Prologue – Simply looking back

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Author’s Note:
This is the start of part 2.
I wrote it already in the title. This would be a continuation of the book version, so please note that there are several differences to the original web version.

The main changes are mainly the addition of a new heroine Kathy, some changes that led to the inclusion of Aria as one of the heroines, and lastly, Shiro and the dark goddess who were previously antagonistic have been converted into friends.

We will post from time to time as much as possible so please bear with us.


My name is [Wazu].
A black-haired, normal looking male, I guess?

That me, after a certain opportunity, decided to travel around the continent.
The reason being my childhood friend Aria who was appointed as a saint from a young age, embarked on a journey with the Hero to defeat the demon king. But upon their return from defeating the demon king, the two announced their engagement.

But I was told by Aria, who reunited with me some time later, about what happened afterward.
Anyways, after Aria departed, I tried to follow her. When I caught up with her at the capital during the Hero’s party return, the Hero, noticing me among the crowds, attempted to kiss Aria out of jealousy. But Aria pushed him away before he could.
As it turns out, I already ran away, unfortunately missing that scene.
…..when I found out about this, I felt somewhat sorry for myself.

By the time I finished travelling around the continent, I’ve gathered a sizeable number of companions, such as [The Little Dragon Meru], [The Elf Salona], [The Kind Onee-san Tata], [The Twin Princesses Naminissa and Narellina], [Half-dwarf Knight Kathy], [The Hero Haosui], [Little Sister Kagane], [Beastfolk Girl Mao] and [The Childhood Friend Aria]. Then the story was concluded with me fighting the Evil God.

And the one who was at fault for that kind of conclusion was the ever-smiling, slicked back light blue haired [Butler Floyd].
But, if Floyd, being the Creator God he is, didn’t create the Evil God, I would not have ended up fighting. So let’s just chalk it up as mostly his fault.

In the battle against the Evil God, I received help not only from the [Goddess of Light], but also the [Goddess of Earth], [Goddess of Battle], [Goddess of Sea] and the [Goddess of Sky]. In the end, I somehow managed to defeat the Evil God.

There were also other people who helped.
At first cooperating with the Evil God, was the beautiful silver haired Shiro who did so out of worries for his family.
Reconciling with Shiro after battling him, he also helped me in the Evil God fight.
As of now, Shiro was travelling around the world with the beautiful raven haired [Dark Goddess], in a journey of atonement.

I have also changed myself.
In a pinch, by eating the Evil God aura as my last hope, I became the [Chaotic God Race]
It’s a race produced by combining the knowledge of God, the power of the Evil God and the possibilities of humankind. For the time being, I’m still mostly [human] but I can freely swap between complete [God], or complete [Evil God] or the in-between [Chaotic God].

And then, after somehow defeating the Evil God, together with my wives, we spend our leisure time atop the towering mountain at the center of the continent: the residence of my best friend [Dragon King Ragnir].

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After the Evil God is gone, it can be said that the world has become peaceful.
Some time had passed since then, but the damage inflicted by the monsters that overflowed throughout the continent when the Evil God was released still remained.
Floyd travelled alongside me and my wives around the continent, helping with the reconstruction.
Of course, Shiro and the Dark Goddess too.

By the way, as we travelled around, I took the chance to properly introduce the Goddesses to my wives.
At first, they’re like gauging each other. As I wondered what I should do about it, I decided to take Floyd’s suggestion.
The best way to understand each other is through fighting.
I hadn’t even said what kind of fight it would be, but my wives and the goddesses were already too eager about it.
For the time being, so as not to affect the surroundings, Floyd used his God of Creation powers to raise an island out from the sea. Shiro, Floyd and myself would keep watch from a distance just to be safe.
Well, it ended up really well actually.

Now, my wives and the Goddesses get along well with each other. Once the reconstruction is over, we returned to Ragnir’s castle and spent our time in leisurely.
Even so, the noisy days still remain the same.
Floyd, the original cause of one of my greatest problems, still brought forth even more problems from time to time.

Just that this time, the problem was caused by me.
It’s about the fish monsters and the cat monsters.
These two kinds of monster had formed a huge clan and sought to challenge me.
Of course, fighting them off was easy.
However, it’s not like I could kill them off all at once.
I didn’t sense any evil from any of these monsters, so I kept them all alive.
In any case, their sole target was me so I just decided to play along to kill some time.
Well, if they even tried to target others, make no mistake, I’ll crush them all immediately.
By the way, those fish monsters kept getting stronger in each of our encounters.
Don’t tell me that this is the rise of the new master of this mountain?
A generation change?
When I told Ragnir that he might end up unable to keep up, he became raring to go after them himself.
And the days passed just like that.

Speaking of which, I kept saying ‘my wives’, but I never mentioned about our wedding at all.
When I proposed to all of them that day, everyone responded with a smile.
To celebrate our wedding, I asked Ragnir’s wife Mel and his mother in-law Megiru-san for some assistance, which they happily obliged.
The same applies to Shiro and the Dark Goddess.

