? Ji Beiling even played Honor of Kings with him! 

Lin Xizhou asked Ji Beiling: [You followed me back?]


Ji Beiling, who was pestered by his cousin to play games, finally had the time to reply after a while: [En.]

The younger man looked at his phone and smiled.

What do they know? This was what they called a ‘successful fan’. He was a winner in life!


On Chinese New Year’s Eve, it was a night of countless lanterns and sleepless fireworks.

Ji Beiling returned to his family’s house to spend the holiday with his relatives. All the children crowded around him with a look of adoration on their little faces. They pestered him with questions about esports, player gossip, and game mechanics. Only Qi Qingqing and a few girls who worshipped celebrities guarded the TV, waiting for their favourite celebrities to appear on the stage.

The moment Lin Xizhou appeared on stage, the screams from the little girls almost drowned out the sound of fireworks outside.

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At this moment of liveliness during the reunion, even the air they breathed in was full of joy and warmth. This atmosphere inevitably infected Ji Beiling, and a rare, friendly smile appeared on his face. 

Lin Xizhou was wearing a red and white suit today, and his hair was dyed a brown-red colour, making him appear more delicate and fair.

Ji Beiling used to not notice who came out to sing at the gala when music played from the TV, but at that moment, he was standing behind his younger female relatives with his eyes locked on Lin Xizhou unintentionally.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lin Xizhou didn’t seem to be nervous at all, facing the camera like a fish in the water, as if he was born to receive everyone’s attention.

Ktlr kjr cba atf rjwf ilaaif ojc bc atf rmgffc. 

Al Dflilcu tfjgv bcf bo atf ybsr cfza ab tlw ugbjc jcv atfc rjs vlrvjlcoeiis, “Qtja’r rb ubbv ibbxlcu jybea atlr Itbe qfgrbc? Ktf ulgir lc beg mijrr fnfc raemx qlmaegfr bo tlw bc atflg ajyif.”

Al Dflilcu gjlrfv tlr tjcv jcv xcbmxfv bc atf ybs’r tfjv. “Vilutais yfaafg-ibbxlcu atjc sbe.”

Qi Qingqing nodded frantically, then echoed, “That’s right, Beiling has a good eye for beauty.”


Ji Beiling watched Lin Xizhou, who waved to the audience after finishing his song, smiling brightly and beautifully.



After the New Year’s bell struck at midnight, another new year had arrived.

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Lin Xizhou’s New Year greetings were delivered to Ji Beiling’s phone right on time. 

Backstage, Lin Xizhou, who was wrapped in down-filled jackets and with slightly blushed cheeks from the chill, waved to Ji Beiling in the video.

“North God, Happy New Year! During this brand new year, you’re definitely going to win a Grand Slam!”

As the eldest grandson of the family, Ji Beiling was busy giving red envelopes to the children. He glanced at Lin Xizhou’s video message but had no time to type. He replied with a voice reply. Then, he also sent a red envelope to his little fan.

Lin Xizhou sang ‘This Unforgettable Night’ with everyone before going off stage. The first thing he did was click on Ji Beiling’s voice message. 

The male voice in the message was cold and pleasant, like the snow falling off of pinewood amidst the clamour and lively noise.

“Happy New Year.”

Lin Xizhou listened to it several times—even his ears felt like they melted from the husky voice.

He scrolled down and saw Ji Beiling had transferred 1,220 yuan to him. 

This…isn’t this his birthday?

Although his birthday was listed on Baidu Baike where anyone could search for it, even so, Lin Xizhou did not expect Ji Beiling to know his birthday.

He wetted his bottom lip and couldn’t hold back the smile on his face. He had to ask.

Zhou Not Porridge: [Why did you transfer money to me?] 

Ji Beiling instantly replied.

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Northland: [New Year’s red envelope for the kid.]

Zhou Not Porridge: [I just turned twenty. Not a kid anymore.]

Northland: [Then a New Year’s red envelope for my fan.] 

Lin Xizhou clicked ‘accept.’ It was obvious that this amount was only a fraction of what he usually spent on Ji Beiling’s live stream, but he still felt extremely happy.

The host next to him was a very friendly uncle, and he smiled knowingly when they met each other’s eyes.


“Our Little Porridge has grown up. You’re at the age to seek love.”

Being completely misunderstood, Lin Xizhou quickly waved his hand to explain but turned speechless when faced with the uncle’s ‘I totally understand’ expression. 

As he put away his phone, his mother arrived to pick him up at the TV station’s front door. There was a hot meal waiting for him at home.

Fireworks exploded in the dark sky.

Lin Xizhou thought this year was an extremely good year.

He must be the happiest fan in the world. 

On the night of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Ji Beiling started a livestream as scheduled.

The New Year’s atmosphere was still very strong as everyone greeted each other in the chat.

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Tonight, there was a previously promised community game. Ji Beiling selected fans at random from the live stream community to play a few games together.

Naturally, Lin Xizhou would not miss this and waited nervously for the draw results in front of his computer. 

When the result came out, his name was listed. In astonishment, Lin Xizhou breathed a sigh of relief. But immediately, he thought of another problem—he didn’t have many League accounts. The one that he previously used was Congee and the other account he used currently was mainly to play games with friends.

Many celebrity friends have been added to the latter account, and everyone in the circle knows his account. Even some of his fans have inquired about it.

But won’t he completely expose himself if he played with his Congee account? Without the time to borrow another account, he gritted his teeth, logged on to his current account and entered Ji Beiling’s room.

Ji Beiling had actually quietly put Custard Cream Pineapple Bun on the final list. 

He felt that if he didn’t pick Lin Xizhou, his little fan would probably stomp his feet with anger.

Who knew that not too long after his livestream, Qi Qingqing madly sent him ten plus messages.

He glanced at it before the game started.

Qi Qingqing hated that she couldn’t use all the words in the Chinese dictionary. She intercepted the livestream, then posted a page of exclamation marks to inform her cousin that the account called ‘zzz1220’ was Lin Xizhou, a celebrity. 

Turn to Idolization: [Brother Beiling!!! The proof that Little Porridge likes you has appeared!!! He watched your livestream!!!]

Ji Beiling sighed.


He got it. He already knew that.

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