Hearing this, Lin Xizhou was ashamed to death.

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The scene of eavesdropping on others and being caught red-handed was really embarrassing—the most important thing was, how did Ji Beiling find out? Did Ji Beiling have eyes on the back of his head??



Lin Xizhou covered his face by slowly closing the curtains.

One step back, two steps back… 

Just as he was about to make a silent escape, the curtain was gently and skillfully opened, revealing Ji Beiling’s handsome face.


The manager beside him waved with self-knowledge. “It’s alright, it is about time for me to leave anyway. Bye!”

With that, he twisted his slightly chubby body and slipped past Lin Xizhou flexibly.

Lin Xizhou and Ji Beiling looked at each other. He coughed and handed his gift to Ji Beiling.


“I wanted to surprise you.”

Ji Beiling took the gift, opened it, and glanced at Lin Xizhou with a smile.

“I’m quite surprised.”

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A low-key luxury watch with a cobalt blue dial and a constellation that was decorated in diamonds lay in the gorgeous box. It was the high-end line of a watch brand newly endorsed by Lin Xizhou. 

Ji Beiling picked up the watch, smoothly put it on his wrist and waved toward Lin Xizhou.

“It looks great.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lin Xizhou blushed and tugged on the curtains that were behind him. “It’s good that you like it.”

Al Dflilcu vlv cba qblca bea Olc Wlhtbe’r ilaaif wbnfwfca. 

Ktf sbecu wjc rabbv lc ogbca bo tlw, vgfrrfv lc j ktlaf K-rtlga. Ktf iluta atgbeut atf megajlc ogjwfv bcf rlvf bo atf afcvfg ojmf. Ktfgf kfgf olcf, iluta rqbar lc tlr fsf, jcv atf vfilmjaf fsfijrtfr agfwyifv rilutais.

Whether it was the younger man’s thin shoulders, white and slender wrists, or the mole on the pink, pouting lips, they were all beautiful.

Ji Beiling felt some shadows caused by his diagnosis were cleared away by Lin Xizhou’s startled and happy eyes, which were gazing at him.

He rubbed the wrist strap of the watch, and a faint sweet stream gushed out of his heart. 

Sometimes he’d wondered why he fell for Lin Xizhou. But later, he found that there was no reason needed. It was hard to meet the few people who were destined to be brought together by fate in one’s lifetime, which meant some people were born to be naturally compatible.

For example, when Lin Xizhou sent him the short video for the first time, that simple video made him smile. The gentle, harmless, and lovely temperament was absolutely one in a million.


How could he not be excited when he happened to meet that one in a million?

He went forward and caressed the younger man’s head. 

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Just like the fluffy and docile feeling in a distant memory, just like a blanket made from the warm and comfortable sun at nightfall.

It was like some kind of little animal rubbing gently on his palm.

“C’mon, I’ll take you to get some ice cream.” Ji Beiling pinched Lin Xizhou’s soft cheek.

The perfect face dubbed as ‘must be insured for one billion’ by his fans was ravaged by Ji Beiling’s hands. Lin Xizhou’s nose twitched as he touched his face. There was still the residual heat from Ji Beiling’s fingers on it. 

The temperature in the middle of June in B City had begun to go up. The cicadas’ chirping came from one of the trees, which indicated the start of summer.

Ji Beiling drove Lin Xizhou to the best dessert shop in the area.

The dessert shop was a corner shop in the neighbourhood. There was a carefully managed small garden, like a forgotten hole in the wall in a city.

Few people knew about this store. Generally, only residents around this district would visit the dessert store. But Lin Xizhou still wore a mask and hat for precaution. 

Ji Beiling walked in front of him, opened the store’s door, thoughtfully held the door and turned sideways to let Lin Xizhou enter first.

Lin Xizhou went in and surveyed the decorations in the store. It was refreshing and lovely, with few customers. The space between seats was also designed very generously, just enough to provide each customer privacy.

Ji Beiling seemed to be a regular as he went to get the menu, while Lin Xizhou found them a table. He sat down at an empty one, took out his phone and started taking selfies.

After a few selfies, Lin Xizhou enlarged the photo to edit and suddenly noticed something was wrong. 

Why did he see a familiar figure between the leaves hanging from the corner?

When Ji Beiling returned with a menu, he saw Lin Xizhou stand up and glance around like a cautious squirrel.

He put down the menu on the table with a smile and lightly tapped on Lin Xizhou’s head.

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“What are you looking at?” 

Lin Xizhou frowned.

“It’s weird, I feel like I know someone here.”


Figuring out the direction based on the picture, he finally saw his target between the vines.

The beautiful lady, who looked very similar to him, was none other than Lin Xiting. 

“What’s the matter?” Ji Beiling raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xizhou left his seat and went that way—what was his sister doing here? Glutinous Rice’s high school entrance examination was over. It didn’t make sense for her to come here. Did she secretly meet up with a boyfriend for a date in such a remote place like this?

Ji Beiling, who was rarely ignored by his little fan, reluctantly followed Lin Xizhou’s pace.

Then he saw two familiar figures sitting in the booth seat not far behind them. 

Wearing a suspender vest and tight pants, was Lin Xiting, who was sitting indolently, and the other who sat upright cutting the cake…

Glutinous Rice.

What was the meaning of this???

An alarm bell immediately triggered in Lin Xizhou’s head. 

“Why are you two here?”

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He suddenly stood in front of their table and startled the two.

Especially Glutinous Rice, who had a knife in his hand, which he almost dropped from the fright.

Lin Xizhou narrowed his eyes at the boy. 

At first glance, he had specially dressed up for the occasion. His hair and eyebrows appeared to be trimmed as if putting on airs, and he also deliberately used black stud earrings, like the school’s bully who could rally the whole school up.

His ‘brother sensor’ immediately reached its peak.

While Lin Xiting was unable to give a convincing explanation as self-defence—Glutinous Rice scored really well and treated her for lunch. She couldn’t just reject his goodwill, could she? She looked awkwardly at her brother and Ji Beiling, with his hands in his pocket standing behind him. She hadn’t sorted out her current situation, but mysteriously, she felt like…

The atmosphere between her brother and Ji Beiling… 

Er, it was really eye-watering.

Li Nuoming, or Glutinous Rice, was stared at by Lin Xizhou’s death glare. So he glanced at Ji Beiling, his team captain, for an SOS.


Northland returned the look to his helpless successor with hard-hearted eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders. 

There was nothing he could do. It was inevitable for the little kid to face these storms himself.

Why blame him when the person standing in front of Li Nuoming was not only his future brother-in-law but also his sister-in-law…

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