At the end of April, a peach blossom tree bloomed in the garden of the BLK gaming house. It filled the view from Ji Beiling’s window.

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Lin Xizhou woke up from his dream and spent a full minute reflecting on where he was.



In his chaotic and fuzzy state, he gradually recognized that this was not his apartment, nor the resting room of the studio…Nor his room at home.

There were dark blue stripes on the three-piece bed set. A clean and tidy room. Everywhere in the room exuded an unfamiliar scent. 

He swallowed his saliva. On the bedside table was the only familiar thing—his phone.


When he turned on his phone, the unread messages almost burst forth from his screen. He took a deep breath and bravely opened them. He found that his manager, Hong-jie, and several assistants had called him more than a dozen times.

Looking at the time again. It was already nine o’clock in the morning.

He had a shoot this afternoon…


He quickly turned over and got out of bed. His shoes had been arranged by the bed, and his coat had been folded and laid on the bed. Lin Xizhou was stunned for a moment, then he put on his shoes, put on his coat, and walked out of the room with gentle steps.

In the process of moving forward, the memory of last night slowly came to mind. God knew how much Lin Xizhou wished he was the type of person to not remember anything when he was drunk, but it was a pity that he remembered everything from yesterday clearly.

Including how he was half-supported and half-carried upstairs by Ji Beiling. He patted Ji Beiling’s face and declared grandly about donating the older boy another five hundred thousand…The most important thing was the kiss that seemed to still linger on his lips…

He went downstairs in a trance. At the corner, he saw a row of people sitting on the sofa in the living room. 

Opposite the five figures in BLK uniforms was a woman wearing a professional two-piece suit. She sat gracefully on the sofa, drinking tea.

The one who made tea quietly and naturally was—Ji Beiling.

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Lin Xizhou banged his head against the wall once—


He wasn’t dreaming.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If grading this in degrees of terror, the scene at the moment would be scaled to ‘apocalypse’ level. His manager, Hong-jie, actually came to the BLK gaming house in person. In this leisurely morning tea setting, the man who was equivalent to Hong-jie in the picture was Ji Beiling.

Olc Wlhtbe gfjiis kjcafv ab vlu j aeccfi ab frmjqf.

Qlat rtjgq fsfr, Lbcu-plf rjk Olc Wlhtbe, ktb tjv reoofglcu kglaafc jii bnfg tlr ojmf, rajcvlcu bc atf rajlgr. Vtf yifk atf afj lc atf afjmeq jcv j rcffg aklamtfv ja atf mbgcfg bo tfg wbeat. 

“Po sbe jgf eq, atfc mbwf vbkc. Qts jgf sbe ifaalcu atf ktbif kbgiv kjla obg sbe?”

Lin Xizhou almost slipped and rolled down the stairs.


He took quick steps to Hong-jie’s side and greeted her with his bed hair like a good child.

“Good morning, Hong-jie.” 

She put down her teacup, stood up with her bag, nodded at him with a rather uplifting manner, and then looked at Ji Beiling.

“Since Xizhou is awake, we’ll take our leave. Thank you all for the hospitality.”

The other four of BLK, who were not worth mentioning, huddled together.

Lin Xizhou turned around and saw that Ji Beiling had styled his appearance. His hair was combed back, which showed his forehead and sharp eyebrows, making him appear more handsome and energetic. 

The actor’s heart fangirled for two seconds on how handsome the other was. He waved his hand slightly towards Ji Beiling, mouthed a goodbye, and then hurried to keep up with Hong-jie.

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As soon as the manager and her little celebrity left the villa, Bighead released all the tension in his body and melted into the sofa.

“That was so terrifying…” He murmured. “Like those traditional parents separating their kid’s relationship with force…”

Little Dream nodded with sympathy. 

Ji Beiling turned back. Although he was very calm, his carefully styled appearance betrayed his inner tension. He picked up the teapot and put it on top of Bighead’s large skull.

“Are you trying to jinx my relationship? Huh?”