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Because all of the girls’ relatives would be invited, we’re going to need a very wide place. Ragnir’s castle suit the bill really well so I decided to hold the wedding there.
Various preparations such as decorating and preparing seats needed to be done, but it was over in a jiffy thanks to everyone’s help.
With the invitations sent, once we received a positive response, we’d use [Transition] magic to instantly transport them here.
Also, the groom outfit had already been finished, so what’s left is just waiting for the bridal gowns for the brides to be finished. A week remains until the appointed wedding day.


[Hey, it’d be better if I also help, wouldn’t it?]

I asked Floyd who was sitting on the side.
At the moment, Floyd, Shiro, the Dark Goddess and I were having lunch just outside of Ragnir’s castle.

[Wazu-sama. Every female’s greatest ambition is to sew their very own bridal gown with their own hands. Certainly, with Wazu-sama’s DEX, you can produce an exquisite gown by yourself. But that does not necessarily mean it will suit your soon-to-be wives]

Right. As Floyd said, my soon-to-be wives are sewing the bridal gown that they would use on the wedding day on their own.
It’s just that, there are only 7 days left until the wedding day.
Everyone of them said that they’ll make it in time, but I just couldn’t help but be worried….

[…….now that I think about it again, isn’t it actually weirder to hear Floyd say something that made sense?]

[Wazu-sama. Am I not always making sense most of the time?]

Where and when did you? I had the urge to ask him about that.
No, for Floyd, that would just be a normal occurrence.

[But, I concur that this time Floyd is telling the truth.]

[Right. If they want to do it by their own hands, you should just let them be. Should they need some help, then they would ask for it on their own accord.]

Shiro and Dark Goddess-san seemed to be agreeing as well.
Well, I’ll do just that then.
As the Dark Goddess said, I can always lend a hand if they ask for help.

[…..but why didn’t the Dark Goddess help out? Aren’t the other Goddesses helping out too?]

The Goddesses, who can manifest themselves with their own power now, are now helping my soon-to-be wives sewing their bridal gown.
So I asked why she is here instead.
When I said so, Dark Goddess’ face turned sour.

[Didn’t you give it some thought first? …..if I were there, they would’ve been too busy fighting me to give any help.]

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After saying so, Dark Goddess sipped the wine from her glass.
I can certainly imagine that happening if she did.
My soon-to-be wives have a moderate to good relationship with the Dark Goddess like they do with the other goddesses.
However, that’s not the case with the Goddesses of Light and the Dark Goddess. They would’ve fought on the spot should they meet with each other.
Therefore, it’s been decided that I should play the peacekeeper role.
Well, in my eyes, their fights is like a fight between close friends though.

[…….speaking of which, when will you and Shiro marry?]

[U~n, I don’t think it’s the right time yet. Our atonement is far from over, and we’re happy just by being together now.]

[As Shiro said. Originally, our life was supposed to end after our battle against you. Now, I’m just happy to be with Shiro. …although, after seeing your wedding, there is indeed some sense of longing.]

At the same time, Dark Goddess turned to Shiro.
Since Shiro was not wholly against it either, she smiled happily.
Okay okay. Good luck to you two.
…..I just want to relax with my soon-to-be wives.
As I started imagined myself doing just that, Floyd called me out.

[By the way, Wazu-sama, what are you going to do today?]

[Now that you mentioned it… I’m done with whatever I need to do for the preparation, and my soon-to-be wives are busy sewing their bridal gown with the goddesses. Ragnir said that he’d need to go somewhere to prepare for the food and entertainment for the wedding party… to be honest, I couldn’t really come up with anything to do at the moment.]

[I see… then I surmise, you are seeking to kill some time?]

Before Floyd finished speaking, a brilliant magic diagram suddenly appeared on the ground,
At the center of that diagram was Floyd.

[………Ee? What is this?]

[What is it? Something interesting is about to happen!]

[What in the world is thi…]

As I, Shiro, and Dark Goddess stepped out of the magic diagram, Floyd simply [Hmm…] and stayed there.

[Floyd, what is going on?]

The magic diagram continued to grow brighter even as I asked.

[…..apparently this is the God from another world is asking for my assistance. Their world seems to be in a dire situation.]

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Whilst saying so, Floyd approached me.
And as he did, I backed away.

[….I just want to know one thing, why are you approaching me?]

[Wazu-sama. My power as a God is measly. You know full well about that, do you not?]

[Well, yeah. But why does that have anything to do with me?]

[With such a weak power, I could not possibly hope to save another world.]

[Nope, I think you’ll do just fine as is?]

[It makes me happy that Wazu-sama gave me such an evaluation, but their situation is something well beyond my capability to solve. And in the first place, as a lord and butler, our fate has always been bound together.]

[That kind of fate should be severed!]


Floyd jumped at me all of a sudden.
However, I was too naive.
With my current status, that kind of move would be easy to dodge.
But I simply couldn’t.
Right when I was about to dodge, both Shiro and Dark Goddess held both of my hands to keep me in place for a moment.
Bastards! To think you two will betray me!
For Floyd, a moment was more than enough.
He caught me on the shoulders.

[Now, it is time for Wazu-sama to make a name in another world]

[Nope, I’m fine as it is!]

[It’s getting interesting~!]

[Consider this as killing some time before your wedding day.]

Why you! Wait!
Before I could scream my protest, the magic diagram shone its brightest, engulfing all of us with its light.

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