To say that Lin Xizhou had never thought of adding North God on WeChat was untrue. 

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Just like every small fan who had the desire to explore their idol’s private life, Lin Xizhou once dreamed of becoming one of Ji Beiling’s buddies—to be able to duo and play LOL at night, and to tease each other with Moments. 



However, as dawn arrived, it was time to awaken from his pleasant dream. 

Although the entertainment industry was not far off from the esports circle, Ji Beiling was one of the exceptions—someone that was never sociable like a performer, and only focused on playing games. Some celebrities would team up with esports players, but those esports players were ones without many achievements. True esports players only had gaming on their minds and wouldn’t even consider livestreaming.  

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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Lin Xizhou thought that if one day, he could stop sticking to his young master persona in the entertainment industry, he would definitely use his main WeChat account which had tens of millions of followers to confess his admiration toward Ji Beiling, and ask to be carried in a game. 


Dea Lbcu-plf kbeiv vfolclafis teca tlw vbkc ab atf fcvr bo atf fjgat klat j afc-wfafg wjmtfaf ecali tf rjlv ojgfkfii ab tlr ujwf-ibnlcu rfio. 

Lbkfnfg, Ol Wlhtbe kbeiv cfnfg tjnf fzqfmafv atja tlr vgfjw bo jvvlcu tlr lvbi lc QfJtja kbeiv jmaejiis mbwf agef. 

Ccv la kjr Al Dflilcu ktb jmaejiis abbx atf lclaljalnf ab jvv tlw—


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Friendship request note: [This is Ji Beiling.]

Pressing ‘accept’ with trembling hands, Lin Xizhou stared at the account, whose profile picture was blank, followed by the name on the right: Northland. He clicked on the name to see:

[Northland is typing…]

Northland: [Donations are shared between the streamer and the platform. I need to contact the platform’s finance team to refund you. I’m not sure how long it’ll take. Give me your account information and I’ll refund you directly.] 

Lin Xizhou gulped. 

He really wanted to reply [there’s no need for a refund], as the money on the card was originally saved as a gift for North God anyway. For the money to be deposited into Ji Beiling’s WeChat—it was so worth it…

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Then, after a ten-second pause, Northland sent a new string of messages. 

Northland: [Sorry for being intrusive, but I scrolled through your Moments.] 

Northland: [If you’re only in junior high, save your money for something more meaningful.]

Northland: [There are many other things worth experiencing in life. Don’t waste money on my livestream.]


Lin Xizhou was very puzzled. What was North God talking about? What junior high school? 

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He checked his Moments. The roasted sausages sold at the school gate, the rant about trigonometric functions, and a junior high literature textbook covered in doodles…

It seemed that he forgot to hide his Moments…


Moreover, on his profile card, the female icon was mocking him. 

Lin Xizhou originally thought that the first conversation between him and Ji Beiling would be exchanging game knowledge or even chatting like buddies. Why would it start as Ji Beiling, giving him a life education lesson? 

Was it because…North God probably assumed the person who gave him five hundred thousand yuan was a junior high girl?

This time, not only was Lin Xizhou completely disheartened, but he also wanted to drag his big-mouthed younger sister down to hell with him.

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