Bighead crawled away from the danger zone. “No, nope, absolutely not. You guys are a match made in heaven. A destined pair!”

Ji Beiling drank the tea and played with a fine white porcelain cup. “Talk with respect, understand?” 

Everyone said in unison, “Understood! Sir!”

Lin Xizhou sat in Hong-jie’s car. He didn’t even have the time to brush his teeth or wash his face. He felt that the air was full of condensed ice particles, which stabbed him all over unbearably.

Hong-jie glanced at him in the rearview mirror and spoke meaningfully.

“That’s the type you like?” 

“Ah???” Lin Xizhou was at a loss.

“Not bad.” Hong-jie said slowly, “Decent person as well.”


Lin Xizhou struggled, “He-he is my idol!”

“What kind of idol would give up his bed to a fan and sleep on the couch?” 

Lin Xizhou clutched the cushion awkwardly.

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She knew Lin Xizhou’s little habits like the back of her hand. “Don’t damage my cushion. How many cushions have you destroyed already?”

Lin Xizhou fell apart and retracted his hand into his sleeve—what’s wrong with this world? Why can’t he find comfort with a cushion!

She tapped on the steering wheel. “Pay more attention. Cause no more trouble for me. I won’t be informing your mother about this, solve it yourself. I won’t clean up your mess.” 

Lin Xizhou replied with “Yes, yes, okay”, but he was wailing in his heart—he didn’t even have the courage to accept the older boy’s confession. How could they skip steps and go straight to talking with his parents!?

Back in his apartment, he did his morning routines and went back to bed. He took out his phone and opened the Weibo app.

As soon as he changed to his side account, it was filled with news of BLK winning the final last night.

There was also an overwhelming ‘BaiZhou’ CP super-topic in the Weibo suggestion. 

His finger froze on the screen—the photoshopped picture with the big red blessing character over a wreath was so eye-catching that he couldn’t ignore it.

It was a side shot of him standing under the stage gazing up, and Ji Beiling returning that gaze from the stage.

Golden confetti fluttered everywhere. The man standing on the stage was handsome and charming with the gold trophy. Standing with the audience wearing a mask was someone with beautiful facial features that were filled with excitement and admiration.

The scarlet characters were pasted on this picture, and below were stamped the words ‘Fairytale Lovers’. 

Sorry for the disturbance.

Lin Xizhou was in a trance.

He clicked on it. He didn’t know when this CP super-topic gained thousands of fans. It seemed very active. There were even fanarts and various RPF.

From a big fan: [The final’s award ceremony of the spring competition was the wedding ceremony for BaiZhou, the emperor and empress. On this night, we have evidence that BaiZhou exists. The people of BaiZhou have conviction. We cheer, we shout, and we loudly announce these words to the sky—BaiZhou is real!!!] 

At this time, he received Ji Beiling’s WeChat message.

This man had a rather persistent spirit.

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Northland: [You haven’t answered the question that I asked you yesterday.]

Lin Xizhou blushed. He opened his phone photo album to send a meme of Liu Xing depressedly entering the cabinet, but he accidentally clicked on the picture next to it. 

The picture he sent out was saved by him just a moment ago due to a strange urge. It was a photoshopped photo of him and Ji Beiling with the words “They really deserve each other” pasted below.

Lin Xizhou screamed out loud. Before he could recall the message, Ji Beiling on the other side already replied.

It was also a picture.

A photoshopped picture of himself and Ji Beiling. 

The difference was this time, the word below was ‘locked’ and accompanied by a large, glistening yellow lock.

Lin Xizhou blinked slowly.


North God, was also…one of the BaiZhou fans?

The real Custard Cream Pineapple Bun has something to say:

Ji Beiling: I’m level eleven in this super topic. How about you?

Translator has something to add: 

Teo: Well, I accidentally published this chapter two hours before schedule because I stupidly pressed ‘enter’ while searching the novel’s name (lesson learned). Because 27 is not release yet, I put this in draft until once I’m sure chapter 27 is release. Might as well release this one as well. Sorry for the folks that got double ping on discord. Happy reading!

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